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Jasmine Estelle

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Jasmine Estelle
Origin Flag-gallia.png Gallia
Affiliation Legion of the Damned
Rank Bandit
Born Unknown



Jasmine was first located by a wing of Gallic Royal Navy fighters, floating along a patrol path near Luneville Guard Station. She was locked in an escape pod, low on life support. The escape pod model was that of a Lynx GRN fighter. Upon being discovered by the patrol, Jasmine was drawn into a cargo bay for inspection...but for reasons unknown to anyone but herself, she was locked in the escape pod again, and scheduled for execution. As the fighters made their way back to Luneville, where Jasmine was to be imprisoned and killed, they encountered a wing of Council strike craft. The Royal fighters were caught by surprise, destroyed before they could respond to the new threat, and Jasmine's pod was retrieved and brought to Marne.


When Jasmine awoke in her room on Marne, she had no memories past her name, and how to pilot a ship. Her past was blurred, and all she had to rely on was her instinct. Her quarters had been restricted to only four people, the team that had been keeping her alive from her wounds and lack of oxygen onboard the escape pod (Which is believed to have caused her 'amnesia'). While on Marne, she was given an Agama and asked to fly as a recruit for the council- a request she accepted whole-heartedly. However, after a few failed missions, she encountered those who would pull her out of her new-found life with the council, short as it was.

Legion Des Damnes

Upon launching from Marne, disheartened by her failed missions, Jasmine encountered two craft flown under the identification of the Legion of the Damned, Namely "Vulpe" and Lord Etien himself. Jasmine had, at first, only asked for directions to the Gallic Brigands, who she saw as her best chance for survival at that point, though, as the conversation progressed, it turned into more of an 'interview' of sorts, ending in one test- following Etien into the nearby sun. He commented "Faithful enough to follow into a sun...And yet smart enough to stop at the corona." After such a test, Jasmine was taken to Epernay, now flying under the flag of the Legion. With the change in leadership to Lord Enzo Du Sable, Jasmine felt conflicted about her loyalties. However she believes she must be loyal to the Legion, whoever leads it at any point in time.

Family Ties

Unknown to Jasmine, she is one of three sisters, Her, Cassandra and Eloise. The fact was only discovered when Christopher Dangen located one of her sisters, though the meetings between them came at great harm to all of them- first with Jasmine getting stabbed by an enraged Cassandra, and ending with both Cassandra's and Eloise's Exile from Gallia. The three now work together as part of the Legion, creating a strong and steadfast team with near-no weaknesses between them.

Appearance and Personality



Jasmine is rarely seen unarmed and unarmored. She wears a black cloak, a tinge of crimson in the cloth when shined on from a specific angle. The cloak hides most of her body figure, allowing her to conceal many different types of weapon without notice. Her helmet matches the cloak, a hard-yet-light metal that can deflect a bullet in a severe case. The glass that makes up the front of the helm is bulletproof and tinted, as to hide her face completely. Under the cloak is a black uniform, embroidered with a gold Gallic Cross on the sleeves and breast pocket. The clothing is a scapegoat, containing plates of the same metal as the helmet, protecting Jasmine while still allowing her to move freely. Jasmine herself is a mystery- nobody has seen her without her cloak and helmet, apart from the Council who brought her back to health on Marne, and one other person. She hides her identity at all costs- usually with use of force. She has a set of electronically balanced throwing knives as well as a semi/automatic pistol.


Jasmine has long forgone her cloak and helm, now chosing a strange modification of a pilot's suit. She and her sisters appear much the same- Long black hair to the waist, and fair complexion. But while Eloise bears piercing eyes, and Cassandra's are sky blue, Jasmine bears eyes of red, a strange color that doesn't seem naturally possible. Jasmine is never seen in anything else than the stark white pilot's suit, modified with multiple straps and cables similar to that of a straightjacket. Her sisters, however, have a large wardrobe ranging from dresses to proper work clothes. All three seem absolutely scar-free, except for Jasmine, bearing a knife wound below the left lung.



Jasmine has a calm personality, yet she suffers from frequent insomnia and nightmares. This can make her seem distant or incomprehensible at times. She enjoys quiet, yet public areas, places she can simply sit and observe without too much interference. She is not one to speak her thoughts, keeping them to herself unless absolutely necessary.


When she and her sisters were reunited, the three suffered a strange change to their behaviours. Nobody can pinpoint the exact cause, but the three have taken on the strange habit of speaking in turns, or in unison, and are never seen speaking directly to one another except in space. Some believe this to be related to eye contact, but still cannot find a significant reason. All three are advanced engineers, dedicated to their work like nothing else. Jasmine has taken on a more commanding personality, and doesn't explain her actions or motives, instead working on a principle of "I'll explain it when I can make it work."


Legion Des Damnes

Her comrades and, in some cases, friends. These people have saved her some time in the past, and she has an incredible amount of faith in Lord Enzo and those he commands. Lately she has been distant from most of the other brigands, secluded in her hideaway in Hangar 16, with her sisters.

Underlord Vulpe Felanis

A fellow legionnaire, she has a soft spot and almost empathy for Vulpe, which changed to blind loyalty when he became underlord. She trusts him as a friend and as a commander, her loyalty to him seeming almost unhealthy sometimes.

Christopher Dangen

After meeting this strange character near Reunion, she has been contacted by him several times, even once spending a night on the 'Seraphim'. He is the first one to have ever seen her face outside of the council medical team who tended to her. She has not seen him for some time, and worries about him regularly.


Her child. Her greatest creation, her crowning glory. Hex5 is an artificial intelligence created solely by the sisters, and Jasmine cares as much for it as if it were her biological child.