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Rheinland Military

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Revision as of 08:51, 15 September 2008 by Blodo (talk | contribs)
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Alignment {{{alignment}}}
Date of founding unknown
Founder(s) unknown
Current leader(s) Gottkanzler Niklaus Rheinhardt (commander-in-chief)
Base of operations Planet New Berlin, New Berlin
Primary role
Enforcement of the Gottkanzler's will
Secondary role
Protection of Rheinland and it's territories, last resort enforcement of Rheinland law

The Rheinwehr (known to non-Rheinlanders as the Rheinland Military) is the national armed forces of the Federal Republic of Rheinland.

Organisational Structure

Gottkanzler Niklaus Rheinhardt is the commander-in-chief of the Rheinwehr, which is led by the Oberkommando der Rheinwehr, in turn divided into the Kriegsmarine and the Rheinheer, led respectively by the Oberkommando der Nordrheinheer, the Oberkommando der Sudrheinheer, the Oberkommando der Nordkriegsmarine and Oberkommando der Sudkriegsmarine.

The ODNR and ODSR are both made up of 6 Generals and 1 Generalfeldmarshall, the latter commanding his respective part of the Rheinheer. Under the ODN exists the Schwarzelegion, an incredibly powerful fighting force that even rivals the Dai Kaigun in Kusari in their abilities, with rumours speaking of incredibly advanced and gigantic armoured vehicles capable of leveling entire city blocks. The ODS possesses a less powerful but still notable unit, the Kaiserheer, which is made of integrated technological remnants of the former Rheinland Empire of centuries past, which though generally less advanced possess some unique designs that rely upon now-rare minerals for utilization and maintain their power using an unknown method of solar generation.

The ODNK and ODSK are respectively made up of 7 Admirals and Grosseadmiral and Regie of Frankfurt Krieg, and 5 Admirals and Grosseadmiral Hiltraud Kaiser. Under both the ODNK and ODSK exists the Bureau der Marineintelligence, responsible for domestic security, research and development and anti-Nomadic operations.