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~Group Still Under Construction~
Basic information
The Orks that settled in the outer edges of Sirius in 818 A.S were once part of the formidable Ork species that began in the Cynelan Galaxy. Over millennium ago, the two hundred party of Orks dispatched from their home world to search for a new world to begin Ork looting and growth. They arrived at Omicron Kappa, a remote system in the depths of hostile Omicron space. Their large, space wreck of a ship that housed the company of Orks impacted the Planet Primus. Those Orks who survived, began to set out on the planets plane. They salvaged their space hulk for parts to survive on and managed to use their mechanical techniques to build together crude space ships. The Orks, had settled.
The Sirian Ork Space Boyz
The Green Menace - In the Begining
Before Sirius, before Sol, before mankind, the Orks were roaming the lands on the Cynelan Galaxy. No man had ever known of the Orks before 818 A.S. The Tribe "The Green Skins" was the first form of any Ork civilization. Before even this, Orks roamed in packs, killing each other and destroying the local area. The Green Skins brought the Orkoids together, it formed a community. It was not much of a community, with slavery, savage killings and brutal power hunger from many of the larger Orks, it was more of an organized and compacted version of what was before. As more tribes and clans began to merge, and the Ork population spread like a disease over the local planets and systems, it began to wage war with itself. Although they were of all the same species, they had no mercy for anyone not under their clans banner. The barbaric Orks, killed each other every day for nothing more than to feed their lust for war.
The Ork clan, "The Blood Skulls" became dominant over the hundred years of war. They were the first to have war-ready space ships and managed to conquer many smaller Ork clans with ease. However in time, their outer camps of many thousand of Orks fell one by one from a growing power of the "Bad Moons" Clan. Fearing a defeat, the Blood Skulls Warboss, Snikrot sent a prime Nob Ork and a party of 200 to set out in search of new Ork breading zones to help win his WAAAGH. The space hulk was due to reach a prime planet sector within a couple of years but the Nob in command, grew power hungry and wanted a clan of his own, to settle far off and later return to wage his own WAAAGH and rule the Ork world. The Nob Zagstruk Tharax, who was also the most powerful Ork on the hulk, made himself Warboss of the 200 Orks and hundred Orkoids. His plan was to settle on the unknown sector of Sirius, tens of years away from the Ork origin to build his own tribe to later go back. He knew he would not live to see it through but he, wanted to be legendary. And thus he would do anything to be.
Greenskin Kultur
Orks are a warlike, crude, and highly aggressive green-skinned alien race. They genetically engineered for combat and the smallest of the Ork race is larger than most humans. They are not the most intelligent creatures and their exact origin is not known. They know nothing of smart, aesthetically pleasing weapons and structures and instead build and field weapons that function and intimidate than look classy. Barbaric and incredibly violent, many Orks are not afraid to die in the face of a foe and end up being killed by their superiors if caught fleeing a fight. Fear is their most powerful weapon and they overwhelm and tear apart their enemy.
Ork civilization is hierarchical in the Extreme. These hierarchies are not determined by rank or birth, but by size and savagery. The largest Orks boss about their smaller brethren, who in tum bully the diminutive slave race known as the Gretchin into doing their bidding. The greenskin sub-races have a symbiotic relationship of sorts, with the smaller greenskins performing menial tasks for their Ork overseers In exchange for a measure of protection. The self-sustaining Ork society and ecology Is so robust that It can exist almost anywhere.
Orks excel in the field of war, on everything from personal to a galactic scale. It is conflict that governs their entire society, their technological advances, and even their individual growth. Prolonged periods of conflict lead to a proportional increase in the size and strength of an Ork, and greenskins who have fought in an active warzone for a few years tower over those who have been deprived of such stimulus.
Orks Instinctively obey those larger than themselves, provided they are a healthy shade of green - most Orks would rather die than bow to a non-greenskin's will. The rulers of Ork society are the largest and most powerful Orks of all, known as Warbosses or warlords. These monstrous killing machines can reach up to ten feet In height. Warbosses often rise to power through low cunning, as their abilities as a warrior are deemed more important than any real leadership qualities. A Warboss will hold dominion over all he surveys, and beat the living daylights out of anyone who says different. His decisions are enforced by a ruling caste of Orks known as Nobz, who are larger, richer and more aggressive than normal Orks. The bulk of the Ork horde is comprised of great mobs of infantry that call themselves Boyz.
In Ork society, teeth are used as a form of currency and are the entire basis of the Ork economy. They shed their "Teef" as they call them every few years. And no Ork can ever go long in dire poverty for long.
Their cross-breeding with fungi allows them to reproduce asexually, which explains the lack of Ork females. This reproductive process basically involves the dispersion of spores from a decomposing Ork corpse, such that killing an Ork literally creates more Orks, explaining why Orks are such a difficult enemy to combat and how, along with their extreme physical hardiness, they can very easily infiltrate and build up large populations virtually anywhere. The only known solution to this problem is to incinerate the entire area to destroy all Orks and Ork spores. Because Orks are so genetically similar to plants and fungi, their diets are extremely flexible - Orks can be used not only as meat, but also as yeast and phytochemical-containing fibrous plantlike sides.
The secret of the Ork's remarkable physiology is symbiosis. An Ork's body harbours the genetic traits of both animal and fungal life forms, and it is this plant-like nature that gives the Ork his remarkable constitution. The Ork's green colouration is due to an algae that flows through their blood, and also forms part of their digestive tract. This algae breaks down and repairs damaged tissue at an incredible rate, accounting in part for the Ork's extremely durable metabolism. An Ork's head can live on for some time even when completely severed from the body, and can even be transplanted to another body altogether before death sets in. The Ork reproduces by the dispersal of spores that settle and mature over time. An Ork's demise triggers a mass release of spores that can develop into dozens of cocoons. Though these cocoons may hatch Gretchin, or Just simple fungi depending on conditions, a good number will mature Into fully-grown Orks after a short gestation period. These spores are dispersed far and wide by the wind, which makes the eradication of the greenskin presence from a contaminated warzone, impossible to effect with anything short of the cleansing firestorm of Extermination.
When an Ork speaks, It's In a slow, gruff tone thick with saliva and guttural curses. His words are sparse, brutal and straight to the point. Orks have but one philosophy: might Is always right. They believe that the weak must suffer the rule of the strong.
The Orks
Boyz - are the most common form of Ork, they are for the meat grinder and make act a living shield to allow the more powerful Orks to deal their damage.
Kommandoz - Considered to be epitomy of Ork cunning, they work as units behind enemy lines in order to create havoc and confusion, they are more knowledgeable into Ork warfare.
'Ardboyz - heavily armoured Ork Boyz who wear 'Eavy Armour. In the Ork hierarchy, 'Ard Boyz tend to hold a position just below Nobs.
Nobz - The ruling class of the Ork race. Larger and more aggressive than other Orks they act a squad leaders or fight together in their own mobs. Nobz have access to the best equipment, weapons and armour and are often found fighting in groups with other similarly equippen Nobz.
Warboss - Leader of an Ork warband or tribe; he is always the biggest, strongest and most cunning Ork in any given grouping of such creatures, and gets the best armour, weapons, and equipment. A particularly powerful warboss is often known as a Warlord, though in practice they can take any title they choose.
The Ork space Boyz tend to use any vessel they can get their hands on. The bigger and more powerful, the better. They are currently trying to side with the Corsair humans for their own gain to get better equipment than what they salvaged from their space hulk. The Junkers are potentials for the Orks to abuse and gain what they want from them. This list is not currently correct. This is more or less, hopefully what we can get. Dealings and agreements between various groups will be done for this to be in effect.
Faction | Relationship | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Junkers |
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Outcasts |
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Corsairs |
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Zoners |
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Bounty Hunters |
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Order |
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Rest |
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Nomads |
Other Information
- NPC alignment: None
- ID: Junker
- IFF: Xeno
- Faction tag: Still Deciding