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Singapore Shipyard

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Revision as of 16:20, 1 March 2012 by Alex (talk | contribs)
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Singapore Shipyard
Bandar Seri Begawan class Shipyard
Image missing
IMG Guard
2B, Tau-44
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 4K

Singapore is currently the largest shipyard in Tau space and has served as the production centre for most of the Colonial Republic's military vessels. Wary of the advancing Royal Navy, the Colonial Republic's High Command drafted a series of plans that would come into effect if Tau-44 were to be invaded. Along with a mass evacuation of both people and materials, the IMG were given official control of Singapore shipyard. This ensured the stations future freedom from Gallic control.

Missions Offered

No missions offered here

Bribes Offered

