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Jump Gates

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Jump gates are man made portals, as opposed to naturally occurring jump holes, making travel from one system to another possible in Sirius.


Fighter initiated a jump to another system

Jump gates are usually located at the end of trade lanes. When a docking procedure is initiated the jump gate opens up and ship is then hurtled through the wormhole to another system. Ageira Technologies is the sole manufacturer of a jump gate technology and builds them as a sub-contractor for houses. Usually the control of the jump gates, as well as trade lanes, are then transferred to the house military forces that own the system. Jump gates defenses will shoot at any hostile ship that ventures too close to it.


In 130 A.S. a small drone leaping across the light years in the blink of an eye starts a new era in space travel. Jump gates are based on a Valhalla project technology.

See Also