The Maquis

From Discovery Wiki
(Redirected from The Council)
The Maquis
Fc maquis grp.png
Alignment Unlawful


Gallic Brigands, Blood Dragons


Gallic Authorities, Gallic Royalists, Gallic Corporations

The Maquis are terrorists dedicated to the complete eradication of Gallic nobility. Beginning as disillusioned offshoots from the Council, the Maquis quickly earned a vicious reputation conducting a series of assassinations and bombings in return for the Council's continued logistical and technological support. When the Second Gallic War drew to a close, however, the Maquis found themselves blindsided and outraged as the Council confederated Gallia, offering legitimacy to the royalist holdouts in Burgundy and pardoning most of the nobility. Refusing to bend to their former compatriots, the Maquis ignored calls to surrender, leading to the Massacre of Mazagran in late 826 AS. While now stripped of the logistical backing of the Council, popular support of the Maquis movement has boomed, especially among a growing anti-royalist population.

Ships used

Ship Class
Gecko Light Fighter
Tarvos Freighter
Gallic Blackmarket Transport Transport
Agama Heavy Fighter
Basilisk Bomber
Maquis Gunboat Gunboat
Maquis Destroyer Cruiser
Maquis Battlecruiser Battlecruiser

Bases owned

Base Owner System Region
Battleship Pamiers The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds
Vercors Outpost The Maquis Burgundy Gallia
Limoux Base The Maquis Languedoc Gallia
Sournia Repair Yards The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds
Brunoy Hideout The Maquis Ile-de-France Gallia
Eplessier Depot The Maquis Picardy Gallia
Sournia Logistical Drydock The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds
Sournia Warship Drydock The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds


Base Owner System Region
Battleship Pamiers The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds
Brunoy Hideout The Maquis Ile-de-France Gallia
Eplessier Depot The Maquis Picardy Gallia
Vercors Outpost The Maquis Burgundy Gallia
Davos Base Unioners Zurich Alsace Passage
Limoux Base The Maquis Languedoc Gallia
Islay Base Gaians Edinburgh Bretonia
Lodeve Space Port Freelancers Languedoc Gallia


View Reputation
ALG Waste Disposal
Gas Miners Guild
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Kusari Naval Forces
Kishiro Technologies
Kusari State Police
Synth Foods, Inc.
Rheinland Military
Imperial Shipping
Rheinland Federal Police
Samura Industries
Planetform, Inc.
Detachment 16
Ageira Technologies
Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing
Kusari Office of Intelligence
Border World Exports
Interspace Commerce
Daumann Heavy Construction
Deep Space Engineering
Gateway Shipping
Orbital Spa & Cruise
Gallic National Intelligence
Universal Shipping
EFL Oil & Machinery
Bounty Hunters Guild
Gallic Metal Service
Liberty Security Force
IDF Shipping
Liberty Navy
Gallic Royalists
Alaska Security Forces
Gallic Navy
Liberty Police, Inc.
Gallic Gendarmerie
Kruger Minerals
Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing
The Maquis
The Core


NOTE: Page generated on the 20/12/2024 at 17:48:56 UTC