Wage Shezard is one of the most know smuggler in liberty. In this job, popularity is not one of the best things. He already had a lot of problems with liberty's lawfull corporations.
In 819, a bounty of 500 000 credits was put on Wage's head but that didn't stopped him in his trafic. Wage made more than 100 millions of credits by selling contrebands. Some months latter, LSF declared him enemy of liberty House. That was an hard hit to Wage's buisness because he couldn't be seen liberty's space without being fired anymore... But quickly, Wage's relations with outcasts (and his tons of credits) allowed him to made himself a new identity and he can now continue his buisness in liberty, but LSF and bountyhunters are shearching for him and his life his now really in danger. But for him, it's a part of his job and profits are really high...
Individual Diplomacy