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Difference between revisions of "Template:Ship Infobox"

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(fix link to techcompat table)
(47 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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<noinclude>{{GuideNav}}<!--</noinclude>{{#if: {{{image|}}}||{{Stub|This page requires a Picture for the '''Ship'''. This is an automatically generated message that will disappear when an image is used.}}}}
<noinclude>{{Style Guide navigation}}<!--</noinclude>{{#if: {{{historical|}}} | {{#if: {{{version|}}} | {{Historical|{{{historical}}}|{{{version}}}}} | {{Historical|{{{historical}}}}}}}[[Category:Historical Ships]]}}{{#if: {{{image|}}}||{{Stub|This page requires a Picture for the '''Ship'''. This is an automatically generated message that will disappear when an image is used.}}}}
{| class="infobox bordered" style="float: right; margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 270px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px; border: 2px solid black;" cellpadding="3"
{| class="infobox bordered" style="float: right; margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 270px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px; border: 2px solid black;" cellpadding="3"
| colspan="2" class="infobox-name"|'''{{{name}}}'''
| colspan="2" class="infobox-name"|'''{{{name}}}'''
| colspan="2" style="padding: 0; text-align: center; padding: 5px 0px;"|{{#if: {{{image|}}}
| colspan="2" class="shipDisplay" style="padding: 0; text-align: center; padding: 5px 0px;"|{{#if: {{{image|}}}
| [[image:{{{image}}}|center|254px]]
| [[image:{{{image}}}|center|254px]]
| [[image:Noimage_test.jpg|center|254px]]
| [[image:Noimage_test.jpg|center|254px]]
Line 15: Line 15:
| VH_FIGHTER = [[Fighters#Very_Heavy_Fighters|Very Heavy Fighter]]
| VH_FIGHTER = [[Fighters#Very_Heavy_Fighters|Very Heavy Fighter]]
| SH_FIGHTER = [[Fighters#Very_Heavy_Fighters|Super Heavy Fighter]]
| SH_FIGHTER = [[Fighters#Very_Heavy_Fighters|Super Heavy Fighter]]
| SH_MINER = [[Fighters#Super_Heavy_Fighters|Super Heavy FIghter]][[Category: Mining Ships]]
| BOMBER = [[Bombers|Bomber]]
| BOMBER = [[Bombers|Bomber]]
| GUNSHIP = [[Gunboats and Gunships#Gunships|Gunship]]
| GUNSHIP = [[Gunship]]
| GUNBOAT = [[Gunboats and Gunships#Gunboats|Gunboat]]
| GUNBOAT = [[Gunboat]]
| CRUISER = [[Capital_Ships#Cruisers_and_Destroyers|Cruiser]]
| CRUISER = [[Capital_Ships#Cruiser-Class_Ships|Cruiser]]
| BATTLECRUISER = [[Capital_Ships#Battlecruisers_and_Light_Carriers|Battlecruiser]]
| BATTLECRUISER = [[Capital_Ships#Cruiser-Class_Ships|Battlecruiser]]
| LIGHTCARRIER = [[Capital_Ships#Battlecruisers_and_Light_Carriers|Light Carrier]]
| LIGHTCARRIER = [[Capital_Ships#Cruiser-Class_Ships|Light Carrier]]
| BATTLESHIP = [[Capital_Ships#Battleships.2C_Dreadnoughts.2C_and_Heavy_Carriers|Battleship]]
| BATTLESHIP = [[Capital_Ships#Battleships_and_Carriers|Battleship]]
| DREADNOUGHT = [[Capital_Ships#Battleships.2C_Dreadnoughts.2C_and_Heavy_Carriers|Dreadnought]]
| DREADNOUGHT = [[Capital_Ships#Battleships_and_Carriers|Dreadnought]]
| CARRIER= [[Capital_Ships#Battleships.2C_Dreadnoughts.2C_and_Heavy_Carriers|Carrier]]
| CARRIER= [[Capital_Ships#Battleships_and_Carriers|Carrier]]
| FREIGHTER = [[Freighters|Freighter]]
| FREIGHTER = [[Freighters|Freighter]]
| TRANSPORT = [[Transports|Transport]]
| TRANSPORT = [[Transports|Transport]]
| LINER = [[Liners|Liner]]
| LINER = [[Transports#Passenger_Liners|Liner]]
| #default = ''unknown''
| #default = ''unknown''
Line 32: Line 33:
|class="infobox-data-title" | '''Built by'''
|class="infobox-data-title" | '''Built by'''
|style="padding-right: 1em;" | {{#if: {{{shipowner|}}} | {{{shipowner}}} | ''unknown''}}
|style="padding-right: 1em;" | {{#if: {{{shipowner|}}} | {{{shipowner}}} | ''unknown''}}
{{#if: {{{techmix|}}} | {{!}}- title="What column on the Tech Mix chart this ship belongs to"
{{!}}class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''[ Tech Column]'''
{{!}}style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{techmix}}} | {{#if: {{{historical|}}} | | [[Category:Missing Tech Chart]]}}
| colspan="2" class="infobox-section" | Technical information
| colspan="2" class="infobox-section" | Technical information
Line 44: Line 49:
|style="padding-right: 1em;" | {{{maxwepclass|''unknown''}}}
|style="padding-right: 1em;" | {{{maxwepclass|''unknown''}}}
|class="infobox-data-title" | '''Additional equipment'''
|class="infobox-data-title" | '''Other equipment'''
|style="padding-right: 1em;" | {{#if: {{{torpedoes|}}}{{{btorpedoes|}}}{{{CD|}}}{{{CM|}}}{{{mines|}}}
|style="padding-right: 1em;" | {{#if: {{{torpedoes|}}}{{{btorpedoes|}}}{{{CD|}}}{{{CM|}}}{{{mines|}}}
| {{#if: {{{torpedoes|}}} | * {{{torpedoes}}}x[[Cruise Disruptors|CD]]/[[Torpedoes|T]] }}{{#if: {{{btorpedoes|}}} | * {{{btorpedoes}}}x[[Cruise Disruptors|CD]]/[[Bomber Torpedoes|HT]] }}{{#if: {{{CD|}}} | * {{{CD}}}x[[Cruise Disruptors|CD]] }}{{#if: {{{CM|}}} | * {{{CM}}}x[[Countermeasures|CM]] }}{{#if: {{{mines|}}} | * {{{mines}}}x[[Mines|M]] }}
| {{#if: {{{torpedoes|}}} | * {{{torpedoes}}}x[[Cruise Disruptors|CD]]/[[Torpedoes|T]] }}{{#if: {{{btorpedoes|}}} | * {{{btorpedoes}}}x[[Cruise Disruptors|CD]]/[[Bomber Torpedoes|HT]] }}{{#if: {{{torpedoes_nocd|}}} | * {{{torpedoes_nocd}}}x[[Torpedoes|T]] }}{{#if: {{{CD|}}} | * {{{CD}}}x[[Cruise Disruptors|CD]] }}{{#if: {{{CM|}}} | * {{{CM}}}x[[Countermeasures|CM]] }}{{#if: {{{mines|}}} | * {{{mines}}}x[[Mines|M]] }}
| ''None''
| ''None''
Line 75: Line 80:
| {{formatnum:{{{maxspeed}}}}} m/s
| {{formatnum:{{{maxspeed}}}}} m/s
| ''unknown''
| ''unknown''
{{#if: {{{maxturn|}}} | {{!}}- title="Maximum turning speed in degrees per second"
{{!}}class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Max. turn speed'''
{{!}}style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{formatnum:{{{maxturn}}}}} deg/s | {{#if: {{{historical|}}} | | [[Category: Missing Turn Speed]]}}
{{#if: {{{maxturntimeDISABLED|}}} | {{!}}- title="Time in milliseconds to accelerate from 0deg/s to the maximum turn speed"
{{!}}class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Time to max. turn speed'''
{{!}}style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{formatnum:{{{maxturntime}}}}} ms
|- title="Maximum speed of this ship on thrusters"
|- title="Maximum speed of this ship on thrusters"
Line 86: Line 99:
|style="padding-right: 1em;" | {{#if: {{{maxcruise|}}}
|style="padding-right: 1em;" | {{#if: {{{maxcruise|}}}
| {{formatnum:{{{maxcruise}}}}} m/s
| {{formatnum:{{{maxcruise}}}}} m/s
| <span style="color: #990000; font-style: italic;">Cruise not available</span>
| {{#switch: {{{shipclass}}}
| L_FIGHTER = 400 m/s
| LINER = 350 m/s
| #default = ''unknown''
|- title="Maximum reactor energy storage (capacitance)"
|- title="Maximum reactor energy storage (capacitance)"
|class="infobox-data-title" | '''Power output'''
|class="infobox-data-title" | '''Power output'''
Line 99: Line 130:
| {{formatnum:{{{recharge}}}}} u/s
| {{formatnum:{{{recharge}}}}} u/s
| ''unknown''
| ''unknown''
}}{{#if: {{{basic_lf|}}}{{{basic_hf|}}}{{{basic_vhf|}}}{{{adv_lf|}}}{{{adv_hf|}}}{{{adv_vhf|}}}{{{bomber|}}}{{{faction|}}} | <nowiki />
}}{{#if: {{{specialslot|}}} | <br />
{{!}}- title="Number of slots for Docking Bays"
{{!}}class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Hyperspatial Modules'''
{{!}}style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{formatnum:{{{specialslot}}}}} {{#ifeq: {{{specialslot}}} | 1 | Hyperspatial Module | Hyperspatial Modules}}
}}{{#if: {{{dockbays|}}} | <br />
{{!}}- title="Number of slots for Docking Bays"
{{!}}class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Docking Bays'''
{{!}}style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{#expr: {{{dockbays|0}}}+{{{hangars|0}}}}} {{#ifeq: {{#expr: {{{dockbays|0}}}+{{{hangars|0}}}}} | 1 | Docking Bay | Docking Bays}}
}}{{#ifeq: {{{hangars|}}} | DISABLED | <br />
{{!}}- title="Number of slots for Docking Bays"
{{!}}class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Ship Hangars'''
{{!}}style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{hangars}}} {{#ifeq: {{{hangars}}} | 1 | Ship Hangar | Ship Hangars}}
}}{{#if: {{{basic_lf|}}}{{{basic_hf|}}}{{{basic_vhf|}}}{{{adv_lf|}}}{{{adv_hf|}}}{{{adv_vhf|}}}{{{bomber|}}}{{{basic_freighter|}}}{{{adv_freighter|}}}{{{faction|}}} | <nowiki />
{{!}} colspan="2" class="infobox-section" {{!}} Variants
{{!}} colspan="2" class="infobox-section" {{!}} Variants
Line 114: Line 157:
{{!}} class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Heavy Fighter'''
{{!}} class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Heavy Fighter'''
{{!}} style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{basic_hf|}}}
{{!}} style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{basic_hf|}}}
}}{{#if: {{{basic_hf_1|}}} | <nowiki />
{{!}} class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Basic Heavy Fighter'''
{{!}} style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{basic_hf_1|}}}
}}{{#if: {{{basic_hf_2|}}} | <nowiki />
{{!}} class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Basic Heavy Fighter'''
{{!}} style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{basic_hf_2|}}}
}}{{#if: {{{adv_hf|}}} | <nowiki />
}}{{#if: {{{adv_hf|}}} | <nowiki />
Line 124: Line 175:
}}{{#if: {{{adv_vhf|}}} | <nowiki />
}}{{#if: {{{adv_vhf|}}} | <nowiki />
{{!}} class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Adv. Very Heavy Fighter'''
{{!}} class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Adv. V. Heavy Fighter'''
{{!}} style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{adv_vhf|}}}
{{!}} style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{adv_vhf|}}}
}}{{#if: {{{bomber|}}} | <nowiki />
}}{{#if: {{{bomber|}}} | <nowiki />
Line 130: Line 181:
{{!}} class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Bomber'''
{{!}} class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Bomber'''
{{!}} style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{bomber|}}}
{{!}} style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{bomber|}}}
}}{{#if: {{{basic_freighter|}}} | <nowiki />
{{!}} class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Freighter'''
{{!}} style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{basic_freighter|}}}
}}{{#if: {{{adv_freighter|}}} | <nowiki />
{{!}} class="infobox-data-title" {{!}} '''Adv. Freighter'''
{{!}} style="padding-right: 1em;" {{!}} {{{adv_freighter|}}}
Line 144: Line 203:
| ${{formatnum:{{{fullcost}}}}}
| ${{formatnum:{{{fullcost}}}}}
| ''unknown''
| ''unknown''
}}{{#switch: {{{toc|}}}
| yes =
| included =
| no
| #default = __NOTOC__
{{#if: {{{nocategory|}}} | |  
{{#switch: {{{shipclass}}}
[[Category:{{#switch: {{{shipclass}}}
| L_FIGHTER = [[Category:Light Fighters]]
| L_FIGHTER = Light Fighters
| H_FIGHTER = [[Category:Heavy Fighters]]
| H_FIGHTER = Heavy Fighters
| VH_FIGHTER = [[Category:Very Heavy Fighters]]
| VH_FIGHTER = Very Heavy Fighters
| SH_FIGHTER = [[Category:Super Heavy Fighters]]
| BOMBER = [[Category:Bombers]]
| SH_FIGHTER = Super Heavy Fighters
| GUNSHIP = [[Category:Gunboats and Gunships]]
| BOMBER = Bombers
| GUNBOAT = [[Category:Gunboats and Gunships]]
| GUNSHIP = Gunboats and Gunships
| CRUISER = [[Category:Cruisers]]
| GUNBOAT = Gunboats and Gunships
| BATTLECRUISER = [[Category:Battlecruisers]]
| CRUISER = Cruisers
| BATTLESHIP = [[Category:Battleships]]
| BATTLECRUISER = Battlecruisers
| DREADNOUGHT = [[Category:Battleships]]
| BATTLESHIP = Battleships
| LIGHTCARRIER = [[Category:Light Carriers]]
| DREADNOUGHT = Battleships
| CARRIER= [[Category:Carriers]]
| LIGHTCARRIER = Light Carriers
| FREIGHTER = [[Category:Freighters]]
| CARRIER = Carriers
| TRANSPORT = [[Category:Transports]]
| FREIGHTER = Freighters
| LINER = [[Category:Liners]]
| TRANSPORT = Transports
| #default = [[Category:Uncategorised ships]]
| LINER = Liners
}}[[Category:Ships]]{{#if: {{{image|}}}
| #default = Uncategorised ships
| | [[Category:Ship pages without profile images]]
}}]][[Category:Ships]]{{#if:{{{image|}}}||[[Category:Ship pages without profile images]]}}}}<noinclude>-->
<pre><nowiki>{{Ship Infobox
<pre><nowiki>{{Ship Infobox
Line 176: Line 237:
| shipclass = L_FIGHTER
| shipclass = L_FIGHTER
| shipowner = [[Border Worlds]]
| shipowner = [[Border Worlds]]
| shiptechcategory = [[Border Worlds]]
| guns = 4
| guns = 4
| turrets = 1
| turrets = 1
Line 181: Line 243:
| CD = 1
| CD = 1
| CM = 1
| CM = 1
| dockbays = eleventy-seven
| specialslot = 69
| hull = 1800
| hull = 1800
| cargo = 35
| cargo = 35
Line 190: Line 254:
| maxthrust = 199
| maxthrust = 199
| maxpower = 1800
| maxpower = 1800
| maxcruise = 350
| recharge = 183
| recharge = 183
| hullcost = 36800
| hullcost = 36800
Line 199: Line 264:
| basic_vhf = [[Sabre]]
| basic_vhf = [[Sabre]]
| bomber = [[Bomber]]
| bomber = [[Bomber]]
| basic_freighter = Example
| adv_freighter = Example 2
Ship class can be one of these choices:
Ship class can be one of these choices:
Line 205: Line 272:
Line 220: Line 288:
{{Ship Infobox
{{Ship Infobox
| name = Series X "Dagger" Border Worlds Light Fighter
| name = Series X "Dagger" Light Fighter
| image = Dagger-s.png
| image = Dagger-s.png
| shipclass = L_FIGHTER
| shipclass = L_FIGHTER
| shipowner = [[Border Worlds]]
| shipowner = [[Border Worlds]]
| shiptechcategory = [[Border Worlds]]
| guns = 4
| guns = 4
| turrets = 1
| turrets = 1
Line 229: Line 298:
| CD = 1
| CD = 1
| CM = 1
| CM = 1
| dockbays = 0
| specialslot = 69
| hull = 1800
| hull = 1800
| cargo = 35
| cargo = 35
Line 237: Line 308:
| maxspeed = 80
| maxspeed = 80
| maxthrust = 199
| maxthrust = 199
| maxpower = 1800
| maxcruise = 350
| maxcruise = 350
| maxpower = 1800
| recharge = 183
| recharge = 183
| hullcost = 36800
| hullcost = 36800
Line 248: Line 319:
| basic_vhf = [[Sabre]]
| basic_vhf = [[Sabre]]
| bomber = [[Bomber]]
| bomber = [[Bomber]]
| basic_freighter = Example
| adv_freighter = Example 2

Latest revision as of 22:24, 16 July 2022

Other Templates available to read:

The Basics  • Ships  • Factions  • Bases  • Planets  • Systems  • Commodities


{{Ship Infobox
| name = Series X "Dagger" Light Fighter
| image = Dagger-s.png
| shipclass = L_FIGHTER
| shipowner = [[Border Worlds]]
| shiptechcategory = [[Border Worlds]]
| guns = 4
| turrets = 1
| mines = 1
| CD = 1
| CM = 1
| dockbays = eleventy-seven
| specialslot = 69
| hull = 1800
| cargo = 35
| maxregens = 15
| optwepclass = 2
| maxwepclass = 4
| maxshieldclass = 4
| maxspeed = 80
| maxthrust = 199
| maxpower = 1800
| maxcruise = 350
| recharge = 183
| hullcost = 36800
| fullcost = 39020
| basic_lf = [[Dagger]]
| basic_hf = [[Stiletto]]
| adv_lf = [[Scimitar]]
| adv_hf = [[Switchblade]]
| basic_vhf = [[Sabre]]
| bomber = [[Bomber]]
| basic_freighter = Example
| adv_freighter = Example 2

Ship class can be one of these choices:



Series X "Dagger" Light Fighter
Bw fighter.png
Ship Class Light Fighter
Built by Border Worlds
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 4 / 1
Opt. weapon class 2
Max. weapon class 4
Other equipment
Hull strength 1,800
Max. shield class 4
Cargo space 35 units
Nanobots/Batteries 15/15
Max. impulse speed 80 m/s
Max. thrust speed 199 m/s
Max. cruise speed 350 m/s
Power output 1,800 u
Power recharge 183 u/s
Hyperspatial Modules 69 Hyperspatial Modules
Docking Bays 0 Docking Bays
Light Fighter Dagger
Adv. Light Fighter Scimitar
Heavy Fighter Stiletto
Adv. Heavy Fighter Switchblade
Very Heavy Fighter Sabre
Bomber Bomber
Freighter Example
Adv. Freighter Example 2
Additional information
Ship price $36,800
Package price $39,020