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[[Johann Boll]]
[[Johann Boll]]
''"We are a consortium of Zoner corporations, non-profit organizations, scientists, diplomats, and explorers. Our goal is to secure diplomatic ties in the Edge Worlds and encourage cultural prosperity among all Zoners."''
''"We are a consortium of Zoner corporations, non-profit organizations, scientists, diplomats, and explorers. Our goal is to secure diplomatic ties in the Edge Worlds and encourage cultural prosperity among all Zoners."''

Revision as of 18:36, 24 January 2010

Template:TOC Faction Infobox

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"We are a consortium of Zoner corporations, non-profit organizations, scientists, diplomats, and explorers. Our goal is to secure diplomatic ties in the Edge Worlds and encourage cultural prosperity among all Zoners."

- Yev Lightwing about the faction to an Applicant

Dear Readers,

As you stare at the name of our organization you are probably thinking, “Oh great, yet another power-trading, credit-mongering faction with a white flag.” No doubt you have had your share of encounters with such individuals. Greed and selfishness is a common trait present in many of those who live in the harsh regions of the Edge worlds, but we at the Consortium would like to assure you that the goals of our establishment are far from what you may assume.

The second question on your mind then is probably, “What is the Zoners Trading Consortium and what is so damn special about it that I have to waste the next six minutes of my life reading this garbage?” Well to put us in a nutshell of sorts, the Zoners Trading Consortium, ZTC, Zoners Consortium or sometimes just Consortium is a conglomerate of small businesses, non-profit organizations, scientists, diplomats, security veterans, and stay-at-home moms who have assembled together under a common banner. We believe that trade should flow like a river in a Gaian spring, free and uninterrupted. We believe in a undisturbed flow of commodities that encompass not only material goods, but also scientific knowledge, diplomatic prosperity, and safety for all Zoners in the Outer systems.

At this point you are probably saying, “Good luck, pal. Maybe you’d also like to have my car and the codes to the Bank where my money’s at?” Yet here at the Consortium, we feel that our goal to achieve economic stability and a secure way of life for all Zoner inhabitants is not a farfetched concept. The key is to have a levelheaded, balanced system that utilizes every resource to the best of its abilities. For this reason the Zoners Trading Consortium consists of four large departments, each representing key elements of our faction’s duties. They are the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade, Scientific Research, and Security.

“I’m so happy for you I could die,” we hear you say, “but whasinit for me?” We had a feeling this question would come up, which is why we prepared a short list of benefits. We have an outstanding cargo-loss insurance plan for all Consortium members, not to mention a large check with lots of zeros that we loan to prospective members for the benefit of purchasing a suitable vessel. We bear access to a number of ships that are unique to the Zoner community, all legally attained through contracts, and that are unlikely to be found in most other Zoner factions. We favor the pen well above the sword, so you will rarely see us flying oversized bee-bee guns, which more often than not scare little Timmy rather than protect him. All of our pilots also get to fly with a very cool looking logo. But all of that put together pales in comparison to what we are about to mention, which is the easygoing, “make yourself feel at home” atmosphere we maintain for all Consortium members and Lou Salome’s finger licking Kusari gyoza.

You are now probably thinking, “Now that’s what I’ma talking about,” and you are completely within your right to feel that way.

Respectfully, The Zoners Trading Consortium (]c[)


Name: Zoners Trading Consortium

NPC Faction: Zoner IFF, Zoner Guard IFF

ID: Zoner ID, Zoner Guard ID

Faction tag: (]c[)

Commonly used synonyms: Zoners Consortium, Consortium, ZTC

Call Sign Templates

  • (]c[)<first name>.<last name>
  • e.g. (]c[)John.Smith
Larger vessels
  • (]c[)<shipname>
  • e.g. (]c[)Radiance

Ships & Equipment

  • Zoner, Civilian and Codenames may be used freely. Other equipment has to be approved by the Consortium Board.
  • Zoner, Border Worlds and Civilian ships can be used freely. Other ships have to be approved by the Consortium Board.

Trough contracts available vessels for disposal:

Consortium History

The Zoners Consortium was originally established by Johann Boll, Werner Mazursky and William Topper. Boll and Mazursky met one another during their studies on Manhattan in 807 A.S, although they parted once they finished their coursework some years later. Then in 816 A.S., Boll and Mazursky, both having already found their own trading companies, met again on Gran Canaria where they became acquainted with Topper, a former IMG Guard and experienced mercenary who was busy starting his own business as well. These small corporate owners shared a number of stories that day that could very well be summarized in three words: “What, you too?” They discovered that despite their Zoner nature to pursue a life of liberty and neutrality in the Edge Worlds, the pirates who shared their space had a thing or two to say about that. The three Zoners established a support group where they would meet on a weekly basis and talk about their woes, financial misfortunes, and video game addictions as well as watch old Earth tearjerker films such as Titanic and Love Story. This was the birth of the Zoners Trading Consortium.

At about the time that they reached their eleventh weekly group gathering, the trio noticed that they had slowly progressed as individuals and recovering game addicts. Soon enough they found themselves spending their time submerged in philosophical banter and existential conversations. One day, during a particularly heated debate, William Topper got off of his chair and loudly proclaimed, “There is no spoon.” All turned to silence and it became clear. The modern day Zoner had spent so much focus on buying fancy colored grenade launchers and hiring mercenary maid service, that he or she had forgotten a Zoner’s most prized possession: pen and ink. The trio understood that in order to develop a secure flow of trade, they would first have to study and observe the political atmosphere in the neighborhood. Why did factions do what they do? Who did they hate and why? Topper pointed out that, “Even bio-luminescent weapons of mass destruction have feelings.”

Some days later, Johann Boll was returning from Omega-47 with a number of feminine hygiene products that he had bought from the Phantoms when he was suddenly confronted by a very passionate Molly in a Bounty Hunter bomber who pointed a Nomad Laser at him and said, “2 mil or dai.” Johann pondered for a moment and looking up at his aggressor answered, “Look at you, you poor, unfortunate victim of society. Look at what the world has done to you. You have no money and no job. No doubt you are trying to make a living whatever way you can simply to come home to an angry wife and six, probably eleven, starving children. From the day you were born to the present, you have done your best to survive in a dog-eat-dog universe, only to succumb to the monstrous machine of capitalism. Oh, if only the world could see the suffering you have endured.” At these words, bunnyKillerR2D2, the said Molly, broke down right there and then he cried until Johann was compelled to give away fourteen cargo units of Kleenex tissues. Through this experience Johann learned a valuable lesson in diplomacy. His companions agreed that it was time to create a Zoner establishment that transcended the customary approach of trading techniques.

Several months after the Consortium was well established, John Boll was left alone to manage the organization due to a mysterious disappearance of his colleagues. He began to understand that there was more to the spinning galaxies than trading goods for credit’s sake. What about the trade of science? What about the trade of art? His mentor Louisa Salome said, “Trade is like a very good cheese, Mr. Boll. You think at first that there is only one until you discover a universe of divine flavors, all different but equally gratifying.”, while Charles Montgomery Burns suggested to taste the flavor of the holes in the cheese. Younger members like Julian Marks or Yev Lightwing just wondered if there would be enough space in a cheese hole to do deep space explorations.

As such, the Consortium has focused on gathering Zoner communities that specialize in scientific research and space exploration. There is also a rumored plan in the works for the creation of a library and a flying academy ....

Zone Of Interest

  • System Ownership:


  • Primary Headquarters:

Sparta Station

  • Public Office:

Freeport XV

  • Other Occupied Systems:

Omicron Theta, Omicron Delta, Omega 49 ... and every Zoner designated base

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Omicron 74

Code of Conduct
  • Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
    You are sincerely welcome to visit Freeport XV
  • Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
    As well as to use the Theta-Kappa passage
  • Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
    Please deactivate your weapons
  • Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
    You must not explore the system, nor use other bases than Freeport XV
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restricted space/station
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Restricted Stations: Livadia Shipyard, Sparta Station and Corinth Research Station

File:Fp xv.png

Freeport XV

Freeport XV is the biggest producer and exporter of food in the Omicrons. The station was recently modified to house numerous biodomes. In addition to supplying local Zoner demands, the biodomes provide food for Corsairs, The Order, and other factions that experience food shortages.


Join the Zoners Trading Consortium, find your place in our departments.

Department of Security

Our security ships are designed to protect our faction goals. This include vindicating our trades, securing our facilities and providing help to our allies. This department is combat oriented and requires the participation in our fighter training.

Department of Trade

Our traders are meant to improve your personal income and the faction funds. Joining this department you are keeping track of good trading opportunities, while you are always providing complete information of your trade runs to the department leader, such as flying times, profit amounts and pirate encounters. Your goal is to find as many profitable routes as possible.

Department of Diplomacy

Our diplomcay staff is responsible for our relations towards all groups and individuals outside of the Consortium. Basic faction strategies regarding the faction reputation are discussed here. The head of this department decides whether you are experienced enough to participate in the Council of Zoners, or not, or if you are allowed to pursue diplomatic negotiations with other factions on your own accord. The whole exterior perception of our faction is planned here.

Department of Science

Our department of science is perhaps the most exotic in our department canon, but it is the edge at the same time. Zoners are supposed to be excellent researchers, and most of our security, trade and diplomatic advantages emanate from this department. This is the reason why most of our members are trying to improve the projects and results of this department. An example we are all proud of is the planned development of a stringent Zoner vessel line, but also the assemply of our Research Facility Leonardo. All of our research projects are embedded in a larger scope of role play which defining the factions distinguished profile.



Special agreements:

GMG Logo.png
Gas Miners Guild
Technology Exchange
Bs logo 1.jpg
The Order
Technology Exchange
Benitez banner l.jpg
Corsair Benitez Family
Mutual Stay Permit

Zoner Alliance

Zoner Alliance
Origin Zoners
Alignment Neutral
Date of founding 817 A.S.
Founder(s) TAZ, OSI, ZTC
Base of operations Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Primary role
Coordination of global Zoner issues
Secondary role
Verification the usage of Zoner technology

Member of:

