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{{FD | [[Kusari Naval Forces]]| -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Kusari Naval Forces]]| -0.9}}
{{Faction Diplomacy end}}
{{Faction Diplomacy end}}
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Apprentice: 0/-
Apprentice: 0/ -
The initiates of the Kamida family warrior group. These members spend their time being assessed and valued by their superiors, for most initates seek to prove themselves in these starting years.
The initiates of the Kamida family warrior group. These members spend their time being assessed and valued by their superiors, for most initates seek to prove themselves in these starting years.
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The newest warriors of the Kamida family warrior group. The members are expected to set an example of the prowess and honour of the Kamida family, while learning and expanding their knolwedge of combat and the ways of the Kamida.
The newest warriors of the Kamida family warrior group. The members are expected to set an example of the prowess and honour of the Kamida family, while learning and expanding their knolwedge of combat and the ways of the Kamida.
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These are the bulk of the Kamida warrior group. Having proven themselves capable, and knowledgable, warriors and are expected to display these skills when required.
These are the bulk of the Kamida warrior group. Having proven themselves capable, and knowledgable, warriors and are expected to display these skills when required.
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The chosen few from amoung the Chukanbushi, these men are valued for their skill and prowess on the battlefield. Aswell as their prowess they are also expected to hold little in the way of fear, and to follow orders no matter the cost.
The chosen few from amoung the Chukanbushi, these men are valued for their skill and prowess on the battlefield. Aswell as their prowess they are also expected to hold little in the way of fear, and to follow orders no matter the cost.
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Only the bravest and most capable men may even begin to fall into this catageory. Considered the greatest and most honourable warriors in the Kamida arsenal.  
Only the bravest and most capable men may even begin to fall into this catageory. Considered the greatest and most honourable warriors in the Kamida arsenal.  

Revision as of 13:13, 3 February 2012

Kamida Family
Origin Flag-kusari.png Kusari Empire
Affiliation Kusari Naval Forces
Alignment Lawful
Date of founding 108 A.S.
Founder(s) Shouta Kamida
Current leader(s) Hibiki Kamida
Base of operations Planet Kyushu
Primary ID Kusari Naval Forces ID
IFF Kusari Naval Forces
Tag(s) KA
Primary role
To Expand the power and influence of the Kamida family
Secondary role
To Remove Synth Foods and Corporate controls throughout Kusari

The Kamida family is a family of some small noble birth. Put in power by the Emporer in the early years of the Kusari Empire to watch over Planet Kyushu and guard its rice offering qualities. Although there have been some exceptions the Kamida all follow the pure blood line, and are always rules by the eldest decendant of the current leader.

History of the Kamida

Early Years (100 A.S. - 200 A.S.)

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
‎Planet Kyushu, Kyushu

When the Kusari people first stepped out from the Planet New Tokyo many planets were colonised, and individual leaders put into position for each. Yet one man cannot control an entire planet and so to combat this, these men shared their power among lesser noble families, one of these noble families were the Kamida. During the year 108 A.S. on the Planet Kyushu, in the Kyushu system this noble house, along with a few others, were based to watch over and guard the farmers of Kyushu - being one of the major areas for the production of rice at that time this job did hold some degree of pride.

As well as providing protection for the rice exports of Kyushu, those of the Kamida blood line were often sent to join the Naval forces early on in their life, often at the ages of Eighteen or Nineteen. Any that showed promise in the art of diplomacy or management however would in some cases be kept back to help govern their lands on Kyushu. This 'gift' towards the naval forces was intended too show their continued support of the Emperor and his intended conquests. It was often the case that heirs, the oldest direct desendants of the current Kamida leader, would be found within the ranks of sons who were originally sent off to join the Naval forces, in which case they would, in most cases, be called back in order to take control of the lands on Kyushu.

Early Years (200 A.S. - 300 A.S.)

Through marriages and alliances the Kamida managed to become a much more note able family, although still of a fairly small stature when compared too many of their rivals of that time. Through the many years that the Kusari continued to strengthen and expand little changed in this gap of power. With little other options they continued to follow the emperor and did their best to appear 'loyal' servants. While all the time counting there numbers and seeing where and when they could expand. Using a mix of deception and espionage the Kamida's managed to remain aware and involved throughout Kusari. By 348 A.S. the Kamida was overseeing the protection of over 1/5th of the overall land mass of Kyushu. Throughout this time they had grown a good connection with the rice farmers across the planet and were settled in their well of standard living of respect and luxury.

Middle Years (300 A.S. - 400 A.S.)

Most of these expansions were down to Kazuki Kamida, at the age of Twenty Eight and his 'forcible' power take over throughout many of the nearby lands. This was during the year of 334 A.S. when Kazuki came up with the idea to arm his farmers and, by paying them abnormal sums, to use them to forcibly remove other owners of the nearby lands. Although this was successful there was a large portion of lost life - most of which were the farmers used as 'wanna-be' warriors. To Kazuki's misfortune officials heard of this attempted 'movement' and considered it reckless and demanded his quick dismissal from the Planet. With this threat baring the family quickly reacted by singling out the twenty eight year old. Claiming that he was acting alone, the family managed to avoid a harsh punishment against them, this survival however cost the life of Kazuki - as many of the officials who had condemned him demanded that he show at least some honour in his action and on 339 A.S. Kazuki Kamida committed sepukku.

Often feeling unappreciated the Kamida began to lose their respect for their current rulers. Yet unable to do anything in their current state they were forced to bite their tongue and bow to the will of the Shogun.

Middle Years (400 A.S. - 500 A.S.)

Throughout the next two hundred years little happened. The Kamida sat in their position on Planet Kyusu happily watching over the farmers and consolidating their wealth. This year of prosperity was governed by Itsuki Kamida, often considered this 'wisest' of all within his family. Born in the year 452 A.S, Itsuki was blessed on the Planet Kyushu, with but one purpose - to redeem the name Kamida since its loss with Kazuki. Through words alone he watched and guided his people with an amazing grace. He was appointed ruler of the Kamida on 479 A.S. - at the age of twenty seven. Itsuki preached a message of unity within the Kamida lands, he hoped to create a connection between the working man and his master. Throughout his time he managed to, using his message of non-militancy within his own land, quell a total of twelve possible uprisings by the people of their lands. His most note able actions within the lands that the Kamida governed was the 'Itsuki truce' as he called it. A supposed 'well meaning' gift against the high rice taxations which the farmers often had to pay to the noble clan each harvest. Although gaining much loyalty from those who served him he failed to watch those within his court, many of whom were disgraced by his message of equality. In the year 496 A.S. Itsuki Kamida was found dead in the palace grounds. There is a number of rumours as to his death, some say that it was his own family and their fear of retribution for Itsuki's beliefs, while others say that it was his younger brother tired of waiting for the throne.

While his body may have died the message he bore lived on. Out in the open fields of Kyushu, under the tree of which he was named, lies a shrine built by the farmers to honour him. With one of Itsuki's famous quotes inscribed on the lower half of the stone shrine "Sow, reap, prosper".

Late Years (500 A.S. - 600 A.S.)

The year following Itsuki's equality campaign throughout his land held much anticipation for rice farmers all across Kyushu. With the unfortunate demise of Itsuki his brother Daiki quickly took his place, in his first few years he did his best to disassemble many of the laws and changes enacted by his older brother. This was met by fierce opposition, not only with the rumour of his own involvement in his brother's death, this was considered to be by many of his family dishonourable to the memory of his brother. With this in mind Daiki found it difficult to manoeuvre in any fashion. All this time their had been a growing resentment for their current leader throughout his family and on 517 A.S. civil war broke out between Daiki and his angered family. Following their announcement Daiki locked himself, and what few loyal subject he had, within their palace down on Planet Kyushu. While this happened the rebels formed a small army of farmers in the outlying fields. When they numbered nearly a few hundred they marched back, with the intention of taking back their lands. However as they approached the palace grounds they found Daikis' men outside its gates, bowing in respect. It quickly became apparent that he had no stomach to fight, as he was found out in the palace grounds, near the spot of his own brother's death, his body lying face down, after committing sepukku - or this is atleast the story told by his men.

Late Years (600 A.S. - 700 A.S.)

Within the year of 674 A.S. Samura took on the role, on the planet Kyushu, to organise the farmers there into a much more proficient force, over time this began to sap away the once high position of the Kamida was being undermined by the focused movement of Samura Industries. This was considered an irritant, as they had have a relatively free reign while watching over the farmers throughout the planet and this new Samura expansion was limiting their control over the planet and its farmers, however with little chance at striking against such a large organisation with ease the did their best to ignore their subtle expansion. This attempted ignorance to Samura's expansions became increasing difficult as Samura attempted to gain the rights of the lands owned by the Kamida Clan, often through bribery or in subtle threats.

By about 690 A.S. 'rice farming' had almost been completed replaced by the much more popular synth paste. With this transition meant the loss of many farmers, and the sudden reduction in the value of the Planet Kyushu. This resulted in the demoralisation of many members of the Kamida family. Since with this change meant the loss of their once prestige’s’ position. Even with the small portion of farmers who still remained on the planet there were two few to attempt to contain any degree of pride.

Although not directly the Kamida silently supported the Farmers Alliance, feeling almost cheated by this new invention, Synth paste, which had robbed their family of their much favoured and regarded position. This carried forth a subtle resentment of Liberty who has in many ways introduced it, and continued to export it, to the Kusari systems.

Late Years (700 A.S. - 800 A.S.)

As the years went on the Kamidas became more and more determined to rid the Libertonian influences in Kusari. This determination quickly turned to caution however as war began to ravage the whole of Sirus. Rumours of the order and alien influences spread throughout Kusari. With this news the Kamidas became ever vigilant of the threat which exterior influences could offer to Kusari. Although this did tie in with similar claims preached by the Farmer's Alliance the Kamida were hesitant to involve themselves with any movement of theirs, since reports had indicated that the 'movement' had quickly turned to a group of vigilantes under the service of Samura. With this in mind they continued to watch those ships importing and exporting good to, and from, Kusari - watching, and waiting.

Current Years (800 A.S. - 819 A.S.)

The Emperors Disappearance

When the Emperor disappeared from Kusari, cut off in Bretonia, the Kamida realised it was there time to rise, combining with a few smaller noble families throughout Kusari and began to consider how best to utilise this opportunity.

Many of the sons sent too join the naval forces have been trapped with the Emperor in Bretonia, presenting a dilemma of succession. Since the current eldest cannot be found and brought back encase of the death of their current leader, Hibiki desided that the only son who was still unattached from the Kusari Naval forces, Kaito Kamida, should remain within Kusari and act as the personal aid for his father and act as his next heir encase of his death. Only aged sixteen there have been concerns regarding the boys ability for the position however nothing has been expressed openly against Hibiki's wishes. In order to aid and protect the heir while in the service of his father, Hibiki gave one of his nephews, Yukio Kamida - aged twenty four, the duty of protecting and guiding the decisions of his son.

There is only one other member who was not caught out in Bretonia and of an older age than Kaito. The member in question was however banished from Kusari, by his father Hibiki, after a lengthy row about his 'true love' whom he considered a libertonian girl to be. After escaping to Liberty, to follow his love, his fathers opinion of him has not improved. On pain of death of returning, to Kusari, it would be unlikely that he could fulfil the role.

Current Day

With these opportunities presenting themselves the Kamida are preparing for a final decision, to stay or to stand. Standing with only a portion, to a round number of thirty, of pilots loyal enough to stand with them should they choose to separate. With this small number they are aware that they would have to band together with a much larger organisation of a similar goal, or simply pray and go with the winds.

These considerations have been pushed forward, and emphasized to a greater extent, with the recent change of government - to a democracy. With the way things are currently going it is only a matter of time before Samura make an attempt on their lands on Kyushu. The Kamida also only ever swore their swords to the Emperor and never agreed to follow any corrupt business organisations. Finding this exploit in their agreement made hundreds of years ago there is little else holding them back to the current regime.

Although technically under the leadership of Hibiki many of the plans are being though through and carried out by his sons and brothers, due to an unfortunate turn of bad health from childhood and even through this bad health has greatly diminished over the years he is stilled held in harsh confinement within their palace on Planet Kyushu, where he is rarely seen by those outside of his family.

Lately a large portion of their family has been remaining in their palace on Planet Kyushu. What activities they have been doing while done there is unknown as security is tight. However rumours suggest that there meeting was a sudden one and that it is likely to be one of urgent action for them and they're followers.

Noteable Members of the Kamida Family


Shouta Kamida - The first appointed Lord of the Kamida, appointed and ruled from 108-172 A.S. (Died Age: 87)

Enacted the following law(s):

Obedience of the Land (113 A.S. - Current Date)

Should a servant, whom is under the command of the Kamida family, ever act against one of the noble blood then the action of punishment is always to be decided by the member affected. However should the servant's act insult, or offend, the integrety or honour of the blood line as a whole they are to be brought before the collected councel present in the planet affected and charge accordingly.

Advisory Council Formed (125 A.S. - Current Date)

In order to aid the current Lord in his desitions the Advisory Council was formed. Its members chosen from the Kamida blood line, and on a rare occasions some note able servants. Its purpose to report information on their area of expertiease - each advisor will have a certain field in which he opperates, be it a specific faction or a specific purpose. This councils role is only to aid and report, never to act - unless instructed to do so by their current lord. In most cases each advisor will play both the role as an advisor and another role, be it in the military or the economey.



Kazuki Kamida - The Lord of the Kamida from 331-339 A.S. (Died Aged: 33)

Enacted the following law(s):

Blade of the Grain (334 - 423 A.S.)

Under this law farmers could be drafted into the Kamida military in order to aid in conflicts. On occassion farmers would be payed large amounts of money and be hired, however this law does not require payment, merely the lord's will ----> This law was abolished by Itsuki in 339 A.S. in favour of farmer 'freedom of choice'.



Itsuki Kamida - The Lord of the Kamida from 479-496 A.S. (Died Age: 44)

Enacted the following law(s):

Itsuki's Truce (489 A.S. - Current date)

Rice farmers under the control of the Kamida may only be taxed 45% of their rice output. In oppossed to the original sum (Prior to 489 A.S.) in which the rice tax was 85% of a seperate farms rice output.

Farmer's Councel (492 A.S. - Current Date)

At the end of each mounth, in accordance with the planets seasons, an appointed representative for the farming comminity under the command of the Kamida family must attend a counsel with the current leading member of the planet in question. This counsel will discuess issues which the farming community may wish to raise. ----> This law is only enforce is 40% or more of the planets lands mass is covered with farming land.



Daiki Kamida - The Lord of the Kamida from 496-518 A.S. (Died Age: 39)

Enacted the following law(s): N/A



Hibiki Kamida - The current Lord of the Kamida 761-819 (Age: 79)

Enacted the following law(s): N/A


Kamida Diplomacy

Faction Relationship
Blood Dragons
Golden Chrysanthemums
Farmers Alliance
Bretonian Police Authority
Bretonian Armed Forces
Independent Neuralnet Division
Gallic Unlawfuls
Lane Hackers
Liberty Corporations
Gallic Lawfuls
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Liberty Police
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Cardimine Traffickers
Bounty Hunters Guild
Nomads/Das Wilde
Synth Foods
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
At War

Kamida Family Warrior Ranks

Apprentice: 0/ -

The initiates of the Kamida family warrior group. These members spend their time being assessed and valued by their superiors, for most initates seek to prove themselves in these starting years.

Aonisaibushi (Amateur Samurai): 0/7

The newest warriors of the Kamida family warrior group. The members are expected to set an example of the prowess and honour of the Kamida family, while learning and expanding their knolwedge of combat and the ways of the Kamida.

Chukanbushi (Standard Samurai): 0/6

These are the bulk of the Kamida warrior group. Having proven themselves capable, and knowledgable, warriors and are expected to display these skills when required.

Seieibushi (Elite Samurai): 0/5

The chosen few from amoung the Chukanbushi, these men are valued for their skill and prowess on the battlefield. Aswell as their prowess they are also expected to hold little in the way of fear, and to follow orders no matter the cost.

Kodenbushi (Legendary Samurai): 0/4

Only the bravest and most capable men may even begin to fall into this catageory. Considered the greatest and most honourable warriors in the Kamida arsenal.

Taisho (General) : 0/3

Men who have been seen to stand apart from the rest are often given the honor of joining the 'Taisho'. A small but elite group of capable men who help implement the commands and war efforts of the Kamida family.