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A lot of these system pages are outdated, Space's nav map may be better. |
The little known Nagano System is a remote area on the borders of Kusari space. It is linked to Kusari by a Jump Gate to Rishiri only. The most imprtant place is the Planet Tomioka fast settelt by Samura althought there is not a trade lane.
Because the KNF is needed in Honshu and Kyushu the Blood Dragons have started a big fallout on the system, that is just basicly defended by paramilitary forces of Samura
[show]System navmap (FL, v4.88.1) (link) |
[show]System navmap (FLC, v4.88.1) (link) |
System Overview
Local factions
Areas of Interest
Asteroid Fields
Takasaki Dust Field
The Takasaki Dust Field is the breathtaking gateway through which explorers enter the Nagano System. Kusari astrophysicists have not yet reached a consensus on the source of the phosphorescent particles in the field, but preliminary scans have shown that they're not radioactive and poses no threat to commercial shipping. That is not to say TDF harbors no dangers. Kusari Naval Forces patrols report that the field is being used to hide narcotics trafficking by the Golden Chrysanthemum cartel and is thought to hide a Farmers Alliance base.
Midori Cloud
The Midori Cloud is the youngest nebula in human knowledge. The Midori Nebula is really nothing more than a small pocket of Ionized Hydrogen pulled into the Nagano system when the Rishiri-Nagano jump gate was activated. Having orbited the system's three suns, the cloud gradually settled around a previously-unknown jumphole to Tohoku. Once caught in the jumpholes gravity, the cloud regained an elliptical shape as it spun around it.
With the increasing presence of Kusari Naval Forces' patrols in the system and less need for the Farmers Alliance to act as a sort of civilian militia, Shibukawa Depot was towed into the cloud for cover and secrecy from a now less "understanding" State Police. From here, the Farmers Alliance keeps vigil over the jumphole, and the Blood Dragons that attempt to enter the system through it.
Jump Gates/Holes
[show]Spoiler: Jump Hole/Gate Locations |