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Tovig Kelt

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Tovig Kelt
Origin Edge Worlds
Affiliation The Order
Rank Grand Admiral
Born January 25th, 780 AS, Planet Gran Canaria, System Omega-49
Died Still alive

Tovig Kelt, Fleet Admiral of the Order (Born 25 January 780 AS), is a Zoner-born leader of the Primary Fleet, engaged in the war against Nomads in Sirius.


Born on planet Gran Canaria from Zoners parents, Magnus & Eleanor, both farmers, Tovig Kelt have one brother, Kristof, still working for the Zoners as a trader. He is flying the Impalaer, a ZBT-100Z 2 - Zoner Borderworld Transport ship class. Kelt try to stay on contact with his family as often as possible, even if his responsabilities and his duty with the Order can't permit him to see them as often he would like.

Early Life

A young Tovig on Canaria

The ancestors of Kelt were Zoners since many centuries and when Planet Gran Canaria was discovered by a Zoner exploration vessel, his grand-parents emigrate from a Freeport to the new planet. The ground of Canaria was much fertile and soon, Zoners from everywhere in Sirius came to Omega-49 to live there, principally as farmers.

Tovig Kelt had a peacefull and happy childhood. The farm of his parents was prosper and, even if they weren't really rich, the Kelt family didn't lacked of anything. However, since he was a child, Tovig had always his eyes turned on the sky and the stars, something he shared with his older brother. Plow the earth wasn't his domain of predilection and he was fascinated by the space ships more than the tractor or the reaper.

After brillant studies in the university of Tenerife, Tovig past his exam of flight with sucess. He soonly get a job at the prestigious Zoners Trading Corporation where he began to work as an escort for the convoy of food, medicine and others supply to the Freeports in Sirius. His brother Kristof is always working in this corporation.

The historical neutrality with the Zoners avoided Kelt from bloody battles with others factions of Sirius. However, some pirats don't care about the supposed neutrality of the Zoners and he had to defend the convoy many times during his first year of work for the ZTC, showing good skills at dodge fights and in diplomatic way with the eventuals thiefs, keeping everyone safe from an useless fight.

His career would have been able to go on but an event changed everything in his life. It was the Nomad War.

Engagement in the Order

Kelt as a new recruit for the Order


War against the Nomads

Cover Ops operations as an Order officier


Personal ships

The Admiral Kelt is the Captain of the Nile, an Osiris class ship named after the sacred river of the ancients Egyptians.

He has also some personnal ships for others tasks :

Those small crafts are used for infiltration in Sirius and others emergency situation when smalls and agiles vessels are better than a capital ship.