Montpellier Guard Station

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Montpellier Guard Station
Martel class Station
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
The Council
7F, Languedoc
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 350

Montpellier is a defensive installation built by the Navy over two hundred years ago to secure the mines that hide the pass into the Orkney system. In 817 A.S. it was heavily damaged by a suicide attack of a Council battleship that carried thermonuclear explosives. Most of the station, however, survived, and after breaching the mine field Montpellier was rebuilt, repressured, and assigned to a new task: defend the newly discovered path to other Houses from any attempts of the Gallic Royal Navy to retake the path and threaten the newly established Reunion Station.

Missions Offered

Bribes Offered


  • None