Steve Holloway

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Steve Holloway
Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Occupation Freelancer
Affiliation Freelancer
BMM 3 years
Born May 5th 790 A.S., Planet Leeds
Died Alive and being kicked


Steve is a Bretonian freelancer who was born in Leeds (May 5th 790 A.S.). At the age of 17, he left his home planet , starting his space adventure. Now, he makes his living as a mercenary -In his spare time- or running any other errand. 'Chauvinism' and 'Sense of humor' are two words which could define Steve.

Early life (790-807 A.S)

Steve was born on Planet Leeds in 790 A.S. He was the older of three children in a poor class family. Both father and mother worked in one of the many industrial complexes of Leeds. They were living on a ramshackle house near the complex. In the 796 A.S, his middle brother died because of a disease associated with the excesive pollution of the area. The family couldn't afford the basic medical attention. Two years later, Steve got a bursary so he could enter the primary school.

On 803 A.S, Steve and some neighborhood friends created a gang. They were primarly dedicated to disturb the rich businessmen around their residential area. Few years later, another gang composed by sons of poor industrial workers decided to make life impossible to Steve's gang. Every week there was a few wounded boys on each gang because of the beatings. During this time, Steve learned to overcome most outlandish situations, even he learned to shoot low caliber guns.

Career on BMM (807-810 A.S)

After his graduation on seconday school, on 807 A.S he made his first interstellar flight on a BMM mining ship. He was part of the basic crew: Cleaning ore rocks of impurities, fixing the basic electronic devices...

The mining ship was assigned to Graves Station. After 3 years in Dublin space, Steve had lost all contacts with his parents and younger sister, but he was decided to leave his job at the end of ther year and return to Leeds to help their family. But that couldn't be: The ship was assaulted by a Molly squadron and the ship was completely destroyed. There were a few survivors, especially from the low bridge crew (where Steve was assigned) who were able to reach the escape pods before the ship exploded.

All survivors were sent to Planet New London, where Steve received physchological attention for one year.

Life as a Merc... or something similar (810-818 A.S)

After he finished his medical treatment, he tried luck entering the Bretonian authorities, but the requests were all denied. After this, he took a passenger transport and docked on Freeport 1, where Steve met two smugglers. He became part of the crew, smuggling blood diamonds between Omega-7 and Omega-3. Of course, the profits were very low, so Steve left the smuggling crew. On 816 A.S, Steve accepted a contract from an unknown medical company that wanted to erradicate the Harris Syndrome, a disease which was being extended around Sirius sector, but especially on the Gold Ore Traders of the Omega-3 route. The company gave him an Eagle and he spent last 2 years on destroying gold ore cargo and disabling mining ships. After these 2 years, the contract was finally over, but the payment was only... 10 million of Sirian credits and the Eagle ship.

The Kusarian Merc (April 818 A.S)

Due to adverse circumstances, Steve owes 15 million credits to Shizuma Sakuragi, a former KNF pilot who now works as a mercenary.

  • [1] Shizuma's transmission to Steve Holloway.

Breaking off (May 818 A.S)

Some reports showed that Steve had disrupted trade lane traffic and demanded cargo to merchant ships around Leeds. Now he's listed as a minor criminal.


  • Series Z Sabre Border Worlds Very Heavy Fighter