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Discovery 24/7 Alternative Universe RP

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Waiting for the approval of Igiss to work on the Alternative Universe of Discovery mod project. If you want to aid us in this future project, please use the talk page of this article.

General Information

Discovery Alternative Universe is an undergoing project lead by some DiscoveryGC Main players into developing an alternative platform of Discovery, with some major changes in timeline and events, that lead to what Discovery is known today. Everything is undergoing a full overhaul process, ships, stations, effects, and music are going to be changed in order to reflect the changes done by our parallel development team.

Main Differences

Liberty in 820 AS

The year 820 AS is running in the devastated House of Liberty, at war with the nearby House of Rheinland from over four years, four long years of suffering, death and pain for its population. Everything is a collateral effect that happened more than six hundred years ago, but which became a nightmare in 819 AS.

The Dallas Black Hole, within the nearby system of Georgia, a system being swallowed, slowly, by it. And with its event horizon covered in wrecks of many exploration vessel that in the eve of 819 AS, after an initial antimatter storm, entered in the newly formed jumphole to check the source of all the incoming, deadly and highly irradiated material.

Battleship Missouri, being in orbit around Planet Houston at that time, was the first target of the black death, having its electrical systems overcharged and cut off, but with the core of the battleship still active, despite the fact that their electrical cooling systems were off. They were destined to die that day, cooked within the ship that they served on, with no hope to be saved.

Planet Houston instead was evacuated immediately by the 1st 'Manhattan' Flotilla, lead by Admiral Marcus Walker, a relatively new admiral renown for being one of the saviours of Liberty after the events of the Nomad Wars, captured by the Liberty naval unit Unity in 800, emprisoned till 803 AS for treason, but then assolved and having his rank reinstated within the Navy.

The Liberty Police Detention Facility, LPDF Sugarland, during the initial shockwave from the antimatter cloud, suffered a riot from the electrical failure that due to an error within the security application, opened all the cells, but unfortunately leaving the station without vital support, thus killing all the personnel and inmates in it.

The Liberty Police Jail Huntsville, LPJ Huntsville, instead was the first station to send a distress signal to New York, informing them about the current situation.

Beaumont Base, a small junker station on the borders of the Grande Negra, was the heaven for all the pirates that managed to escape the death wave. The pirates that hid in the Pequena and Grande Negras are believed to be dead due to the shockwave.

The Jumpgate that once connected Texas to New York is now in the Zero Safety Zone, or ZSZ, of Texas. In which persistent radiation can be fatal. Near it, the DSE research facility, Cape Canaveral Research Station, was built in order to study the system's state and the nearby Georgia system. The Trade lane was destroyed in the shockwave, and any kind of vessels are forced to use standard FTL drives in order to pass through the system.

Current Status

The Liberty Navy and the Rheinland Military are known to engage eachother in one of the most dangerous zones in Texas, said zones being the highly irradiated gates of Bering and Hudson and in orbit around the wreck of the Missouri. The Rheinland Military Hospital Ship Wilhelm Gustloff was deployed near the Jump Gate of Bering, aiding Rheinland Military pilots and sometimes Liberty Navy prisoners of war aswell. Said prisoners of war, after being cured by radiation and other wounds are known to be shipped back into Hamburg, on the military detention facility of Vierlande.

LPDF Sugarland became a safe place for pirates and freelancers, daring enough to steal and scavange what was left on the station during the general evacuation of the system in 819 AS.

General Changes

The several changes meant in my previous description is related to many facts and events that were regarded as important in the main roleplay over at DiscoveryGC 24/7.

  • Liberty is at war with Rheinland, but due to an unexpected change of events, regarding the Dallas Incident of over 500 years ago, Liberty is losing the war.
  • Kusari is facing an evergrowing threat of a possible invasion by a newly discovered, previously hidden house. The House of Gallia.
  • Bretonia is allied with Kusari, since they believe that when Kusari will be deleted from space, it'll be their turn to face the Gallic Royal Navy.
  • Liberty is devastated by what happened 500 years ago, during the Dallas Experiment, due to the opening of a Black Hole in the system of Georgia, connected and expanding into Texas due to an unstable jumphole.
  • Pennsylvania is only a district of Liberty now, new players will have the chance to start, by (%) in the four main Houses, being New Berlin, New York, New Tokyo or New London. This will ensure that each house will have a balanced level of players at any time
  • The Nomads destroyed The Order in 801 A.S, and are an evergrowing threat for Sirius, the Outcasts are still considering them idols to worship. Omicron Minor and Planet Toledo are the witnesses of what happened. Several wrecks lie around the planet, worth of being scavanged.
  • The Corsairs are fading away due to a famine that decimated their ranks, and with the Nomads that destroyed their main allies (The Order).
  • The Zoners will be essential for the Corsairs survival.
  • The Cycle of Extinction that repeated back on Sol is about to happen in Sirius aswell, due to a misterious race.
  • The Phantoms are now an intelligence faction selling vital information to the highest bidder on the black market.
  • The Coalition systems, Omega-52 and the system of Moscow (still a WIP since we are trying to develop a sort of space Kremlin) are located at about 320 light years from Sirius, but still near Sirius due to the map restriction of Freelancer.
  • Special Jumpgates (Yes, I said special. This implies a special model aswell) with passwords on them will connect House government space to their respective military guard systems. Said passwords can be entered via another functon of the chat, /insert. The divulgation of the password can be done at discretion of the official factions of the NPC faction that controls the guard system.
  • The main houses aren't aware of the current state of the Edge Nebula
  • Jumpholes aren't mapped anymore, this will serve players as an exchange of information on their location for money or other RP deals.
  • Dynamic Economy is implemented thanks to Zivar (SW:WT) and to Imperial (Starport)
  • Space is now 500% more dangerous, due to radiations and other space phenomena. Solar storms will be present (still a WIP).
  • Cargo ships have their cargo hold increased by 30%.
  • WIP NOTE: The mining system is undergoing a major change, static mining will be present. Hegemons (Now belonging to Bretonia) and other mining vessels (not including spoilers) will have a special mode in which you can pass in stationary mining, the bitter end of this is that localizing asteroids worth mining will be very difficult but very profitable. Ore is worth 350% more now, but chances of finding those big asteroids with lets say 500x units of it in are... very low.
  • WIP NOTE: Capital Ship docking will be present.
  • WIP NOTE: NPC Bodyguards, will be buyable on all House capital planets, this can range from fighters to bombers, they will follow the player and engage at the player's own discretion with a special tab, 'Group Management'.
  • WIP NOTE: The Blackhole in the system of Georgia (Liberty) is connected to a small cluster of stars, rich in materials and habitable planets, but chances to actually jump through the Black Hole are... very slim.
  • WIP NOTE: Trade Lanes have now a fee system to pay from the user that wants to use said trade lane.
  • WIP NOTE: Cloaking is available for House Military Flagships and Nomads.
  • WIP NOTE: Systems are now 30% larger, but there are some issues that are to be fixed in the near future.
  • WIP NOTE: The Officialization Process of an unofficial faction will undergo several steps, the 500 million fee won't be necessary, and they can decide to swap, change or redesign their NPC faction's models and space stations. IE: Adding a Solar Panel on Freeport 9 due to a power-shortage
  • WIP NOTE: Conventional Human Vessels will consume H-Fuel, Element 143 (A newly discovered solid fuel by a Bretonian Firm), Deuterium, Prometheum and Oil. Every fuel will have its own advantage, and collateral effects.
  • WIP NOTE: Capital Ships have their hull integrity increased by 40%
  • WIP NOTE: Bombers have now a special weapon, the Vulcan - EMP Railgun, mainly an EMP Torpedo similar to the SNAC, but with no hull damage. They will have aswell the Typhoon - Mass Driver Railgun, a special torpedo with a high refire rate, high speed of the projectile, a very high damage impact on enemy capital vessels, the only issue is that it'll come in rounds, and not in energy. Round packs of 60 rounds, at 30.000 hull damage each, costing 300.000 GSC (General Sirius Currency).
  • WIP NOTE: Several Engine versions will exist, each engine will have use a different amount of fuel respect to another, and in the future they will have an effect coming with them aswell.
  • WIP NOTE: Codename weapons are now only available by assaulting Military Convoys. IE: A Liberty Cruiser is escorting a Liberty Battletransport with special CODENAMES onboard from Norfolk to Virginia alongside several snubcrafts.
  • WIP NOTE: Nanobots and Shields Batteries are absent for Capital Ships (Gunboats Aswell) and decreased by 10% for fighters and bombers.
  • WIP NOTE: New systems are added, systems that aren't viewable on the Universe Map, but able to be discovered through some lost jumpholes in remote parts of space.
  • WIP NOTE: Factions will now have a chance to develop a sort of ingame advertisment, with the use of floating advertisment boards close to planets, stations or trade lanes.
  • Habitable planets found in unknown systems (unknown to the Universe Map) can be colonized by the respective factions that found them, provided that they have the means to do so.

Small Changes

  • Armor Upgrades have their cost decreased by 30%
  • WIP NOTE: A program for the management of the Sirius News Board is being developed by Tyrone, this will allow a small group of people to add news that will be later viewable in the planet/station's bars.

Server Hardware

  • Intel Q6600 2.6 GHZ (3.2 Currently)
  • Asus P5q-PRO
  • 4GB 2x2GB Kingston KVRX
  • NVidia 9800GT 1GB
  • Fiberwire Connection
  • Server hosted in Milan, Italy
  • SERVER IP: Not available yet
  • PORT: Not available yet

External Link:

  • Approximated Monthly Cost: 9,98 €

Test Server

  • Server hosted in Rome, Italy


Our development team recruitment is closed for time being, until Igiss would, or not, approve our mod.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Q: Did you asked yet for Igiss' approval of this? A: We are awaiting a reply from him since we already sent an email one month ago.

Q: Do you intend to make this server free for everyone and not protected by a password? A: The server will be protected by a password available on our forums, said password will be only available after that you have read the rules and restrictions of the server. Then a quiz to aquire the password will be required to be answered if you want the password. Nasty process, but necessary.

Q: Who will host the mod? A: Multiplayer.IT Italy, thanks to a friend's collaboration.

Q: Factions will have free rights upon the NPC Faction's RP platform? A: They will have some borders to respect.

Q: How did you implemented Dynamic Economy? A: Through an application very similar to the one used by CrossFire. It is yet very unstable and not bug-free.

Q: Do you intend to make people pay in order to play on the Server? A: Of course not, the server will be runned because we have a common interest, Freelancer. Of course donations will be well accepted.

Q: So, Liberty is devastated? A: Very much. The Dallas Research Team by accident opened a space corridor towards the Galactic Centre

Q: So, trade lanes will now have a fee system in order to use them? A: Yes, since they are repaired and kept working by the respective House Governments and Ageira.