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Vredes Friedrich von Hoffmann
Vredes Fredrich von Hoffmann.jpg
Origin Flag-rheinland.png Federal Republic of Rheinland
Gender Male
Affiliation Red Hessians
Status Active
Born 796 A.S., Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Died Still alive

"Ich für mein Vaterland zu kämpfen,

für das Volk und die Armee,

für freie Rheinland!"

Vredes is a Red Hessian idealist, fighting to overthrow the corrupted Rheinland Government. He currently works for the Rot Front.

Early Life

Vredes Friedrich von Hoffmann was born in the late 796 A.S. (exact date and place are unknown) . His ealiest childhood memories were from the Planet Stuttgart with the Hoffmann family, his adopters who were a poor provincial family with a boy of their own. He and his step brother worked whatever they could to feed their family. They have spent every minute of their free time at the space docks on the planet, dreaming to get a starship of their own and fly off from the misery that is the Stuttgart province. Although Vredes had some shocks caused by unknown reasons life went quietly for them.

The Disaster

It was in the year 811 A.S. when they finally got the chance to leave Stuttgart and Rheinland in general. The whole family sold all their property and possessions to buy a ticket for a low-paid transport ship heading to Bretonia. It was there the first time the two step brothers stepped aboard a starship. The ship left Planet Stuttgart’s orbit and headed to the Omega systems. The “Disaster” ,as it was described by the Rheinland authorities, happened in the Omega-7 system when a squad of unidentified Rheinland ships appeared out of the nebula and started shooting at the transport ship with an unknown weapons technology. The life support systems started failing, several decks got decompressed and most of the few escape pods launched. It was in the last pod that the adopters pushed the two boys and saved their life. They ejected from the ship and watched the transport being blow to thousands and thousands of pieces. Eventually the unknown raiding parties started hunting the eject pods but failed to track all of them. Several pods survived and were later picked up by a freelance freighter. Vredes was 15 years old then and his step brother only 13.

New Life

The freelancer eventually shipped them to the Planet New Berlin . It was there that the two boys found out the meaning of the word ”Living Hell”. They worked from day to night with free time only to sleep 5 hours a day. Their life for the next 3 years were the worst of their life, but with the help of the credits they earned from doing additional dock jobs they finally saved enough money to purchase two ships, a Starblazer and a Griffin both class civilian fighters. So things went better from then on. They started doing some freelance escort missions and saved enough credits for a one man journey to Bretonia. So Vredes send his… brother to the Queen’s Space telling him that in a year or less he will have enough money to make the journey himself. He kept contact with his brother for the next one year, who became a well paid crew member aboard an IMG transport.

To Bretonia and the second contact

And it was in the year 815 A.S. when he launched from New Berlin’s docking grounds with Bretonia as a destination aboard a small freighter with some goods to trade in Bretonia. His flight went smoothly until he reached the ice nebula in Omega-5, when he was intercepted by a silent squad of Rheinland ships. He knew what will happen. The unknown party attacked him, he tried to fight back but it was useless against their advanced unidentified technology. Suddenly a patrol of 4 fighters that, identified themselves as the Red Hessians, started shooting at the unknown attackers. Unfortunately Vredes’s freighter got seriously damaged and he had to eject. His escape pod was picked up by one of the Hessian fighters where he fell into another shock. When he woke up he was in a med center in an unfamiliar to him base. After a short interrogation those who called themselves the Red Hessians told him about the attackers. About that they are alien infected Rheinlanders that called themselves The Wild and that even after the Nomad War, but not many of them stayed on their government and military posts. And that the Rheinland government is corrupted by their political believes. They also told him about that his shocks were caused by his Hispanic blood and inherited Cardamine addiction. So he started fighting for the Red Hessians and their cause, living though his addiction with Pharmaceuticals.

Family ties

Just a year later he received an encrypted message from an old woman that presented herself as his grandmother which says that he is too go to Planet Kyushu an so he did... absolutely incognito. He had a long speak with his grandmother that told him she was a Hispanic freelancer. She told him that his mother was an outcast pilot that choose the freelancer life too, instead of the pirate one, and that she died to an Ion Storm. That his father was one of the advisors of the Ex-Rheinland Chancellor Niemann that later became a Bundschuh pilot, shocked by the ex-Chancellor’s… changed behavior and actions. Eventually captured and executed by the order of Niemann. And that met and lived for several years in his father’s residence on Planet Stuttgart.

Current Life

Since then Vredes still fights for the Hessians, their cause and ideals. He is a member of the Hessian movement known as Rot Front and spends his live mainly on his battleship the Volkenkopf or on Freital base. He is known to cooperate with members of the SCRA and The Order. Vredes often contacts his brother, that became a captain of a Zoner medical cruiser, and visits his grandmother back on Planet Kyushu. He often uses his father’s name Friedrich in his own name. Dispite his cardamine addiction he often recieves smuggled Pharmaceuticals from Liberty and Sigma-17 and lives though it.

Property and Knowlage

He owns several ship including an IMG Colossus Train, a Red Hessian Jormungand, which he called Volkenkopf, an Odin VHF, a Thor Bomber and his Freelance ship Rote Saphir class Spatial SHF. He Speaks mainly English, Russian and German but has learned a little Spanish from his grandmother.

Owned ships:

Odin Very Heavy Fighter
Thor Bomber
Jormungand Battleship
Spatial Super Heavy Fighter
Colossus Rheinland Train