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Shades of Sol

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This is an unofficial player group.

Shades of Sol
SoS logo2.png
Alignment Unlawful
Date of founding 807 A.S.
Founder(s) Barbaros Hayreddin, Alessandro Caputo
Current leader(s) Barbaros Hayreddin
Base of operations Buffalo Base, New York
Primary role
Unification of all Houses in one Human state and successive war of extermination against the Nomads
Secondary role
Reclaiming Sol for humanity
Table of contents


The Shades of Sol began in 802 AS as a political party.

It was one year since the end of the Nomad War, and several refugees and exiles were returning home in their Houses. After the Nomad War, the public was presented with the harsh truth: an alien population managed to infiltrate the Houses, with the intention of starting an enormous war wich would've engulfed the whole sector. All of this to weaken the humans. Once they'd been weakened enough, the aliens would reveal themselves with their own forces and exterminate the remnants of humanity, already wore out by the war. Luckily one group, known simply as "The Order" waltzed in to save the day, expelling a sizeable portion of the aliens out of the sector, whilst keeping a small part of them. Many among these former exiles and refugees couldn't stand the idea of a species out there, rebuilding and preparing an eventual second strike, and soon started a party, known as "Humanity First", with the intention of uniting the Houses in only one state and, once this would've been accomplished, go out there and do to these aliens what they wanted to do to humanity. The party presented itself in many planetary elections receiving a lot of success among voters, but it was eventually illegalized in all Houses for being "against national interests" in 807 AS.

The party went underground the same year, changed its strategy from a democratic one to a revolutionary and totalitarian one, called itself the "Shades of Sol", and aligned itself with underground criminal elements, be them thugs or other revolutionaries and illegalized political opponents.


The Shades of Sol are an inter-House para-military militia, terrorist group and pirate organization bent on the unification of all the Colonies in one big human state. They are an unlawful group operating against the House authorities. Their activities include surgical strikes against ships bringing important administrative charges, terrorist attacks on planets, and the claiming of "cohercitive donations" from private and corporate traders, alike. They're also known to work with several underground elements, most notably the Liberty Rogues.


The Shades of Sol, as a human unitary group, know that the dictomy marxism/democracy and capitalism/planned economy can't go on without uselessly dividing the humans in rivaling factions. But the Shades of Sol also know that both the Coalition and Alliance political, economical and social systems have their own advantages, wich the Shades merged in a new, third positionist, semi-fascist ideology wich they deemed "unitarism". Economically speaking, unitarism takes from capitalism the free enterprise and the production for profit, while from marxism the free association of workers and the management by them of the production, together with their former employers. Politically speaking, unitarism takes full hands from the Sirius Coalition's system, thus a strong, centralized state with one single party, influencing everything of society. Socially speaking, unitarism denies the Coalition's struggle of classes and a replacement of all classes with the lowest one, that of the proletariat, and denies and condemns the Alliance's domination and effective exploitation of upper classes towards lower classes, preferring a system where classes survive, but harmoniously working together for the good of nation and species, and with each class being equally important for the well- functioning of the State (for example, the worker's job of assembling a transport on Oder, around Berlin, is considered as important for the functioning of society as much as the bureaucrat's managing of the finances of party and state from the capital) and getting exactly what it deserves in terms of pay and status. On the national question, unitarism is pan-nationalist and essentially federalist, preferring one strong, federal state divided in national "regions", to accomodate the dozens of human ethnicities and nations of Sirius. It is thus the Shades' objective to abolish separate human governments, Houses and sub-Republics, but not the diversity of humanity itself. Unitarism thus affirms itself as a third positionist, semi-fascist, organicist, meritocratic, authoritarian, corporativist and pan-nationalist ideology, a third way to the traditional systems used in Sirius.


Faction Relationship
Liberty Rogues
The Order
Blood Dragons
Sirius Coalition
Faction Relationship
Red Hessians
Lane Hackers
Samarran Raiders
House Corporations
House Law Enforcement
Das Wilde
At War
Aoi Iseijin
At War
At War