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Revision as of 14:56, 8 May 2014 by Nehvizdy (talk | contribs) (updated Illinois jump hole)
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Colorado System

Colorado is ruled by the Liberty government and was the first system to have a Jump Gate connecting it to the New York system. It is the location of Pueblo Station, Ageira's main facility.

System Navmaps

System Overview

Local factions

None known

Planet Denver.jpg
Planet Denver
Planet Durango.jpg
Planet Durango
Planet Gunnison.jpg
Planet Gunnison

Areas of Interest

Asteroid Fields

Copperton Asteroid Field

Like most of the resources in Colorado, the famed Copperton Field has long since been exhausted. Trace amounts of Copper Ore remain. Xenos are active within the field.

Silverton Asteroid Field

Once the major source of Silver for all of Liberty, the Silverton Field has been mined to rubble and dust. Within the field is the former site of an Ageira Technologies manufacturing facility, abandoned over a century ago in favor of Pueblo Station, it now houses a large contingent of Xenos. Trace amounts of Silver Ore remain.

Alamosa Asteroid Field

A large rock asteroid field. Initial surveys indicated no ore or other resources worth mining. Alamosa is a favorite refuge of Liberty Rogues and Lane Hackers attempting to escape capture by the Liberty Navy.

Cheyenne Asteroid Field

A large rock asteroid field. Initial surveys indicated no ore or other resources worth mining. This field is often frequented by Rogues.

Jump Gates/Holes

See also