XB-2 "Havoc Mk II" Civilian Bomber

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XB-2 "Havoc Mk II"
Noimage test.jpg
Ship Class unknown
Built by Ageira Technologies
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 4 / 0
Opt. weapon class 9
Max. weapon class 10
Other equipment None
Hull strength 18,600
Max. shield class 10
Cargo space 70 units
Nanobots/Batteries 90/90/90/90
Max. impulse speed 80 m/s
Max. thrust speed 199 m/s
Max. cruise speed unknown
Power output 48,000 u
Power recharge 2,200 u/s
Additional information
Ship price $6,180,000
Package price $6,313,130

Developed by Ageira with significant BMM participation, the Havoc Mk II is an advanced modification of the first "Havoc", bomber model that was popular in Liberty and Bretonia about 350 years ago. Mk II version features an advanced power array and increased agility compared to other modern bombers. While Ageira initially planned to sell the new Havoc only to Liberty Navy and Bretonia Armed Forces, company executives soon understood that this ship could make a lot of profit on alternative markets.  


Weapon hardpoints
