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Charles Davis

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Charles Davis
Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Occupation Captain in the Bretonia Armed Forces
Gender Male
Affiliation Bretonia Armed Forces
Service Time 11 months
Rank Captain
Status Active (819A.S.)
Born April 17, 789 A.S., Planet Cambridge

"We will fight for Bretonia to the end. Show no mercy show no doubt because the enemy won't." The Motto of Charles Davis

I. BiographyBAF Logo.png

Early Stage of life BAF Logo.png

Chales William Davis is born April the 17th 789 A.S in the Cambridge main city hospital on planet Cambridge. Davis has an older brother William Davis. Chales lives his childhood like any other under the care of a loving parents and family. On the age of 7 his parents send him to a private primary school to begin his education in hopes that one day he will become a very good lawyer. When Davis was in the High school he was part of a special regalement that has for a goal to keep the young men and woman of Bretonia to show them how is going to be life and to give them work. But sence the nomad war ended he was send in the recovery effort where he saw how cruel and dangerous space flying can be told to himself that he will never venture to space. He graduated high school with good grades and recommendations and went to law school on planet New London to study as a lawyer and eventually become a judge in the Bretonian Ministry of Law. On the age of 24 he finishes law school and settles to live on Planet New London because he managed to start working for a law office as a lawyer.

Late Stage of Life BAF Logo.png

The wife and daughter of Davis. Laura Davis and Maya Davis.

In the time of 815 A.S Charles Davis Lawyer carrier was at its color and high peak. His dedication to his cases making sure the guilty are put to justice and the innocent not remain safe. His reputation among the other lawyers was very good and was respected among them. But one day on planet Leedswhen he did not even expect. He saw something that he could not believe what he sees in the maintenance dock'son the launch pad. A young short blond hair woman trying to fix a engine of a Templar Her name was Laura Watts . It was hard for her not to notice Charles because his shuttle was delaying another ship from docking.So Charles told his pilots to take off and leave him on Leeds and to come take him lather that were Charles and Laura meet. Very soon after they started dating but there was a complication Laura was already marred to another Jayson Watts and Charles did managed to notice the signs of domestic violence Laura cant try to devours with hi because she may lose her daughter,she had a 4 year old daughter from Jayson. Laura said to Charles that her husband wasn't like that when they got married, something made him aggressive,Charles did not enjoy the thought that Laura had a daughter but he didn't mind it.

Charles decided it to take matter to his own hand and sue Jayson for not giving Laura a devours. And after two mouths of trials Charles managed to get Jayson give Laura a devours and Laura to keep her daughter with her. After the trail Davis and Laura decided they should be together in everything. Charles accepted Maya as his own daughter. After 6 mouths in a excellent relationship with Laura Charles proposed to Laura. Laura accepted Charles offer of marriage as Maya accepted Charles as her father.They got married and settled on Planet Leeds the home of Laura, Davis worked there as a lawyer in the government law office. By the end of the year 817 A.S Christmas time Laura was pregnant with Charles baby. Charles was very exited but also very concerned the Kusari Naval Forces have entered Leeds and took stokes. Charles wanted to move to New London but Laura did not agree and offered him a different approach. They bought a small house in one of the Planets provinces out side of the industrial zone where they lived in calm and was not a bombarding target for the kusarians.

But one day as Charles went to work to the City the Kusarian Naval Forces bombarded the City. The majority of the cites are Ready for orbital bombardments and Invasion forces. And the Bretonian Army quickly proceeded to get all the Citizens to safety. What the army did not realize is that the Kusarian Naval Forces have managed to land a invasion forces in some of the provinces. The Bretonian Army found that out 20 minutes after the Kusarian Ground Forces acuupyed in several province towns. Word alse reached the local cities and too Charles of course. Hurrying to get to his wife and daughter he wanted to leave the refuge but the bretonian officers in charge did not allowed him that. The invading Kusarian forces weren't the Royal Kusari Army . But were criminals and people who's honor has been taken away. So the Emperor or his supporters created this so that they can restore their honor and die while trying to do as much damage as possible.

It took one day for the Army to gain back its control on the occupied provinces. After two hours when the Breotnian army has fully secured the area Citizens were allowed to return to their destroyed or damaged homes. From that attack the number of civilian casualties was 3000. Charles with haste towards his house and with hopes that his family would have survived entered his house yelling the names of his Family. Finally he entered the bedroom to find his wife and daughter executed brutally with a single shot in the head. From that moment on Charles was ruined he even had planned to end his life until one day his brother William came and told him that he is being transferred from the armed forces to the Carina privateers. Charles did not have anything to lose so they went to a local Bretonia Armed Forces officer to do the transfer and to put Charles on Williams place in the Bretonia Armed Forces. When Charles received his uniform and ensign rank he went to the place where the berial ceremony and where their grave are and took a blood oath to kill the Emperor of Kusari with his own sword.

Officer of the Armed ForcesBAF Logo.png

After two days in the armed forces Charles was sent to the New London Army training camp under the charge of Sargent Ashley Cole. Where he was under constant physical and mental stress.But there he was tough things from Melee combat to Rifle Combat he spent in to the Army training camp 1 mouth before he was transferred to the Salisbury system to train for a fighter pilot on the Winchester station. There under the heavy training he managed to pass threw the training and was send to Patrol duty in Salisbury. At the start Charles showed more confidence and more skill in his flying that impressed a commander by the name of Sir Firmus Piett saw how Davis acted in the field and decided to help him control his wild style of flying and to help him achieve control over his feelings although Piett himself dough that he managed to succeed in the second task. Once approved from his squadron leader the 27 year old ensign was thrown in the Wilderness of the battlefield of Leeds. Charles has seen a lot of action as an ensign due to the fact that the KPT organisation was operation at full force in front systems and core systems.he managed to survive the KPT operation till they stop he saw that Killing the emperor wont be a easy task but it is possible. His career was put to a hold because he was an ensign for six mouths. Until he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant by Commodore "Sir Firmus Piett", that give Charles a little morale boost and he keep going to become one of the best pilots of the Armed forces. One day he meed one of his best friends Lieutenant Jonathan Sinclair. Davis and Sinclair work together from that moment on aiding each other when the other is in trouble. Sinclair doesn't know the background of Davis and Charles tends to keep it to himself but he is not sure for how long. A a Lieutenant Commander Davis rised up to his expectations and became one of the best in the Bretonian armed forces right beside him is Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Sinclair. Sinclair and Davis Claim the rank's of the Bretonia Armed Forces together till they reach the rank of commander.

Charles received his commander post by Admiral Sir Firmus Piett and the Command of the Her Majesty Destroyer Leeds. It is at this rank that Davis managed to grow fear and terror to some Naval Forces pilots. As Commander Charles dedicated himself in becoming a good filed commander as well as capital commander and squadron commander. Him and Sinclair along side John ClayAdmiral of the Bretonia Armed Forceslead many skirmishes against Kusarian Hunting packs and fighter squadrons giving needed air to bretonian economy. As Commander Davis also meet with a person named Kandal Ozzel Commanding officer of the Bretonian Royal Fleet Vessel Victorious. Where he learned about how to Control and command a fleet he also took these lession from Sir Firmus Piett

Commander Charles Davis on the bridge of Her Majesty Ship Leeds .

Her Majesty Ship HarbingerBAF Logo.png

Captain Charles Davis Arriving at his new post on the Harbinger Hanger deck.

Captain Charles Davis received his rank of Captain again from Admiral Sir Firmus Piett and the right to become a commanding officer of one of the few bretonian battleships left in Bretonia. He chose to take the Victorious but lather on as it was transferred to the main fleet the Victorious became the Harbinger. The Harbinger now beaing one of the Older ships in the fleet is the main base of operation of the young captain to command and control fleet against the new enemy the Gallia.

As Captain he still yet has a lot of work to do to prove himself reliable but has fought and proven to the gallics that Bretonia has its pilots and it won't back down. More complications come now with the new Ronin the Kusary exiles that were cut off from Kusari along with the emperor. This situation here has edged Davis to the end because no matter what the Kusarian people and Emperor will remain an Enemy for him until the day come for him to do his blood oath.Now that the emperor has allied himself with the queen and armed forces its extremely difficult Davis to keep focus not to shoot down the emperors flag fighter and avenge his family. Sir Firmuss Piett Has personally tolk to secretly to Davis to not do anything stupid even Piett knows a small faction of Davis background before the armed forces.

Courageous Action MedalBAF Logo.png

Charles managed to get this award only recently by commanding a battle for Leeds that involved Galli Royalist forces invading and Reaver looking for easy pickings. Charles managed to Push off the Invaders with the little resource he had at his disposal with the Ronin and his men Davis achieved victory. "Sir Firmus Piett" saw fit to Present the Men of Davis and Davis the Courageous Action Medal for their courage against and strong will against the enemy.

II. Awards and TitlesBAF Logo.png

1. Courageous Action Medal

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  • Awarded by the Fleet Admiral to BAF officers who defeat a greatly superior enemy force.