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TTR-1130 Series Pilgrim Liner
Ship Class
Built by
Technical information
0 / 9
Opt. weapon class
Max. weapon class
Other equipment
Hull strength
Max. shield class
Cargo space
4,300 units
Max. impulse speed
80 m/s
Max. thrust speed
140 m/s
Max. cruise speed
350 m/s
Power output
90,000 u
Power recharge
7,500 u/s
Additional information
Ship price
Package price
The first days of mankind's exploration of the Sirius sector employed enormous vessels to traverse the dark spaces between neighboring stars. These large and imposing vessels were extremely utilitarian and provided little in creature comforts, placing instead emphasis on self-sufficiency and the fortitude to endure.
With the advent of modern travel systems near the end of the fourth century, the use of such vessels quickly fell to the wayside leaving drifting husks to the vast debris fields that marked the epochs of space expansion. So they remained until came a time where men again had use for them. With their vast holds, massive life support systems and robust armories, these mammoth fortress vessels made ideal platforms for small-scale spaceborne fabrication. The ship however carries a distinct slaver stigma with it, which is not entirely undeserved.
- This ship is too large to use docking bays, it must use mooring points.
[show]Review without version number
The Slave Liner is a massive ship, primarily used by Slavers to haul live cargo - but also by a variety of Junkers, Smugglers, and even Pirates who employ the craft for cargo movement or theft. This ship has horrid turning, it flies more like a large cruiser or battlecruiser than like a transport - but the other liners are similar when it comes to maneuverability. Unlike most other transports, the Slave Liner has an arsenal of weaponry at it's command, with 11 transport turrets - ten of which can fire forward and all eleven capable of firing backwards.
The large number of turrets available to the Slave Liner ensure that it is well defended if you come under attack by pirates or lawfuls, though the ship's low agility makes combat difficult. I recommend flying this ship more like a heavy capital ship - using turret view while strafing, rather than trying to turn to face your opponent. Similarly, the firepower makes it an excellent piracy vessel - load up with pulse and hull-buster turrets (type 1 and 2 respectively) and you can take nearly any other transport you come across without issue.
The ship does have several problems as far as game mechanics go. It has a very hard time docking with trade lanes - always approach a trade lane with your ship slightly down and to the right of the lane's center. If you get stuck while trying to dock, use the /stuck command, which will move your ship left and up slightly; that usually solves the issue and activates the lane. Speed docking at trade lanes or jump gates with this ship is not recommended - you'll want to hit the dock button at least 500 meters away from your target, 1000 to be safe. If you try to speed dock, you'll generally end up stuck in the lane or gate and you'll have to cancel, fly all the way around, and try again. Likewise, with trade lane junctions that come together at sharp angles, it's best to move away from the lane and get some distance - and line up properly - before trying to dock, otherwise you'll just end up stuck.
Aside from the docking issues and poor maneuverability, the Slave Liner is an excellent ship - it looks beautiful (in a rusty, antique sense) and it has enough firepower to level most opposition thrown at it. Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by Tenacity
Purchase Includes
[show]Spoiler: Buying Locations