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Independent ships

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This page contains ships of Groups that are not affiliated to any of the Houses in Sirius:

Mactan Network Compatibility Calculator

Light Fighters & Heavy Fighters

Name Faction Class Notes
Eros CR Logo.png Crayter Republic Light Fighter
Gitano Csv.png Junkers Light Fighter
Manaslu ImgLogo.png Independent Miners Guild Light Fighter
Onuris Order Logo.png The Order Light Fighter
Partisan CoalitionArms.png Sirius Coalition Light Fighter
Sea Serpent BhgLogo.png Bounty Hunters Guild Light Fighter
Wahoo Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core Light Fighter
Hammerhead BhgLogo.png Bounty Hunters Guild Heavy Fighter
Karasu GmgLogo.png Gas Miners Guild Heavy Fighter
Saboteur CoalitionArms.png Coalition Heavy Fighter
Skipjack Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core Heavy Fighter

Very Heavy Fighters & Super Heavy Fighters

Name Faction Class Notes
Bastet Mk II Order Logo.png The Order Very Heavy Fighter
Benzaiten GmgLogo.png Gas Miners Guild Very Heavy Fighter
Collector Csv.png Junkers Very Heavy Fighter
Insurgent CoalitionArms.png Sirius Coalition Very Heavy Fighter
Lhotse ImgLogo.png Independent Miners Guild Very Heavy Fighter
Manta BhgLogo.png Bounty Hunters Guild Very Heavy Fighter
Marlin Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core Very Heavy Fighter
Nephthys Order Logo.png The Order Very Heavy Fighter
Nyx CR Logo.png Crayter Republic Very Heavy Fighter
Osprey Zoners Logo.png Zoners Super Heavy Fighter
Recycler Csv.png Junkers Super Heavy Fighter


Name Faction Class Notes
Moray BhgLogo.png Bounty Hunters Guild Light Bomber
Steelhead Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core Light Bomber
Kaichou GmgLogo.png Gas Miners Guild Medium Bomber
Pytho CR Logo.png Crayter Republic Medium Bomber
Sekhmet Order Logo.png The Order Medium Bomber
Nanda Devi ImgLogo.png Independent Miners Guild Heavy Bomber
Revolution CoalitionArms.png Coalition Heavy Bomber


Name Faction Class Notes
Bottlenose BhgLogo.png Bounty Hunters Guild Gunboat Light Gunboat
Conference Zoners Logo.png Zoners Gunboat Light Gunboat
Sturgeon Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core Gunboat Light Gunboat
Bishamon GmgLogo.png Gas Miners Guild Gunboat Medium Gunboat
Gasherbrum ImgLogo.png Independent Miners Guild Gunboat Medium Gunboat
Hydra CR Logo.png Crayter Republic Gunboat Medium Gunboat
Storm CoalitionArms.png Sirius Coalition Gunboat Medium Gunboat
Wrecker Csv.png Junkers Gunboat Medium Gunboat
Hathor Order Logo.png The Order Gunboat Heavy Gunboat
Orca BhgLogo.png Bounty Hunters Guild Gunboat Heavy Gunboat
Pleco Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core Gunboat Heavy Gunboat

Capital Ships

Name Faction Class Notes
Fearless Zoners Logo.png Zoners Cruiser Zoner Q-ship
Resheph Order Logo.png The Order Cruiser Order Recon Cruiser
Thanatos CR Logo.png Crayter Republic Cruiser Crayter Cruiser
Thresher Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core Cruiser Core Destroyer
Typhoon CoalitionFlag.png Coalition Cruiser Coalition Destroyer - Available for the SCRA Player Faction only
Argus CR Logo.png Crayter Republic Battlecruiser Crayter Battlecruiser
Bullhead Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core Battlecruiser Core Battlecruiser
Geb Order Logo.png The Order Battlecruiser Order Assault Battlecruiser
Hurricane CoalitionArms.png Coalition Battlecruiser Coalition Battlecruiser
Sagarmatha ImgLogo.png Independent Miners Guild Battlecruiser IMG Battlecruiser
Mako Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core Battleship Core Battleship
Osiris Order Logo.png The Order Battleship Order Battleship
Deimos CR Logo.png Crayter Republic Battleship Crayter Dreadnought
Nephilim Zoners Logo.png Zoners Battleship Zoner Colony Ship
Tempest CoalitionArms.png Coalition Battleship Coalition Carrier
Aquilon Zoners Logo.png Zoners Battleship Zoner Carrier
Zephyr CR Logo.png Crayter Republic Battleship Crayter Carrier

Freighters & Transports

Name Faction Class Notes
Annapurna ImgLogo.png Independent Miners Guild Freighter
Bactrian PirateLogo.png Pirates Freighter
Celestra CR Logo.png Crayter Republic Freighter
CSF Csv.png Junkers Freighter
CSV Csv.png Junkers Freighter
Garanchou GmgLogo.png Gas Miners Guild Freighter
Atlas CR Logo.png Crayter Republic Transport Crayter Transport
Bullmastiff Transport Pirate Transport
Kamome GmgLogo.png Gas Miners Guild Transport
Kujira GmgLogo.png Gas Miners Guild Transport
Nanga Parbat ImgLogo.png Independent Miners Guild Transport
Pitbull Transport Pirate Train
Salvager Csv.png Junkers Transport Gunboat/Transport Hybrid
Shishapangma ImgLogo.png Independent Miners Guild Transport Heavy Transport
Whale Zoners Logo.png Zoners Transport Zoner Transport


Name Faction Class Notes
TTR-1130 Transport Pilgrim Liner

Special Ships

Name Faction Class Notes
Feanturi Zoners Logo.png Zoners Battlescruiser Research Ship IRG
Persephone Zoners Logo.png Zoners Battleship Leviathan Only given via Admin

Old Ships

Name Class Notes
Anubis (Very) Heavy Fighter From orginal Freelancer - replaced by Nephthys
Argus Battlecruiser IMG ship - replaced by the Sagarmatha
Barracuda Heavy Fighter From orginal Freelancer - replaced by the nerved Hammerhad
Kronos Battleship Colonial Battlehship that was replaced by the Zephyr II - One Kronos can be found at Planet Yuma
Piranha Light Fighter From orginal Freelancer - replaced by Sea Serptent