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Tovig Kelt

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Revision as of 00:54, 9 November 2009 by Kelt (talk | contribs) (→‎Background)
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Tovig Kelt
Origin Edge Worlds
Affiliation The Order
Rank Fleet Admiral
Born January 25th, 794 AS, Planet Gran Canaria, System Omega-49
Died Still alive

Tovig Kelt, Fleet Admiral of the Order (Born 25 January 794 AS), is a Zoner-born leader of the Primary Fleet and pilot, serving now on the war against Nomads in Sirius.


Born on planet Gran Canaria from Zoners parents, Magnus & Eleanor, Tovig Kelt have one brother, Kristof, still working for the Zoners as a peacefull trader. He is flying the Impalaer, a ZBT-100Z 2 - Zoner Borderworld Transport ship class. Kelt try to stay on contact with his family as often as possible, even if his responsabilities and his duty with the Order can't permit him to see them as often he would like.

Career in the Order

Private Life

Personal ships