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Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinland

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This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Rheinland Federal Police

Rheinland Federal Police
Origin Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
Alignment Lawful
Date of founding unknown
Founder(s) unknown
Base of operations unknown
Primary role
Enforce the laws put forth by the Chancellor
Secondary role
Protect and Defend Rheinland Territory


After the 80 years war against the GMG, the remaining members of the Rheinwehr were forced to withdraw back to New Berlin and surrounding systems. With the military weakened, a period of civil unrest followed causing an increase in criminal activity across Rheinland.

To counter the growing increase in crime against the civilian population, a council of high ranking military officers quickly formed a federal police agency. This agency was responsible for the enforcement of Rheinland law, civilian and trade protection, the staffing and management of Vierlande Prison, the suppression of subversive and rebel groups, and personal protection to the Chancellor.

After several years of hard-won experience, the Rheinland Federal Polizei are an elite police organization.

Today, the Rheinland Federal Polizei (RFP) is the left hand of the Chancellor in Rheinland Territory. They enforce all laws put forth by him and punish all those who break them. This can be anything from breaking the Embargo between Liberty and Rheinland to smuggling contraband within Rheinland space. The Rheinland Federal Police are known throughout their territory to be both strict and ruthless when it comes to enforcing their laws.

Duties of the Rheinland Federal Polizei:

  • Provide police escort to ensure that necessities and luxuries are able to pass through Rheinland space without fear of pirate intervention.
  • Stop and interrogate ships who might have been a witness to or involved in any criminal activity. This activity requires the development of fun and creative detective role-play in game and in the forums.
  • Suppress civilian rebel groups, such as the Volksfront and LWB. If they resist arrest, use all necessary force to remove them from civilian sectors.
  • Patrol Rheinland territories that include New Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Munich, and Halle.
  • Confiscate and destroy all illegal cargo. Fine the pilot of the ship (see fines below). If they flee or resist arrest, destroy the ship and tractor in the escape pod.
  • Monitor the system channel for spy and encrypted transmissions. Spy transmissions typically begin with “//” or contain the letters “lol”. See below for more information on how to handle spies.
  • Assist the Rheinland Military as needed.
  • Eliminate all Pirates, Coalition, Nomads, Outcasts, Phantoms, Red Hessians, Unioners and all other threats to system security.
  • Protect the citizens of Rheinland by offering assistance and other services

Laws & Fines

Polizei Regulations

  • 1. Any vessel in Rheinland is to be ordered to halt for scan before clearance.
  • 2. Military, Polizei, Civilian, and Freelancer pilot pods are to be dropped by the nearest available polizei officer or to be taken to the nearest station or planet. If the pilot of the ship refuses to drop the pods, destroy their ship.
  • 3. Any form of smuggling is forbidden and punishable. The following actions can be made against smugglers:

• In case of a smuggler or embargo breaker, while flying a freighter, caught and made to surrender, no fines are to be collected, but forcing the trader to drop all contraband or unload their cargo on Hamburg is necessary.

• In case of a smuggler or embargo breaker, while flying a transport of a cargo capacity between 1000-3000 units, caught and made to surrender, 2.000.000 credits are to be levied as well as forcing the transport to drop all contraband for destruction or to unload its cargo on Hamburg.

• In case of a smuggler or embargo breaker, while flying a transport of a cargo capacity between 3001-5000 units, caught and made to surrender, 4.000.000 credits are to be levied as well as forcing the transport to drop all contraband for destruction or to unload its cargo on Hamburg.

• In case of a trader exporting Human Organs by a trade ship not belonging to Cryer or any Rheinland companies. 100 credits may be levied as tax for each unit of Human organs.

According to the current valid laws of Rheinland, the following commodities are declared as contraband: - Artifacts - Black Market Munitions - Blood Diamonds - Cardamine - Counterfeit Software - Liquid Cardamine - Slaves - Synthetic Marijuana - Gaian Wildlife (Researcher vessels may carry it, along with Planetform/Cryer IDd ships) - Lawful and Civilian pilots - Nomads and Nomad equipment. No fine is to be issued for Das Wilde pilot pods.(see Section 5 for further detailes on Nomad materials)

  • 4. Any form of piracy and/or coercion of the citizenry is forbidden and punishable by the destruction of the pirate ship.
  • 5. All sorts of Nomad materials are forbidden in Rheinland space. Ships carrying these materials are to be instructed to relinquish them for destruction or leave Rheinland territories. Should the captain of the ship chose to relinquish them and the items are mounted on the ship, they are allowed into orbital stations only--not planets--so the items may be removed on sealed docks for destruction. Failure to comply with this is punishable with ship destruction.
  • 6. Ship restrictions according to the Laws of Rheinland:

• All Battleship and Cruiser class vessels other then Rheinland Military tagged ships are BANNED from Rheinland, unless with permission from the Admiral of the Rheinland Military, other then that there are no exceptions.

• All Cruiser and Battleship class vessels allowed under special circumstances, are to keep a 10k distance from any Rheinland based Planet.

• Gunboats, Bombers, and Fighters have permission to stay within Rheinland based planet orbits, but are to move if asked.

• The Rheinland government has completely forbidden the operation of BHG capital ships inside of Rheinland territories bar notified and authorized logistic activities (pass through Rheinland to reach other systems). Any ships disregarding this regulation will be deemed criminals and dealt with accordingly.

  • 7.Liberty affiliated traders can only carry the following cargo in Rheinland:
   • Ageira or DSE hauling Gate or Trade Lane Parts.
   • Synth Foods, Inc. hauling synth paste or other food.
   • Orbital Spa and Cruise hauling legal Human Cargo (no slaves).
   • Human Transportation by non Libertonian Corporations (no slaves)

Ageira, DSE, Synth, Foods, IC and Orbital Spa and Cruise are allowed to haul the same goods within Rheinland. If carrying other goods, they will be ordered to drop them and to change course to Liberty space.

• The Interspace Commerce is authorized to bring these commodities both ways across the border between Liberty and Rheinland, to supply their bases:

Niobium,Platinum,Polymers,Consumer Goods – excluding whips, chains and liquid latex,Food Rations,H-Fuel,Holo-tainment Bands,Iridium,Luxury Consumer Goods,Oxygen,Pharmaceuticals,Silver,Tobacco,Water,Wine

Ships containing any other cargo are to be turned back home under penalty of death. Destroy their ship if they refuse to take the shortest route home with their cargo on board.

  • 8. System-wide transmissions that are encrypted or containing sensitive information are the work of spies and traitors. These transmissions usually contain “//” or “lol”. For first offense, warn pilot that encrypted messages or messages of an inflammatory or subversive nature are not allowed in Rheinland space. If the spy continues to broadcast these messages, destroy the ship by any means necessary.
  • 9. Pilots displaying hostile activity are to be shot on sight with prior warning.
  • 10. Pilots of unknown and doubtful activity are to be requested to leave Rheinland. Those who fail to comply in a reasonable period of time will be shot on sight.


Inspekteur der Polizei
Otto Putzkanner
Otto Hildebrandt Hans Regenkurt
Alison Falke Dominik Mertins Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Hrafn Olavsson Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Markus Dietrich Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Hans Eberhart Kanze Kurlei Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Hans Dobrecht Emilie Walden Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot


  • Oberst ; Coming soon....

  • Kommissar ; Coming soon....

  • Detektiv ; Coming soon....

  • Wachmann ; Coming soon....

  • Polizeikadett ; Coming soon


72-ARKM-G3 "Banshee" LF

CTE-4000 "Griffin" LF

CL-11000 "Arrow"

72-ARKM-G27 "Phantom" LF

CTE-3000 "Falcon" HF

CTE-6000 "Eagle" VHF

90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" VHF

Rheinland Gunboat


Prison Liner


Faction Relationship
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Federal Police
Republican Shipping
Ageira Technologies
Daumann Heavy Construction
Kruger Minerals
ALG Waste Disposal
Synth Foods, Inc.
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Farmers Alliance
Golden Chrysanthemums
The Phantom Empire
Red Hessians
At War
At War
Nomads/Das Wilde
At War
Liberty Navy
At War
Liberty Security Force
At War
At War

Owned Bases

Other Bases populated
