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ExoGeni Corporation
Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Alignment Lawful/Corporation
Date of founding 802 A.S.
Date of dissolution N/A A.S.
Founder(s) Unknown
Current leader(s) CEO Tiberius Maxwell TD Patrick Russ
Base of operations Cambridge Research Station, Cambridge
During this period, I became interested in how the new techniques of cloning and sequencing DNA could influence the study of genetics and I was an early and active proponent of the Human Genome Sequencing Project. - Prof. Tiberius Maxwell


ExoGeni is the leading genetical research department in Bretonia. In addition to funding the establishment of several bretonian colonies, ExoGeni has incidentally secured resource rights to worlds that may have undiscovered resources or remnants of alien technology, such as their newest colony on Planet Sprague. They are closely related to Cryer Pharmaceuticals. ExoGeni is known to be contracted by House militaries and privates alike for their bio-genetical implants. One of ExoGeni's subsidiaries is a private military contractor with a highly-trained security force capable of rescue, reconnaissance, and para-military operations. The corporation uses the force to secure and protect its assets and high profile employees.


The first founders of ExoGeni are still a shadow in the corporation's history, there are no documents about them, only that they assigned the control over the whole corporation to Professor Tiberius Maxwell. The Bretonia Police Authority had some relevant documents about ExoGeni, and those documents were dated to 802 A.S, two years after the Nomad War.

Even with all the possible documents related to ExoGeni, the whole deal on how the corporation was founded remains a mistery.

Job Opportunity

ExoGeni owned research and transport convoys increased their presence Sirius-wide since 802 A.S, their research convoys were seen in Omicron Theta, searching within the system's nebulas for artifacts. With some of the recent discoveries in xenoarcheology belonging entirely to them. Another important section of ExoGeni is their trading department, an independent section, not related to research operations, dealing in the transportation of materials like:

Colchester City, Planet Cambridge, the ExoGeni Headquarters
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Alien Organisms 1 Legal RestrictedB1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal - ImportG1 Yes
Artifacts 1 Illegal Illegal RestrictedK1 Illegal Illegal Legal Legal - ImportG1
Beryllium 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Beryllium Ore 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Bio-Neural Processors 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Boron 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Cryocubes 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Deuterium 1 Legal Legal RestrictedK4 Legal Legal Legal Legal
Fertilizers 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Food Rations 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Helium 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Human Organs 1 Illegal RestrictedB1 RestrictedK5 Legal Legal Legal Legal Yes
Hydrocarbons 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Iridium 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Luxury Consumer Goods 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Mining Machinery 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Nano-capacitors 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Neon 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Optical Chips 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Optronics 1 Legal Legal RestrictedK4 Legal Legal Legal Legal
Oxygen 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Pharmaceuticals 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Plutonium 1 Legal RestrictedB1 RestrictedK5 Legal Legal Legal Legal Yes
Polymers 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Prometheum 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Yes
Quantum Multiplexors 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal - ImportG1
Robotic Components 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Scientists 2 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Spaceship Crew 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Super Alloy 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Superconductors 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Synth Paste 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Terraforming Gases 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Toxic Waste 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Water 1 Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Genetical Research Department

Patented Products:

Gene Theraphy: Gene therapy is the insertion of genes into an individual's cells and tissues to alter the person's DNA. Gene therapy allows for the treatment of genetic disorders by replacing a defective mutant allele with a functional one using a carrier, also known as a vector, to deliver the therapeutic gene to the patient's target cells. Currently, the most common type of vectors are viruses that have been genetically altered to carry normal human DNA.