Review (4.86)
Since the Grizzly's looks are based on the
Rhino, it falls under the category of most underappreciated ships. First of all, despite it being classified as a Freighter, it isn't one. If you use it as a
freighter, the only enjoyment you'll get is when you haul cargo you'll get for the RP fun. As a freighter,the Grizzly fails miserably. If you want to haul cargo for profit, GET A
Camara. If you wanna stay ALIVE then, the Grizzly is a no-brainer.
Let me clarify however that the Grizzly is not useless, because that's what underappreciated implies- not useless. The Grizzly is one of the most agile freighters of the mod, its agility bypassing the worst of SHFs, and its 4+4 firepower substantial for two-hitting most Heavy Fighters. The generous power core is one of the plus points as well, as it can sustain extended firing of all 8 gunz n turrets for much longer than it takes to bring down most enemies.
But 8 guns pointed in your face still ain't enough justification for this ship being a fighter? Speed-wise, this thing is much speedier than most fighters as it has a Cruise Speed of 400m/s, which means that say your character doesn't feel like exploding, you can outrun most of those who can kill you, and kill most of those who can outrun you. This ship is particularly good at running away mostly due to its 2 CMs.
Don't feel like running away? Then take those fudge-eaters head on! The thing about freighters is that they can mount freighter shields, which means you don't have to give a crap about taking a hit or two.
But wait- there's more! Ever wonder what 255 cargo space is for if it ain't for hauling cargo? What differs 255 cargo space from the SHF's 200 cargo space is that 200 can't mount a CAU6 (or if you use your cargo space sparingly, CAU7), which brings your hull up to around 70000 hitpoints, which is MORE that of an unarmored armored transport!
In actual combat, this ship performs drastically better than fighters. First off, most fighters are either limited in or cannot zoom out in turret view- but freighters can. What's more is that this freighter can fire in pretty much all angles with little blind spots, so as long as you keep within range and don't fly in a straight line (which you will achieve easily thanks to the monster turn rate), you'll eventually have a chance against fighters. So your turret view sorta compensates for the low turn rate.
Oh yeah, the Grizzly also has CDs. So you could try being a pirate as long as you keep the tech nerf in mind.
In light of all this praise, the Grizzly is far from perfect. Firstly, as the Grizzly is a liberty civilian ship, the use of the DL-Hai in Rheinland, Gallia and Borderworlds is generally not recommended as factions which aren't tech nerfed to the Grizly are hostile to everyone, and factions that you want to join are tech nerfed down to about 0% which could disadvantage you in pretty much any situation.
Secondly, since the Grizzly is about as freighter as a pancake is a gorilla, you won't be able to do much trading. You can, however try offering escort services, which however leads to my third point:
The Grizzly is terrible against capships. Especially those armed with anti-fighter turrets. So if you say meet a 10milordie cruiser, give him the money, or RUN AWAY.
Still despite all this, the Grizzly with some armor is always fun- it's fast, fairly agile and makes people hate you cause they aren't progessive enough for turret view. and it looks awesome, and best as a personal transport/fighter. However you need to be careful when RPing as I've accidentally killed people when firing warning shots. Because screw Weapon Groups.
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