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"Hydra" Crayter Gunboat
Ship Class
Built by
Crayter Military
Technical information
0 / 6
Opt. weapon class
Max. weapon class
Other equipment
Hull strength
Max. shield class
Cargo space
420 units
Max. impulse speed
90 m/s
Max. thrust speed
160 m/s
Max. cruise speed
350 m/s
Power output
500,000 u
Power recharge
50,000 u/s
Additional information
Ship price
Package price
DSCore: Hydra
The Hydra is the Crayter Republic's answer to swarms of strikecraft that may threaten it's interest. Designed for a multitude of roles ranging from force recon to fleet escort to heavy patrol, the Hydra is able to take to the front in nearly any operation.
- This ship is too large to use docking bays, it must use mooring points.
[show]Outdated Review (4.86)
Review (4.86)
Viewed from the front, side or rear, this gunboat looks very thin. This trait offers significant advantage to it as a capital ship, making it almost impossible to hit from those angles if the pilot manages to increase distance from hostiles above 1k. Viewed from the top or bottom, its a fairly easy target as it has a very wide egg-like shape. The 6 turrets are placed as followed: 3 on the "top" and 3 on the "bottom". Each turret has a 360 degree angle of fire (except the front bottom turret, which fires in a 180 degree arc facing forward), but those placed on the "top" cant shoot down (and the other way around). This makes the "top & bottom" a heavy pair of weak spots as each offers only 50% of fire coverage and exposes the ship as an easy target. Nonetheless, pilots all over Sirius who have mastered covering their weaknesses have found this ship invaluable as it its well capable of staying on max shooting range of a cruiser and slowly grinding it down while receiving no damage in return.
This ship can be classified as a light-gunboat, since its power-core and hull offer less combat potential than its significant maneuverability. Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by Balthazzar
[show]Outdated Review (4.86)
Review (4.86)
The Hydra follows the Nyx and Pytho in offering a very small profile from the front and side to get hit on. As a gunship, the Hydra performs excellent when used as a forward-firing fighter-like craft. The Hydra can direct all 6 turrets forward, to unleash a withering barrage on any incoming craft. When using 6 standard IMG gunboat turrets, you can fire them indefinately as their discharge does not exceed the ship's power plant - as such, it's better to use heavier damage guns, like the Cerberus gunboat cannons, or Zoner turrets. Adding a missile launcher into the mix works too.
Alternatively, the slim profile of this ship lends it to the pulse/razor style gunboat. Two or three pulse turrets combined with three razors will obliterate any fighter craft in a single shot if you are able to hit them. However, such a barrage will completely drain the ship's energy, forcing you to wait about 10 seconds for your next shot.
The ship has a slightly below average hull strength, so getting into a slugging match with another gunboat is not recommended. If you do end up in one, strafe vertically rather then side to side, to make optimal use of your ship's very low height. Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by AeternusDoleo
[show]Outdated Review (4.86)
Review (4.86)
The Hydra is better than it looks. It has 124,000 hull, a medium gunboat power core of 500,000, fires 6 turrets forwards, 5 backwards, and 4 in other directions, and turns like most light gunboats. It's bigger than most gunboats, but has a flat shape.
Basically, it has the hull, core, and size of a larger gunboat, with the speed and firepower of a light gunboat. It's not as bad as it sounds, though, because of how flat it is. If you can keep your front aimed at your enemy, you will have all six turrets on them, and you will be able to vertically strafe to dodge effectively while taking advantage of your thin profile.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by TLI-Inferno
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