- This is an unofficial player group.
We're researchers. We're trying to figure out the nature of the Universe, determine the reasons which caused it to appear, and formulate the rules that govern its existence. We are not consumed by a quest for money, we don't seek fields of artifacts, and we're not interested in turf wars with other factions. That is why we're hiding here in the Border Worlds and concentrating on our research. Our forte is not combat, but knowledge - knowledge of the Sirius, accumulated over years of research.
- Lebedev describing Clear Sky
One of the first factions established in the Sirius, Clear Sky was dedicated to researching the Universe and learning its inner workings, and are not averse to hiring mercenaries to perform missions, much like the Liberty Navy faction. However, unlike the Liberty Navy, they are more than willing to resort to violence to get their way, and are as fiercely protective of the Universe as The Order, or even the Freelancer's.
The faction is neutral to all other factions of the Liberty, with the exception of Liberty Rogues, Xenos , Outcast and Hellfire Legion.
The Clear Sky faction headquarters are Uknown They are poorly-equipped, likely due to the fact they didn't have to fight anything other than Criminals. This later changed and Clear Sky began to obtain higher tier weaponry for use at the later battle of the Universe.
- Origins -
Clear Sky was formed after a split occured among members of the research team that caused the Universe to emerge in the first place. Disputes concerning cleaning up the aftermath of the failed experiment caused approximately a half of the scientists to leave. Three of them (N.A. Lebedev, V.I. Suslov and E.F. Kalancha) formed Clear Sky in order to research the Zone and find a way to remove the fracture in the noosphere or at least contain it so that it can be lived with.