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Solar Runners
- This is an unofficial player group.
Solar Runners | |
Origin | Planet Rori, Omicron Solar |
Affiliation | Zoners |
Alignment | Quasi-lawful |
Profile | |
Date of founding | 819 A.S. |
Founder(s) | Ashley Suzuki |
Current leader(s) | James Harper, Ashley Harper, Joseph Wolf, Maxamillion Wolf |
Base of operations | Omicron Solar, The VAULT |
Primary role | |
Collecting Information & Exploration | |
Secondary role | |
Protecting what is ours |
This is the Universe. We are Humans. A funny race wouldn't you say? Always fighting each other because of greed. It all boils down to greed. We split into groups and take something and call it ‘ours’. But is it honestly yours? Or is it everyone’s. The world was not created to be split. It was made in one piece, and should only be one piece. People differ from each other from large things to small things. But does it matter? We are humans and we have the same capacity to think, it all just depends on if you decide to use it. Instead of splitting, why can’t we remain in one group? That is where we come in.
The Solar Runners was founded by Ashley Suzuki in 819 A.S. created to be a group of individuals from all the other groups and merging them into one. People who disagree with discrimination, people who disagree with greed. Discovery was our main goal. Discovering the things out there that nobody knew about it. Discovering the things that come to befall the rest of the humans. Sirius was not good enough for the people and explored in secret. The Zoners were people who fit us, we behaved like Zoners and our beliefs were just about the same. Well then why not expand what they thought?
Finally a major breakthrough happened as Jump Drives were created. Using the technology some of our scientists from all the houses worked together and created a system that was able to generate hyperspace coordinates from afar by only having the general area of a system. Using this ended in many failures but eventually we landed in one system. A system with many planets and nebula's. It was a sight to see, a world untouched by the nomads or any other human alike. We call this place Omicron Solar. We created cities over time, massive cities. In a way I suppose we became a house of our own. An unknown house.
We are still travelers in Sirius where we remain. We wish to learn everything we can. Learning is our only objective. War is unnecessary in our eyes, the destruction caused by it will only end in pain for both sides of the war. Of course we don’t interfere with these wars, due to us being mostly unknown still and even if we were... We still wouldn't. Wars are chosen by both sides and it is a mutual agreement for it to continue. If one side gave up, and it would end. It is as simple as that. Let the wars continue, letting the world continue around us untouched is always a sight to see.
Our numbers are few in Sirius, everyone important to our cause is back at Omicron Solar. That is fine though... we make do of with what we have and don’t complain.
Neutrality is the key we believe. This is something many people have tried over the years but have never been able to pull off. The reason that they haven’t been able to do this, is because they lack one thing. Honesty. In reality, the only thing you need to be neutral to someone is to be friendly and honest. Being friendly to whoever you meet always accomplishes something, that person usually takes a liking to you. And honesty. No matter where you are at, if you are pulled over by doing something illegal? Accept the punishment, for you have been in the wrong. Accept what happens to you. If you follow these things and then in reality there is no reason for people to hate you, unless you are just someone who hates everyone and in that case, god save you.
The Solar Runners follow these things, our intentions are pure. We follow the laws of all the houses as they are correct in their eyes and some of their politics are very truly correct. The reason we do such is because of the citizens. If you think about it, the houses are mostly made for protecting the citizens but people keep forgetting this. They only focus on themselves and on the power they can gain through having control of them. But as a flip-side if the citizens are happy with the government, then there is no reason to stop what they are doing.
The decisions made by the government is not to be chosen by another government but by the citizens alone. War is pointless, the increase of territory has been a problem since the dark ages of old earth, but in space all you have to do is turn in the other direction. Choose a star, there are thousands of them. But we have no say in what they decide and we respect that.
All of what I was just said wraps back to the point of neutrality. You follow what the houses wish, and respect them. As long as you do this and have honesty with it, then you have a reason to be trusted. Being trusted is important in learning about things. If you see any of us with the call sign that matches our group and see them being disrespectful or doing any illegal activities? Report them to me. I will deal with them personally. This is all I have to say, and to anyone listening to this, Safe Skies.
1.1 Back Story
Formed by Ashley Suzuki, self-employed freelancer, the Solar Runners are a small group of Zoner’s out in Sirius and Gallia exploring every inch of space. Most think “oh god, another Zoner research group” however where we split apart from others like us is our attempt of peace. We are ones for peace, and being researchers like we are, we try to find new ways for peace in the houses and deep space. One of the unique side things are we travel all of Sirius and Gallia, trying to “Help others” so to speak, including those in a blood boiling war with each other or just a simple child argument. Of course being as friendly as we are, we do of course have a few enemies out in space however we have more allies and neutral groups then we do enemies.
The story behind the runners is that everyone is tired of war but can’t do much about it. Ashley banded together with a small amount of people to fix this problem. War is everywhere, that’s a fact, it’s in humans nature to fight, however if there is just a single push or guidance from another, then wars and fighting can be less horrific then they are now. That’s we’re we come in; we try to search for ways in the past others resolved their conflicts peacefully instead of a full blown invasion or war. When we find a place where we can step in and mediate then we do, however the fact remains that war cannot be stopped, it’s going to happen one way or another unless there’s a middle ground for possible peace.
1.1.A Story Update
Having undergone many changes in the past two years, the Solar Runner's have made many allies and friends in their travels, from helping supply stations, to working with planets and allies, to even bringing a middle ground to fighting people. Many of the Runner's have been given gifts due to this, such as Joseph Wolf, who was able to obtain a IMG class battlecruiser from the IMG command themselves. While many don't see the Runner's as they used to be, many good things then bad have come from this change, including the support and help from both sides.
Their leader, James Harper and his wife; Senior Councilmen Ashley Harper have personally overseen the foundation of the Runners from their first stepping stone of gathering people slowly in Liberty; all the way up to the highly classified meetings with the Order Primary Fleet and the Zoner Confederacy about peace and prosperity. Many have followed their ideals to heart, including the current higher ranking officers of the Runner's, who support the cause in all possible ways. Their start also for supporting Research has also begun to glow brightly, and the Harper's were put to shock at what their men and women could do when put to the task.
Making many allies along their way, the Runner's are seen as people who can stop wars before they even begin and people who can start and finish research projects when even given a chance at it. It is currently unknown where or how these Runner's are trained, but rumors circulate about the Runner's having a hidden star system, nicknamed Omicron Solar, some where in the solar area between Omicron Gamma, Omicron Theta and the Omega systems
1.1.B Omicron Solar Rumor
While the Runner's don't spread them; themselves, it is heard that they have their own hidden system, called Omicron Solar, where the Solar group has set up a home and live there, working on projects, supplying their small fleet of ships and even work on colonizing a planet called Planet Rori. It has been also seen that the Runner's transport terraforming goods between locations but never seem to reach them however reappear with another cargo type as if from no where.
It is said however. To gain access to this system, you need to prove yourself worthy of the Solar Runner cause and must remain silent about where it is, and who runs it. Those that speak about it, seem to only make little to no sense of where they went or what they saw; however saying that the last thing they saw, was a towering dome building with many other domes around, surrounded by a massive sand storm and repeat the same of seeing people working on experimental things from nanite technology, to even multi-type vehicles made to counter all terrain types.
Weather any of this is true or not, remains to be seen and if any of it is, also remains to be seen if access is even possible, and if it is, to see what these people were even talking about.
1.2 Ranking – Leadership
Rather than just one leader, the Solar Runners relies on parliament of people. No one man or woman is considered higher then the other's and all are treated the same in the group. However there are those that hold a higher rank for the part of Fleet operations, diplomatic operations and even over see who is doing what, below is the operational standard for the Runner's for rank
1.3 Ranking Tree
-- Leaders --
- Star Runner - The leader of the Runner, given only by the past leader, this rank is held by only the wisest and most diplomatic Runner in the entire fleet's. Personally over seeing their group, these people are seen to be the figure head and the overseer of the entire Runner's, who also finalize and finish research projects, military or fleet protocols, inter-space operations and even tasked to over watching their home.
- Homestar Runner's - Second in command of the Solar Runners, these people are the ones who oversee it all, from beginning to end and finalize everything done by the Runner's. These people are personally picked by the Star Runner him or herself and are the most trusted Runner's in the entire operation
-- Councilmen --
- Senior Councilmen - Also known as the elders of the Runner's, these men and woman of this tier and rank are hand picked by the Runner leadership themselves, chosen to be the best of the best, these Runner's lead all operations and ship fleets to and from locations, handle indepth diplomatic affairs and even personal oversee the construction of all ships
- Councilmen - Lower leadership of the Runner's, these men and women are the life line Runner's, second to none of the command itself, these Runner's are normally the leaders of all research and operations of the Runner's, commanding up to at least one large capital vessel and the fleets of everyone below them
-- Eclipse
- Eclipse Awoken - Sometimes called the Eclipse Commanders. These Runner's are the vital organs of the operation, leading all in and our of operations and research. These Runner's are second to none of the Solar Runner leadership and councilmen
- Eclipse Asleep - Mid-tier officers of the Runners. If Solstice is the life blood, then the Eclipse men and women are the heart of the operations. Given access to at least one capital class and several transport vessels, these Runner's are those that have passed the training and are the just below the Runner Councilmen in rank and superiority.
-- Solstice --
- Solstice Senior Runner - A higher Rank of the Solstice Wing. These elite Runners are trusted to more heavy duty tasks of the Runners, including diplomatic work, logistic supplying and even capital ship officer training
- Solstice Runner - After passing the trials of the Runner's, people are normally awarded with the Rank of Solstice after passing all the tests given by the higher ranks of the Runners. This is the normal rank of the Runner's and normally to get promoted past this point, requires a lot more work, many more message dump reports and research done by the person
-- Dawn --
- Dawn Senior Runner - Passing the first test phase, Runner's are given to the harder test range and the new rank of Senior Runner. This rank comes with extra responsibility and work to get pass. This is still part of the trial wing of the Runner's.
- Dawn New Runner - Newest Pilots of the Solar Runners who are put to the first tests of trust of the Solar Runner's, normally are given at least one ship to command and sent into space to bring back something of worth to the Runners. This is the trial wing of the Solar Runners
-- Note --
- All ranks depending on seniority are classified as "Major" or "Minor" unless otherwise stated
1.4 Ships of Use
- Leadership
- All vessels available which are suitable for the purpose
- Councilmen Wing
- All Fighter, Bomber, Freighter, Transport, Gunship, Small & Medium Captail Crafts
- Eclipse Wing
- All Fighter, Bomber, Freighter, Transport, Gunship and Small Capital Crafts
- Solstice Wing
- All Fighter, Bomber, Freighter, Transport and Gunship Crafts
- Dawn Wing
- All Fighter, Bomber and Freighter Crafts
-- 1.4 Note --
All CTE and Border world ships are usable by default however access must be given to use capital crafts, gunships, heavy transport's and faction related things.
1.5 ZOI
Open space
- All other systems
2.0 Base(s) of operations
Unlike a majority of other factions within Sirius, the Solar Runner's have no defined home as of late, rather; from what people can find out, they rely on a vast number or a 'colony' of ships which they call the Home Fleet. This Home Fleet is made up of a majority of the ships found in section 5.1 of this manual. The flagship of this fleet, the Ares, and its secondary flagships, two carriers and another dreadnaught class, were redesigned with jump drive devices for portal-ling the fleet away from danger
3.0 Diplomacy
Faction | Relationship | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoners |
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The Order |
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Interspace Commerce |
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Liberty |
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Bretonia |
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Kusari |
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Corsairs |
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Rheinland |
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Everyone Else |
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Outcasts |
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Gallia |
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New Zoner Alliance |
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Nomads |
4. Active Special Ships
-- Flagships --
-- Capital Ships --
-- Liners/Transports --
-- Special Ships --