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{{Player Group|The Order}}
{{Faction Infobox
{{Faction Infobox
| name = The Cincinnatus Guard
| name = The Cincinnatus Guard
| image = GUARD33.png
| image = GUARD33.png
| origin = [[Planet Toledo]]
| origin = [[Planet Toledo]]
| alignment = [[The Order]]
| alignment = CLASSIFIED
| founding_date = CLASSIFIED
| founding_date = CLASSIFIED
| dissolution_date = N/A
| dissolution_date = N/A
| founder = Barnes , Finn McCool
| founder = Barnes , Finn McCool
| leader = TCG HeadQuarters
| leader = TCG Headquarters
| primary_role = Eradication of the Nomad threat, across the Sirius
| primary_role = Eradication of the Nomad threat across Sirius
| secondary_role = Defence of the Order interests
| secondary_role = Protection of the Human Race.
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=The Cincinnatus Guard History=
=The Cincinnatus Guard History=
==='''The beginning'''===
It was a day like any other, routine patrols circled above Toledo, Zoners were docking with more supplies and Finn had just come back from another uneventful patrol of Minor, Onicron 100 and 92. As he sat looking at his holopad in the canteen, an unknown figure approached and sat down opposite him.
"Commander McCool?" he said in a low voice, waiting for a responce
Finn looked up at him without moving his head - "who are you, formalities are not needed with me son"
"I am from the Order" he continued "are you Commander Finn McCool?"
"I told you son, no formalities and to answer your question, yes, I am Finn."
Finn, now more intrigued, raised his whole head and leaned back in his chair - "and what can I do for you young pilot?" he questioned.
"Oh I am not who you may think I am" he said with a small grin. "My name is not important, what is important is that I am from the Order and......"
"we are all Order around here, what are you getting at, and while your at it what do I call you?" said Finn, a bit more suspiciously.
"Have you ever heard of the Order of Cincinnatus?" the mysterious man asked.
Finn had heard of them, same as every other Order agent had, all were expected to know the history of The Order to better understand what it was they were laying their lives down for. The Order, and that of the High Command / Primary Fleet, is the modern day Order, but it all started when alien artifacts were discovered on Manhattan in 27AS and a secret department in the Liberty government was established (28AS) to research and record their findings. Revelations had occurred to what these artifacts were after a remarkable discovery that the Rosetta Stone from Old Earth (Sol) contained numerous relations to the markings on the artifacts, with this the department was given a further objective - it would "establish a dictatorship over the Liberty Republic if and only if its survival was threatened." Once the threat had passed, the Order of Cincinnatus would retreat back into the shadows.
The Cincinnatus Order was compromised during the Nomad war and many of its agents had been infested. A few are said to have escaped infestion, but only 1 is talked about - Casper Orillion - the founder of The Order that is based from Toledo today.
"Well I am from the Cincinnatus Order, and I have been sent to give you this..." as he hands a holostick to Finn, "it should be destroyed when you have finished reading it and you need to tell me your answer now."
Finn powered his holopad back on and inserted the stick.....
[[Image:34sqnmg.png|center|thumb|300px| The Cincinnatus Guard Logo.]]
'''To: Finn McCool'''
'''From: C.Order'''
'''RE: Defence of Covert Class Battleship Atum'''
You may or may not have knowledge of a battleship that is currently in orbit in the Alaska system. Its official stance is that of a defensive nature from the threat of Nomads and those who find a way to sneak past Minor with artifacts and traders looking for the risky but quick route into the Omnicrons from NY. Its unofficial basis is that of scientific experimentation due to the nature the Alaska system. These experimentations over the years have gifted us with such developments as being able to use the Nomad weaponry on our ships. But recently we have perfected a technology we have been working on for decades and if this were to fall into the wrong hands the resounding consequences would be dire for mankind, hence we have approached you.
We have been keeping an eye on your progress in recent times Finn and find you to be a very trust-worthy agent. You have shown yourself to be a determined pilot and wing commander with good flight tactics and negotiation skills - exactly what we are after. We require your services to provide the Atum with close proximity support and defense if and when it is required, you may chose your team but be diligent in who you approach as we have info on every Order agent and we will have final say on who is vetted. You are not to divulge this information to them, or anyone else for that matter, as this is of the highest confidentiality. Your official stance is you are assigned to supporting the Atum due to the increased Nomad activity. Your team is to be based on a Geb Carrier, ready to launch at a moments notice.
While The Order Primary Fleets main concern focus' on the defence of it's territories and  
to the protection of Liberty, The Cincinnatus Guard were formed to provide a Sirus-wide
protection from the threat of the preveilant alien entities. From working undercover in
Rheinland and helping with the infestation of Das Wilde, to patrolling the newly accessable
systems of Gallia to determine if infestation is occuring.
Read this and then destroy the holostick via binary degradation.......
TCG was founded out of the need, seen by the Order of Cincinnatus, for a more pro-active
approach to best defend the human species specifically from the threat of infestation.
The few remaining members from the Order of Cincinnatus were increasingly concerned that
the Slomon K'Hara could once again attempt to bring their will to the fore, but in a
different manner.  A unforeseen manner.
Between them they deliberated over what methods and strategies should be taken and who
would be tasked with these such plans.
Finn's eyes widened with what he was reading, but he couldn't quite grasp the reality of it. He read it 6 times just to make sure he wasn't suffering from space dementia and then run the code for binary degradation. This was good news, he had got old before his time by doing the mundane patrols and tasks, sitting outside Isis chatting with the other pilots, telling stories of days gone past, but he wasn't going to give that away to this stranger. 'I'll get back to doing proper work' he thought to himself.
One such plan was hatched through a branch of Contingency Plan: X. This plan went ahead on schedule and was to be overseen by Admiral [[X]]. Whilst the Admiral watched over this new group with eagle eyes but he relieved himself of the position of watching over the branch and instead concentrated on other aspects of forming [[The Order]]. That branch of Contingency Plan: X eventually evolved into what is known today as The Cincinnatus Guard. The person chosen to oversee and command this sub-organisation was one Conrad Rockford, a greatly admired diplomat who was rather well known throughout [[Sirius]] and also one of the few original [[Order of Cincinnatus]] members remaining.
The well built character in front of him got up to leave - "are you coming then, we will have to get started to find you your team..."
"whoa whoa whoa there flyboy" - Finn hadn't finished his now luke warm drink, "who said I was going to do this?"
"please, you expect me to believe a man of your stature, of your beliefs, is going to turn this offer down? Why dont you stop wasting time by pretending you aint gonna take this up and lets go look about that team of yours?"
'Fair do's' Finn thought "lets get cracking"
The 2 men get up to leave, checking behind them to make sure nothing has been left behind.
"By the way, you still havn't told me your name........"
"Name's Rockford, Conrad Rockford - pleased to make your acquaintance Finn"
'Rockford???? why does that name seem familiar to me?" Finn pondered......
Finn and Conrad chatted on their way down to the docks. The cold wind sending a chill through the 2 of them, Conrad more so. Finn had been at Toledo most of his career and the cold didn't bother him that much. As they neared the launch pads he could see the ground crew sorting out a heavily damaged VHF. He had great respect for the ground crew, they were the unsung heroes and most of them were ex-military and so they were some of the best Sirius had to offer. Without them the ships wouldn't be going anywhere.
"You following me to the Atum or will I meet you there?" Conrad queried as he climbed into his Spacial. Finn hadn't seen 1 of those in a very long time.
"I'll meet you there" replied Finn. "I have a few things to lift on Isis, i wont be long" he continued, while he walked around his ship to do the routine checks. The chief crewman, Markus, came over to greet Finn - they had struck up a good working friendship together, often winding Finn up with smart comments about how he had still his missile silo full. It was all good natured fun. After jumping into his Sekhmet and powering up the core, Markus would have his diagnostics holopad plugged into the side of the ship. He was going through his own checklist and gave Finn the thumbs up when he had finished. Finn stuck the 2 fingers up back at him and the 2 laughed as Finn gave the engines the mammoth thrust needed to pull it into the atmosphere.
Positioning his ship towards the Isis Finn started to think about what kind of team he would require. He had narrowed it down to 3 - a full on fighter wing, a fighter / bomber wing or a mixed class contingent.
"This is Order Agent Finn McCool - docking cert #664553 - temporary docking request"
The Isis was a powerful ship and his awe for it never feigned, many a time had he see it destroy would be attackers for 1000's of metres away.
"Cleared for docking" the automated response came and he aligned the ship up towards her docking bay. He felt the all too familiar shudder as the docking tractor beam locked on and trailed him inside.
He left his ship in the bay and mosied off to his quarters, still thinking about the team. Inside his dormitory he went to the holoscreen and powered it up, sat on the edge of the bunk and started to search for some likely candidates. A few caught his eye and he scribbled their names and ship class down on the holopad next to him, then he remembered about a file he had read about a strange happening back in 799AS. An Osiris build had just be completed at Tripoli when the skeleton crew, along with order and corsair escorts, were moving the new-build to Evora shipyard to retro-fit it with their superior weapons, better scanner and improved hull. As they left Kappa for the Delta system something seemed to go wrong inside the wormhole stream and the Osiris done a blind jump to the edge of a galaxy. It surely would have been lost if it wasn't for the quick thinking of the captain. In the captains statement he is adamant that he was off course no longer than 3hrs but the Osiris had been missing for more than 18 cycles. Ship built in 799AS - ship rediscovered in 817AS. Finn then continued his search to find the personnel file of the captain mentioned, Jim Barnes. He couldn't find any info on him or the ships name. 'Intriguing' he thought to himself. He had a high level security clearance but this was higher than he.
After a work out to de-stress himself, a quick shower and something to eat, he made his why down to the docking bay with his newly updated list of names and ships. He was sure now, after much research, of what type of team he'd need - a mixed class contingent. Unlike the base on Toledo, most things were automated on the Isis apart from the equipment manager, so he never did quite feel the same as on a launch pad. No quick witted humor or piss taking, no pre-flight banter or giving the light-hearted fingers to the crewmen, if there was any about - they would have properly have taken offence to it anyway. . .
The Sekhmet undocked and made a beeline straight for the Alaska wormhole, auto-pilot guiding the way. When the ship arrived it would come to a halt and Finn would have to check in with the listening post on the other side in Alaska. He didn't want to just jump through and end up in a 3-way between him, the BHG, the Libertines and the Nomads, worst case senario of course, but it has happened before. Once the all clear was received he would start the jump sequence and be ready just in-case there was something lurking the other side. He jump, it was clear, he headed in the direction of the Atum's last known position and plotted his route on the nav computer. 50 odd k to travel. Tedious, but at least he could get some more reading done - or so he thought.
Halfway through his journey the contacts box light up like a Christmas tree - he had 4 Nomad assassins approach from the starboard. He had taken on 4 Nomads before so thought nothing of it and assumed control of his ship, banking in towards them. As soon as they were in range he would fire a SNAC right into the middle of them to divide them up, then continue to pommel them with his reavers and purple goddess chain guns. He loved the chain guns from the 1st minute he had them fitted. *THUD*THUD*THUD* - he never seen this before - the Nomads weapons were hitting him but his targeting computer had ranged in yet - 'how the hell' he muttered to himself, knowing that in past battles he would have that upper hand. No time to wonder about it now, so he stuck to his plan and let the SNAC off - *WOODOOF* - bang went 2 of them in 1 shot. He never done that before and there was no-1 around to see it happen. ''DAMN IT'' he shouted in frustration as he turned the ship in a flat spin and fired after the remaining 2 that just whizz passed him on either side. The computer was targeting escort 2 now and it was a fair distance out by now, then it turned and came straight for him. 'Brilliant, it's goin to be the death of itself' he thought to himself as he let lose 3 missiles in quick succession - 1 leaped out of the salvo and killed the shields, the next 1 went to the hull near shattering it and the 3rd to make sure he blew up - "AARRGGGHHHHH" he screamed - still no-1 to see that mighty fluke, he'd land back on Toledo and tell Markus but he knew rightly that without video evidence he would just get the piss ripped out of him even more. Now for the last 1 before any more showed up. Circling around to catch up with Nomad number 4 he seen a couple of bright flashes and BOOM the 4th Nomad disappeared in a puff of purple mist - SWEEETTTT - he had flown close to the Atum and her defense protocol came on-line and just vaporised it.
[[Image:Ormmnq.jpg|right|thumb|500px| The Waratah Battleship.]]
"This is Order Agent Finn McCool - docking cert #664553 - temporary docking request"
To his surprise the voice that came back was human and not automated.
"Docking cleared Commodore McCool - welcome aboard the Atum"
Finn done the normal line up and let the Atum drag him up into its belly. As the ship was hovered into its docking position Finn was greeted by Conrad and 2 other figures. They shook hands and led the way into a makeshift conference room. The 1st question Finn asked was about the Osris BS OPF#100282 and its captain, his curiosity had got the better of him and he just wanted to know. Conrad looked at the other 2 men and each 1 gave a subtle nod in approval.
"That ship was called the Waratah - it had gone missing many cycles ago" Conrad started, "its crew abandoned ship at an unknown vector and have never been heard of since - no emergency beacons - nothing. Its captain was the only 1 left aboard when it showed up nearly 20 cycles later in the Delta system. He had only been gone circa 3hrs. The ships systems powered off during the jump but without assistance rebooted again after the jump. It recorded everything from there on in."
"Everything?" said Finn slightly bemused
"Everything" came the response from 1 of the others. "It gave us the 1st, on the edge look of a galaxy, a galaxy that isn't our own. But even more amazing that that, we believe that the jump incident was down to FTGW and that the shear size of the Osiris, coupled with parsec timing had upset the wormhole stream and ripped a fold through the very time and space that we exist in."
At this point the men handed Finn a holopad in which information known about the FTGW was stored.
"We have been working closely with Zoner teams who have great knowledge about FTGW. It has been discovered that the Waratah had picked up something on its jump. While it is not expected to be the actual FTGW, it does seem to have numerous likenesses and may be an echo."
"An echo?" Finn said confused. "An echo of what exactly?"
"An echo of the cosmic algorithm that zips from real-space to sub-space. When the Waratah went through the stream, nothing of that mass had went through it at that precise moment the algorithm echo was passing and so bent the stream by a mere few degrees. But the was more than enough to shape the stream into the path or direction the the original FTGW took when it disappeared." The men stared at Finn to see if he was keeping up with them.
"So are you telling me that some of that algorithm coupled up with the systems on Waratah?" Finn wasn't as slow as some may have believed.
"When we got the Waratah back we requested a docking clearance with FP11 to check her over before we could let it do another jump - after doing some routine systems checks the Zoners realized what had taken place and feared it would start to take over their machines and start the whole saga off again." Conrad added as 1 of the men got up to leave.
"We found, after many, many tests, that it was not the same as FTGW, but more akin to the Harvasters VOTM, DOTM and MOTM sub-routines. We tried to remove them from the ship AI construct on the Waratah, but discovered they are just there, part of the hardware and firmware."
It had come to the attention of the Order of Cincinnatus council of an Osiris, the Waratah, that had gone missing on it's
maiden voyage, only to reappear nearly 2 decades later.  The Captain, Jim Barnes, was the sole survivor.
Finn had got his head round this news a bit more but felt he needed to understand more....
Rockford was sent to FP11 in Delta, have a debriefing with Barnes and to recieve the ship report from the Zoner engineers.
The initial thought was that the Kappa/Delta JH was knocked out of phase alignment but after reading
"So where is the Waratah and her Capt now and what happened to Capt Barnes?"
the reports on both the JH assessment and the Waratah it was apparent that this wasn't the case at all.
The Osiris had something else on board that it didn't in Kappa. At first it was believed to be another attempt of infestation by the Slomon K'Hara and so specialist Order scientists,
"The Waratah is currently in Delta." - The man that had left the room had just walked back in, passing another holostick for Finn's use.
led by Dr Edward Maxwell, were called in.  By colaborating with the Zoner scientists and engineers they were able to
"Capt Barnes is now part of The Cincinnatus Guard and is in charge of the Waratah. We have, with the help of the Zoners, imitated and programed the echo found to be used in our own AI construct. While it is experimental, it shows signs of NHI greatly beyond any human programmed AI we have come across before and extremely stable."
detremine that it was not the Slomon K'Hara but actually FTGW - the Zoners had more experience on this
and so were invited to run more tests on both the Waratah and Captain Barnes.  Barnes came back clean, the ship not so.
Finn had an idea - an Osiris would be a welcomed addition to the team, but 1 already in service, that knows the Order's ZOI well and that is extensively modified would be ideal. He put forward his idea and was not surprised that they agreed. Now he just need to sort through the other names he had chosen and pick a Geb aircraft carrier commanded by a affluent captain and a selection of other craft and pilots. He still had to choose carefully, he wanted to get it right 1st time around......
The AI installed was a basic code until it got to Evora but the AI, after the jump, had been modified beyond anything human.
Conrad went back to the Order of Cincinnatus and requested the command of Waratah and her captain, Jim Barnes, for use in TCG.
His request was allowed.  Rockford would travel throughout Sirius to headhunt for more competant members to join the ranks of TCG.  He could have went and handpicked members from The Order but numbers were not high and so he didnt want to stretch their resources.  The agents were sourced from all Houses, from all sectors of those Houses and even from some criminal groups.  Dr Maxwell was asked to join with them since he had help to diagnose the problems on the Waratah and was thought of very highly by Dr Quintane, his mentor.  He accepted and was given the role as Head of Scientific Operations for TCG.  Next was a highly decorated pilot from the The Order itself, Commander Finn McCool.
McCool had served in the Nomad War and had led many a sortie into hostile territory, coming back with most, if not all, of his wing-men.  He had been approached after coming in from a routine patrol around the sectors and presented with a holo-doc asking him to patrol a secret base of operations in alaska - The Atum - with the pretense of assessing him.  McCool would later be presented with the role of Squadron Commander for TCG.  Barnes was tasked with Capital Command - he would oversee Capital Ship deployment and assignment. These two are responsible for the vetting of the new pilot recruits.
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'''Name:''' The Cincinnatus Guard<br />
'''Name:''' The Cincinnatus Guard<br />
'''NPC Alignment:'''  [[The Order]]<br />
'''NPC Alignment:'''  [[The Order]]<br />
'''ID:''' [[TCG ID]] <br />
'''ID:''' [[The Order ID]] <br />
'''Faction tags:''' TCG|<br />
'''Faction tags:''' TCG|<br />
'''Naming Convention:'''<br/> ''For fighters and bombers'': TCG|FirstName.SurName or TCG|Codename <br/> ''For Gunboats:'' TCG|Codename <br/> ''For capital Ships:'' TCG| <br/> ''For Generic Class Ships:'' TCG|>Purpose<
'''Naming Convention:'''<br/> ''For fighters and bombers'': TCG|FirstName.SurName or TCG|Codename <br/> ''For Gunboats:'' TCG|Codename <br/> ''For capital Ships:'' TCG|Codename <br/> ''For Generic Class Ships:'' TCG|>Purpose<
==The Cincinnatus Guard Roster==
==The Cincinnatus Guard Roster==
Line 164: Line 69:
===Capital Ships===
===Capital Ships===
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Barnes]] | Waratah | Osiris-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Barnes]] | Waratah | Osiris-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Sam Fisher]] | Collateral | Osiris-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Sam Fisher]] | Collateral | Osiris-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Hiller]] | Voyager | Osiris-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Hiller]] | Voyager | Osiris-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Kane]] | Demon | Osiris-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Kane]] | Demon | Osiris-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Finn McCool]] | McCool | Resheph-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Avalon]] | Korvus | Geb.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Nemesis]] | Recon-Shared | Resheph-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Balkan]] | Danko | Hathor-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Balkan]] | Danko | Hathor-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Elay]] | Elay | Hathor-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mr. Jack Thunderman]] | Dr.Max | Hathor-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Steven Hiller]] | Steven Hiller | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Steven Hiller]] | Steven Hiller | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Alisa]] | Little Mushroom | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Alisa]] | Little Mushroom | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Elay]] | Elay | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Wizard]] | Wizard | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Wizard]] | Wizard | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mephisto]] | Mephisto | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Mephisto]] | Mephisto | Anubis-s.png}}
Line 186: Line 91:
{{Ship List | [[Jacob Jackson]] | Jacob Jackson | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Jacob Jackson]] | Jacob Jackson | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Silverado]] | Silverado | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Silverado]] | Silverado | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List | [[Korvus]] | Korvus | Bastet-s.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Steven Hiller]] | Steven Hiller | Sekhmet-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Steven Hiller]] | Steven Hiller | Sekhmet-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Wizard]] | Wizard | Sekhmet-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Wizard]] | Wizard | Sekhmet-s.png}}
Line 196: Line 102:
{{Ship List | [[Paul Hogan]] | Paul Hogan | Sekhmet-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Paul Hogan]] | Paul Hogan | Sekhmet-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Alisa]] | Little Mushroom | Sekhmet-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Alisa]] | Little Mushroom | Sekhmet-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List | [[Selket]] | Korvus | Sekhmet-s.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
==Alert codes and procedures==
We DONT believe in ranks.
- All snubcraft's weapons to be put on safety.
- All turrets on capital ships to be powered down, and all power from ship’s core to be transferred to engine to deliver maximum manuverability or usage of onboard systems.
- All comunications frequencies are allowed.
- Code GREEN will be in efect as soon as any TCG vessel enters Omicron-100 and Omicron-74 systems. The only situations when code GREEN is disregarded are combat simulations or a posible intrusion of hostile vessels in these systems. Hostile vessels are to be advised to leave the mentioned systems accompanied by an escort. Failure to comply leads to destruction of these vessels, and prisoners transferred to TCG|Alcatraz for questioning!
NOTE: Combat simulations are NOT to be practised in Omicron 74.
- Code GREEN will also be enforced on every TCG vessels which is positioned at 5 klicks (or less) from a base, station or planets orbital infrastructure! If engaged by hostile vessels in this area, every TCG pilot or commander of capital ship must exit the 5 clicks perimiter due to safety of civilians onboard stations. While no one questions our agent's abilities to protect the lifes of civilians aboard those stations, same thing cant be guaranteed for our enemies. As soon as you're clear, you are free to arm your weapons and engage the hostiles!
Code BLUE:
- All snubcraft's weapons to be put on safety.
- All turrets on capital ships to be powered up, which also includes Auto-Targeting systems on offline.
- All communication will be done only on secured TCG frequencies or in short range comm systems. Long range broadcasting comunications will be done only by squadron leaders!
- Code BLUE will be enforced during patrols through Alaska, Omicron Minor, Omicron Delta and Omicron Kapa!
- All vessels with unknown transponders are to be treated like friendlies, until proven otherwise. Aproach them with caution! Accompany them with escort if needed !
Code RED:
- Maximum security level.
- All snubcraft's weapons are powered up, safety switches are off.
- All comunication should be done only TCG secured frequencies. Only squadron leaders can transmit on short and long range broadcasting channels!
- All turrets on capital ships are powered up, Auto-Targeting systems are online. All power from ship’s core are to be be re-routed to weapons and shields, to ensure maximum combat effectivenes. All non-esential systems should be powered down, and their power supply should be transferred to weapons and shield. All emergency  hatches on all decks should be sealed off for posible breaches and atmosferic decompresion.
- All vessels entering scaner range are to be advised that Auto-targeting systems are online on all ships and they should keep 5k distance at all times! Also, all unknown vessels are to be treated like hostile. Aproach them with extreme caution! If proven friendly, advise them to leave to nearest safe station, base or planet!
- Code RED can be issued only by squadron leaders!
- Code RED is mandatory for every vessel going on covert or recon missions.
- Members of the Hellhound squadron are advised to be all the time on code RED.
=Tech Usage=
=Tech Usage=
Line 209: Line 158:
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Osiris]] | Primary WarShip | Osiris-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Osiris]] | TCG WarShip | Osiris-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
'''[[Osiris|Order CV-1 "Osiris" Battleship ]] '''
'''[[Osiris|Order CV-1 "Osiris" Battleship]] '''
"Originally an experimental vessel designed by the LSF and LN, the original Osiris and it's designs were stolen by defecting Order agents. The current design abandons the dangerous and volatile cloaking technology in favor of increased armour and bigger engines. The Osiris is still used as a strike battleship, heavy hitting and lightly armored it packs a punch that even the Liberty Dreadnought  can't match for it's size. The Osiris has been the base model for a number of recent capital vessels designed by the Order. Due to a prior agreement with The Order, the Corsairs also have plans for this ship and are able to produce the ship for active Corsair service. "
"Originally an experimental vessel designed by the LSF and LN, the original Osiris and it's designs were stolen by defecting Order agents. The current design abandons the dangerous and volatile cloaking technology in favor of increased armour and bigger engines. The Osiris is still used as a strike battleship, heavy hitting and lightly armored it packs a punch that even the Liberty Dreadnought  can't match for it's size. The Osiris has been the base model for a number of recent capital vessels designed by the Order. Due to a prior agreement with The Order, the Corsairs also have plans for this ship and are able to produce the ship for active Corsair service. "
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[GEB]] | Assault Carrier | Geb.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Geb]] | TCG Assault Carrier | Geb.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
'''[[GEB|Order Light Assault Carrier ]] '''
'''[[Geb|Order Light Assault Carrier]] '''
"A heavily modified Osiris  class transport, named after the godfather of Osiris, Isis, Nephtys and Seth, only the outer hull remained after Order technicians started to modify the aging Osiris class battleship to achieve a new mobile assault base. The cloaking mechanism was removed, which led to a great argument among the order high command and instead four revolutionary torpedo launch systems were installed.
"A heavily modified Osiris  class transport, named after the godfather of Osiris, Isis, Nephtys and Seth, only the outer hull remained after Order technicians started to modify the aging Osiris class battleship to achieve a new mobile assault base. The cloaking mechanism was removed, which led to a great argument among the order high command and instead four revolutionary torpedo launch systems were installed.
Line 233: Line 182:
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Resheph]] | Recon Cruiser | Resheph-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Resheph]] |TCG Recon Cruiser | Resheph-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
'''[[Resheph|Order Reconnaissance Cruiser ]] '''
'''[[Resheph|Order Reconnaissance Cruiser ]] '''
Line 244: Line 193:
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Hathor]] | Gunboat | Hathor-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Hathor]] | TCG Gunboat | Hathor-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
'''[[Hathor|Order Gunboat ]] '''
'''[[Hathor|Order Gunboat ]] '''
Line 258: Line 207:
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Nephyts]] | TCG Primary VHF | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Nephthys]] | TCG Primary VHF | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
'''[[Nephyts|TCG Very Heavy Fighter ]] '''
'''[[Nephthys|TCG Very Heavy Fighter]] '''
"Orillion's Corps of Engineers latest development, Nephthys is a vastly improved Anubis. During the Nomad war, Anubis proved to be a reliable ship, but its armor and weaponry were outclassed by alien enemies. Many skilled pilots of The Order were killed in unequal fights, and weakening of the organization lead to doubtful alliance with Corsairs. Using a Titan power array, Order engineers constructed the Nephthys, one of the heaviest and most powerful fighters ever seen in Sirius. "
"Orillion's Corps of Engineers latest development, Nephthys is a vastly improved Anubis. During the Nomad war, Anubis proved to be a reliable ship, but its armor and weaponry were outclassed by alien enemies. Many skilled pilots of The Order were killed in unequal fights, and weakening of the organization lead to doubtful alliance with Corsairs. Using a Titan power array, Order engineers constructed the Nephthys, one of the heaviest and most powerful fighters ever seen in Sirius. "
Line 268: Line 217:
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Bastet]] | TCG Secondary Fighter | Bastet-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Bastet]] | TCG Secondary Fighter | Bastet-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
'''[[Bastet| The Order Very Heavy Fighter ]] '''
'''[[Bastet| The Order Very Heavy Fighter]] '''
"Even within the Order  rare sightings of the Bastet are cause for rumor and speculation. A limited production testbed model plays host to the wild imaginings and engineering sorcery of some of the most potent creative minds of Sirius, when one is put to the field for some practical 'runs' the results are as violent as they are spellbinding.  
"Even within the Order  rare sightings of the Bastet are cause for rumor and speculation. A limited production testbed model plays host to the wild imaginings and engineering sorcery of some of the most potent creative minds of Sirius, when one is put to the field for some practical 'runs' the results are as violent as they are spellbinding.  
Line 280: Line 229:
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Anubis]] | TCG Heavy Fighter | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Anubis]] | TCG Heavy Fighter | Anubis-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
'''[[Anubis|TCG Heavy Fighter ]] '''
'''[[Anubis|TCG Heavy Fighter]] '''
"OBuilt from the ground up by Orillion's Corps of Engineers, the Anubis is a one-of-a-kind class of ship. It has been completely outfitted for optimal performance in combat, with the best possible balance of power, armor, and weapon extensibility. It is used by The Order  to infiltrate, secure, and, if need be, quickly dominate in hostile situations. Though it is not an easy ship to fly, in the hands of a skilled pilot the Anubis is unbeatable. "
"OBuilt from the ground up by Orillion's Corps of Engineers, the Anubis is a one-of-a-kind class of ship. It has been completely outfitted for optimal performance in combat, with the best possible balance of power, armor, and weapon extensibility. It is used by The Order  to infiltrate, secure, and, if need be, quickly dominate in hostile situations. Though it is not an easy ship to fly, in the hands of a skilled pilot the Anubis is unbeatable. "
Line 291: Line 240:
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Sekhmet]] | TCG Primary Bomber | Sekhmet-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Sekhmet]] | TCG Primary Bomber | Sekhmet-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
'''[[Sekhmet| The Order Bomber ]] '''
'''[[Sekhmet| The Order Bomber ]] '''
Line 305: Line 254:
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Enterprise]] | TCG HeadQuarters | Enterprise-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Enterprise]] | TCG HeadQuarters | Enterprise-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
"HeadQuarters is the hearbeat of all our operations. Every Order in mission for TCG comes out from here. HeadQuarters also houses Wine Tobacco, Oil, Diamonds , and assortment of other gifts for not only TCG pilots but all Order agents that served under our side in combats.
"HeadQuarters is the hearbeat of all our operations. Every Order in mission for TCG comes out from here. HeadQuarters also houses Wine Tobacco, Oil, Diamonds , and assortment of other gifts for not only TCG pilots but all Order agents that served under our side in combats.
Line 313: Line 262:
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Enterprise]] | TCG Alcatraz | PrisonLiner-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Prison Liner]] | TCG Alcatraz | PrisonLiner-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
The Alcatraz is TCG's infamous Prison, there has been never an escape from there, and currently there are over a thousand Bounty Hunter Guild pilots. Also there are heaps of Scientists onboard including a Prisoners, and a torturer that we hired from Primus.
The Alcatraz is TCG's infamous Prison, there has been never an escape from there, and currently there are over a thousand Bounty Hunter Guild pilots. Also there are heaps of Scientists onboard including a Prisoners, and a Interrogator that we hired from Primus.
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Democritus]] | TCG Labaratory | Democritus-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Democritus]] | TCG Labaratory | Democritus-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
Our Lab is led by Dr.Max, who'se a well known sicentists. He's an expert in the field, aswell as with the Nomad studies. He currently has over 1500 specimens.
Our Lab is led by Dr.Max, who'se a well known scientists. He's an expert in the field, aswell as with the Nomad studies. He currently has over 1500 specimens.
{{Ship List begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Pelican]] | TCG Armory | ArmoredTransport-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Pelican]] | TCG Armory | ArmoredTransport-s.png}}
{{Ship List end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
TCG Armory currently owns more then two-hundrad weapons.
TCG Armorys are very very well equipped.
== Diplomacy ==
|{{Faction Diplomacy begin}}
| {{Faction Diplomacy/begin}}
{{FD | [[Zoners]] | +0.8}}
{{FD | [[Zoners]] | +0.8}}
{{FD | [[Corsairs]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[SCRA]] | +0.7}}
{{FD | [[SCRA]] | -0.4}}
{{FD | [[RHA]] | +0.6}}
{{FD | [[The Order]] | -0.5}}
{{FD | [[Bundschuh]] | +0.3}}
{{Faction Diplomacy end}}
{{FD | [[Blood Dragons]] | +0.3}}
| {{Faction Diplomacy begin}}
{{FD | [[GMG]] | +0.3}}
{{FD | [[Liberty House]] | -0.6}}
{{FD | [[Order]] | +0.3}}
{{FD | [[The Wild]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | ''Everyone else'' | 0.0}}
{{FD | [[The Keepers]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Liberty Police Incorporated]] | -0.5}}
{{FD | [[Bounty Hunters Guild]] | -0.9}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
{{Faction Diplomacy end}}
| {{Faction Diplomacy/begin}}
{{FD | [[Outcasts]] | -0.5}}
{{FD | [[Liberty Navy]] | -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Liberty Security Force]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[Bounty Hunters Guild]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[Corsairs]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[Phantoms]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Wilde]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Aoi Iseijin]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Keepers]] | -0.9}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
[[Category:Player Characters]]
*[ Feedback]
*[[dgctopic:65480|Message Dump]]
*[ Message Dump]
*[[dgctopic:65480|Faction Status Post]]
*[ Faction Status Post]
*[[dgctopic:75077|FR'5 Applied]]
*[ FR'5 Applied]
*[[dgctopic:75126|TCG MEMBERS FALL IN URGENT]]
[[Category: Order]]
[[Category:The Order]]
[[Category:Player Groups]]

Latest revision as of 17:09, 1 December 2012

This is an unofficial player group. For the affiliated NPC faction, see The Order.

The Cincinnatus Guard
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Origin Planet Toledo
Date of founding CLASSIFIED A.S.
Date of dissolution N/A A.S.
Founder(s) Barnes , Finn McCool
Current leader(s) TCG Headquarters
Base of operations CLASSIFIED
Primary role
Eradication of the Nomad threat across Sirius
Secondary role
Protection of the Human Race.

The Cincinnatus Guard History


While The Order Primary Fleets main concern focus' on the defence of it's territories and to the protection of Liberty, The Cincinnatus Guard were formed to provide a Sirus-wide protection from the threat of the preveilant alien entities. From working undercover in Rheinland and helping with the infestation of Das Wilde, to patrolling the newly accessable systems of Gallia to determine if infestation is occuring.

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TCG was founded out of the need, seen by the Order of Cincinnatus, for a more pro-active approach to best defend the human species specifically from the threat of infestation. The few remaining members from the Order of Cincinnatus were increasingly concerned that the Slomon K'Hara could once again attempt to bring their will to the fore, but in a different manner. A unforeseen manner. Between them they deliberated over what methods and strategies should be taken and who would be tasked with these such plans.

One such plan was hatched through a branch of Contingency Plan: X. This plan went ahead on schedule and was to be overseen by Admiral X. Whilst the Admiral watched over this new group with eagle eyes but he relieved himself of the position of watching over the branch and instead concentrated on other aspects of forming The Order. That branch of Contingency Plan: X eventually evolved into what is known today as The Cincinnatus Guard. The person chosen to oversee and command this sub-organisation was one Conrad Rockford, a greatly admired diplomat who was rather well known throughout Sirius and also one of the few original Order of Cincinnatus members remaining.

It had come to the attention of the Order of Cincinnatus council of an Osiris, the Waratah, that had gone missing on it's maiden voyage, only to reappear nearly 2 decades later. The Captain, Jim Barnes, was the sole survivor. Rockford was sent to FP11 in Delta, have a debriefing with Barnes and to recieve the ship report from the Zoner engineers. The initial thought was that the Kappa/Delta JH was knocked out of phase alignment but after reading the reports on both the JH assessment and the Waratah it was apparent that this wasn't the case at all. The Osiris had something else on board that it didn't in Kappa. At first it was believed to be another attempt of infestation by the Slomon K'Hara and so specialist Order scientists, led by Dr Edward Maxwell, were called in. By colaborating with the Zoner scientists and engineers they were able to detremine that it was not the Slomon K'Hara but actually FTGW - the Zoners had more experience on this and so were invited to run more tests on both the Waratah and Captain Barnes. Barnes came back clean, the ship not so. The AI installed was a basic code until it got to Evora but the AI, after the jump, had been modified beyond anything human.

Conrad went back to the Order of Cincinnatus and requested the command of Waratah and her captain, Jim Barnes, for use in TCG. His request was allowed. Rockford would travel throughout Sirius to headhunt for more competant members to join the ranks of TCG. He could have went and handpicked members from The Order but numbers were not high and so he didnt want to stretch their resources. The agents were sourced from all Houses, from all sectors of those Houses and even from some criminal groups. Dr Maxwell was asked to join with them since he had help to diagnose the problems on the Waratah and was thought of very highly by Dr Quintane, his mentor. He accepted and was given the role as Head of Scientific Operations for TCG. Next was a highly decorated pilot from the The Order itself, Commander Finn McCool. McCool had served in the Nomad War and had led many a sortie into hostile territory, coming back with most, if not all, of his wing-men. He had been approached after coming in from a routine patrol around the sectors and presented with a holo-doc asking him to patrol a secret base of operations in alaska - The Atum - with the pretense of assessing him. McCool would later be presented with the role of Squadron Commander for TCG. Barnes was tasked with Capital Command - he would oversee Capital Ship deployment and assignment. These two are responsible for the vetting of the new pilot recruits.


Name: The Cincinnatus Guard
NPC Alignment: The Order
ID: The Order ID
Faction tags: TCG|
Naming Convention:
For fighters and bombers: TCG|FirstName.SurName or TCG|Codename
For Gunboats: TCG|Codename
For capital Ships: TCG|Codename
For Generic Class Ships: TCG|>Purpose<

The Cincinnatus Guard Roster

Capital Ships

Or osiris.png
Mr. Barnes
Or osiris.png
Mr. Sam Fisher
Or osiris.png
Mr. Hiller
Or osiris.png
Mr. Kane
Mr. Balkan


Or elite.png
Steven Hiller
Steven Hiller
Or elite.png
Little Mushroom
Or elite.png
Or elite.png
Or elite.png
Or elite.png
Jacob Jackson
Jacob Jackson
Or elite.png

Steven Hiller
Steven Hiller
Willy Loman
Willy Loman
Miss Marley
Paul Hogan
Paul Hogan
Little Mushroom

Alert codes and procedures


- All snubcraft's weapons to be put on safety.

- All turrets on capital ships to be powered down, and all power from ship’s core to be transferred to engine to deliver maximum manuverability or usage of onboard systems.

- All comunications frequencies are allowed.

- Code GREEN will be in efect as soon as any TCG vessel enters Omicron-100 and Omicron-74 systems. The only situations when code GREEN is disregarded are combat simulations or a posible intrusion of hostile vessels in these systems. Hostile vessels are to be advised to leave the mentioned systems accompanied by an escort. Failure to comply leads to destruction of these vessels, and prisoners transferred to TCG|Alcatraz for questioning! NOTE: Combat simulations are NOT to be practised in Omicron 74.

- Code GREEN will also be enforced on every TCG vessels which is positioned at 5 klicks (or less) from a base, station or planets orbital infrastructure! If engaged by hostile vessels in this area, every TCG pilot or commander of capital ship must exit the 5 clicks perimiter due to safety of civilians onboard stations. While no one questions our agent's abilities to protect the lifes of civilians aboard those stations, same thing cant be guaranteed for our enemies. As soon as you're clear, you are free to arm your weapons and engage the hostiles!

Code BLUE:

- All snubcraft's weapons to be put on safety.

- All turrets on capital ships to be powered up, which also includes Auto-Targeting systems on offline.

- All communication will be done only on secured TCG frequencies or in short range comm systems. Long range broadcasting comunications will be done only by squadron leaders!

- Code BLUE will be enforced during patrols through Alaska, Omicron Minor, Omicron Delta and Omicron Kapa!

- All vessels with unknown transponders are to be treated like friendlies, until proven otherwise. Aproach them with caution! Accompany them with escort if needed !

Code RED:

- Maximum security level.

- All snubcraft's weapons are powered up, safety switches are off.

- All comunication should be done only TCG secured frequencies. Only squadron leaders can transmit on short and long range broadcasting channels!

- All turrets on capital ships are powered up, Auto-Targeting systems are online. All power from ship’s core are to be be re-routed to weapons and shields, to ensure maximum combat effectivenes. All non-esential systems should be powered down, and their power supply should be transferred to weapons and shield. All emergency hatches on all decks should be sealed off for posible breaches and atmosferic decompresion.

- All vessels entering scaner range are to be advised that Auto-targeting systems are online on all ships and they should keep 5k distance at all times! Also, all unknown vessels are to be treated like hostile. Aproach them with extreme caution! If proven friendly, advise them to leave to nearest safe station, base or planet!

- Code RED can be issued only by squadron leaders! - Code RED is mandatory for every vessel going on covert or recon missions. - Members of the Hellhound squadron are advised to be all the time on code RED.

Tech Usage

Capital Ships

Or osiris.png
TCG WarShip

Order CV-1 "Osiris" Battleship

"Originally an experimental vessel designed by the LSF and LN, the original Osiris and it's designs were stolen by defecting Order agents. The current design abandons the dangerous and volatile cloaking technology in favor of increased armour and bigger engines. The Osiris is still used as a strike battleship, heavy hitting and lightly armored it packs a punch that even the Liberty Dreadnought can't match for it's size. The Osiris has been the base model for a number of recent capital vessels designed by the Order. Due to a prior agreement with The Order, the Corsairs also have plans for this ship and are able to produce the ship for active Corsair service. "

TCG Assault Carrier

Order Light Assault Carrier

"A heavily modified Osiris class transport, named after the godfather of Osiris, Isis, Nephtys and Seth, only the outer hull remained after Order technicians started to modify the aging Osiris class battleship to achieve a new mobile assault base. The cloaking mechanism was removed, which led to a great argument among the order high command and instead four revolutionary torpedo launch systems were installed.

However, those systems were not meant to fire torpedoes into space, but to allow deploying a full squadron of fighter into space in less than one minute. A revolving mechanism "reloads" the tubes with the assault fighters and bombers sitting in the inside of the carrier to quickly fill the space with a whole armada of ships.

This carrier was never meant to be used as a stationary base. It relies on mobility and speed. Although larger than the Osiris, it is still classified a cruiser but its large reactor allows it to mount a stunning 18 turrets to charge the enemy and quickly break through enemy lines. The nature of this ship also allows it to function as a deadly artillery over a large distance, assisting its fighters against any enemy. Reinforced armour and a new engine system makes this ship as quickly as much smaller cruisers and as well protected as some battleships.

The Geb is the largest of the Battlecruiser-Class craft in the Discovery Mod, matching the size of some smaller Battleships like the Osiris. It also lacks the Battleship-Class turret hardpoints used by other Battlecruisers, but unlike the others the Geb has heavier armor and a Battleship-Class Shield, giving it increased survivability when combating other large capital ships. Due to it's large size, the Geb is more vulnerable to small craft such as bombers than other Battlecruisers or Cruisers are, so it is best to focus on the ship's primary strength: Fighting other large capital warships. It is also worth noting that the Geb has more turrets than any other vessel currently available."

TCG Recon Cruiser

Order Reconnaissance Cruiser

"Though being an organization possessing awe inspiring means of destruction, the Order's primary purpose has always been one of vigilance. Working under the philosophy that the best war that is won before it begins, the Resheph was commissioned.

Possessing scanning technology of dizzying sophistication, rumored to be able to create tunnels through which distant stars can be scanned in real time, in a frame capable of incredible feats of stealth with evasive technology capable of ferrying it safely from the grimmest encounters. "

TCG Gunboat

Order Gunboat

"When the Zoners constructed their gunboat, a more offensive variant prototype was developed at the same time. This design was then secretly shared with the Order, who then developed plans for large scale construction. Thus was birthed the Hathor. Acting mainly as an anti-fighter/bomber ship, this successful class rapidly became the most produced capital class vessel in the Order. With an advanced reactor and superior targeting system, the Hathor has superior firepower, to meet the needs of its intended role: to reduce any hostile scouts trying to penetrate Order territory to their core, flaming, components.

This ship, using the original definition of the word, is awesome. Able to mount 8 turrets, all of which can fire forward, it is capable of delivering quite a heavy punch at almost all angles. The design of this gunboat alone is enough to persuade even the most indecisive of pilots, leading to it's purchase. Given it's mounting capabilities and superior power generator, it can be kitted for an anti-fighter/bomber as well as an anti-capital configuration at once. Four Order turrets, a Battle Razor, A Pulse Cannon and 2 missile turrets make this ship a force to be reckoned with. From the front and side it is generally hard to hit, try to keep your enemies away from the top and bottom though."


Or elite.png
TCG Primary VHF

TCG Very Heavy Fighter

"Orillion's Corps of Engineers latest development, Nephthys is a vastly improved Anubis. During the Nomad war, Anubis proved to be a reliable ship, but its armor and weaponry were outclassed by alien enemies. Many skilled pilots of The Order were killed in unequal fights, and weakening of the organization lead to doubtful alliance with Corsairs. Using a Titan power array, Order engineers constructed the Nephthys, one of the heaviest and most powerful fighters ever seen in Sirius. "

TCG Secondary Fighter

The Order Very Heavy Fighter

"Even within the Order rare sightings of the Bastet are cause for rumor and speculation. A limited production testbed model plays host to the wild imaginings and engineering sorcery of some of the most potent creative minds of Sirius, when one is put to the field for some practical 'runs' the results are as violent as they are spellbinding.

This Order only ship is a very quick and agile little craft. She is favoured by pilots with top fighting skills due to her supreme dodging ability. In the hands of a skilled pilot, the Bastet can be near impossible to hit for any other than a crack shot. Adding to her strength is her capability to mount 6 Class 10 weapons; 2 on each of her wings and 2 nose either side of the nose. Adding to this, she can mount one fighter torpedo or cruise disrupter and a Class 5 turret; although this can only fire backwards. To offset the powerful weaponry she can mount, is her powerplant, which is fairly low compared to some other Very Heavy Fighters. Even with a slightly lowered power core, this ship is still able to pack a punch in a dogfight and live to tell the tale. Most pilots utilise the Hardpoints to mount codename weapons in addition to 2 Nomad Blasters or Cannons. "

Or elite.png
TCG Heavy Fighter

TCG Heavy Fighter

"OBuilt from the ground up by Orillion's Corps of Engineers, the Anubis is a one-of-a-kind class of ship. It has been completely outfitted for optimal performance in combat, with the best possible balance of power, armor, and weapon extensibility. It is used by The Order to infiltrate, secure, and, if need be, quickly dominate in hostile situations. Though it is not an easy ship to fly, in the hands of a skilled pilot the Anubis is unbeatable. "

TCG Primary Bomber

The Order Bomber

"When the Bounty Hunters Guild focused it's capital fleet on the Omicron systems, the Order needed a bomber that was both capable of fending off these attackers and efficiently engineered due to the Order's limited resources. The Sekhmet represents the pinnacle of Order engineering and allows the Order to deal heavy damage to attacking capital ships at minimal risk. "

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
TCG NON-combat ships.

Luxury liner.png
TCG HeadQuarters

"HeadQuarters is the hearbeat of all our operations. Every Order in mission for TCG comes out from here. HeadQuarters also houses Wine Tobacco, Oil, Diamonds , and assortment of other gifts for not only TCG pilots but all Order agents that served under our side in combats.

Prison liner.png
Prison Liner
TCG Alcatraz

The Alcatraz is TCG's infamous Prison, there has been never an escape from there, and currently there are over a thousand Bounty Hunter Guild pilots. Also there are heaps of Scientists onboard including a Prisoners, and a Interrogator that we hired from Primus.

TCG Labaratory

Our Lab is led by Dr.Max, who'se a well known scientists. He's an expert in the field, aswell as with the Nomad studies. He currently has over 1500 specimens.

Transport armored.png
TCG Armory

TCG Armorys are very very well equipped.


Faction Relationship
Blood Dragons
Everyone else
Liberty Police Incorporated
Faction Relationship
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Bounty Hunters Guild
At War
At War
Aoi Iseijin
At War
At War
