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Line 556: Line 556:
| 1,795,000
| 1,795,000
| Zoner very heavy fighter
| Zoner very heavy fighter
| [[Viper]]
| 6/1
| 65
| 8800
| 58
| 1,963,130
| Fast and powerful heavy fighter
| [[Viper Mk II]]
| [[Viper Mk II]]

Revision as of 02:09, 30 May 2008

A fighter is a military craft designed primarily for attacking other aircraft, as opposed to a bomber, which is designed to attack heavier targets, primarily by dropping bombs or other weapons. Fighters are comparatively small, fast, and maneuverable. In Freelancer, they are the most commonly used class of ships.

This page is broken down into two distinct sections: Stock fighters and Discovery fighters. The term 'stock' is meant to imply a craft from the original, unmodified version of Freelancer. Discovery fighters are, obviously, the modified inclusions or revisions to the original set of crafts.

Stock Fighters

Light Fighters

Name Weapons Cargo Hull NB/SB Price Notes
Banshee 4/0 45 4500 33 141,920 Rheinland; excellent fighter
Bloodhound 3/1 35 1900 14 12,120 Pirates
Cavalier 4/0 30 2100 15 25,660 Bretonia
Dagger 4/1 35 1800 15 17,020 Border Worlds; very agile
Drake 4/0 35 2800 23 51,920 Kusari
Hawk 4/0 45 3300 26 70,620 Civilian
Legionnaire 4/0 35 2400 20 35,060 Corsairs
Patriot 4/0 25 1300 12 7,600 Liberty; agile, but weak
Piranha 4/0 35 1800 15 17,020 Bounty Hunters Guild
Starflier 3/0 20 1100 10 7000 Non-aligned; fastest ship available; starting ship
Startracker 3/0 30 1800 15 17,020 Non-aligned

Heavy Fighters

Name Weapons Cargo Hull NB/SB Price Notes
Barracuda 6/0 45 3600 26 71,210 Bounty Hunters Guild
Centurion 6/0 45 9200 55 441,550 Corsairs; comparable to a very heavy fighter
Defender 5/1 30 1600 14 12,260 Liberty; lackluster at best
Dragon 6/0 40 3600 26 71,210 Kusari; agile and poweful
Falcon 5/1 60 6200 43 662,630 Civilian
Stilleto 6/0 45 4900 33 143,110 Border Worlds
Valkyrie 5/1 50 5800 38 202,880 Rheinland; balanced ship
Wolfhound 5/1 40 3600 26 71,210 Pirates

Very Heavy Fighters

Name Weapons Cargo Hull NB/SB Price Notes
Anubis 6/1 70 4200 29 1,100 The Order; excellent ship with good agility
Eagle 6/1 70 9900 63 558,550 Civilian; can mount class 10 weapons
Hammerhead 6/1 70 7900 49 351,550 Bounty Hunters Guild
Sabre 6/1 70 10800 63 558,550 Border Worlds; can mount class 10 weapons
Titan 6/1 70 12600 71 776,380 Corsairs; can mount class 10 weapons

Discovery Fighters

These are new fighters added in the Discovery Mod.

Light Fighters

Name Weapons Cargo Hull NB/SB Price Notes
Arrow 2/0 20 5000 35 1,744,000 Light fighter/interceptor
Arwing 4/0 35 5500 36 1,295,000 Agile and fast light fighter
Slipstream 6/1 40 5400 35 1,215,000 Agile and fast light fighter
Kadesh LF 4/0 35 1900 17 43,200 Cheap and nice light fighter
Tiger Shark 3/0 40 5600 36 1,592,000 Civilian light fighter
Kushan Scout 4/0 50 6400 40 1,045,000 Maneuverable light fighter
Somtaaw LF 4/0 30 2600 18 68,000 Light fighter with torpedo mount
Raiders LF 4/1 40 3800 28 148,000 Middle-class light fighter
Liberator 4/0 45 5800 38 1,118,000 Advanced Patriot
Hussar 4/0 50 6400 42 1,242,000 Advanced Cavalier
Wyrm 4/0 45 6200 40 1,195,000 Advanced Drake
Loki 4/0 45 6500 42 1,675,000 Red Hessian light fighter
Hyena 3/1 60 7200 45 1,396,000 Advanced Bloodhound
Starblazer 4/0 35 3100 25 157,600 Civilian light fighter
Griffin 4/0 50 6600 44 1,308,000 Advanced Hawk
Scimitar 4/1 50 6700 44 1,395,000 Advanced Dagger
Decurion 4/0 45 6300 40 1,414,000 Advanced Legionnaire
Sea Serpent 4/0 40 6400 40 1,285,000 Advanced Piranha
Phantom 4/0 55 6800 44 1,358,000 Advanced Banshee
Nomad Fighter 3/0 50 11800 65 2,780,000 Original Nomad Fighter
Nomad Light Fighter 3/0 40 7000 45 2,960,000 Nomad Fighter modified for human pilots

Heavy Fighters

Name Weapons Cargo Hull NB/SB Price Notes
Death Scythe 6/0 50 4400 33 348,860 Camouflaged heavy righter
Kadesh H.F 6/0 70 8200 50 1,163,300 Powerful heavy fighter
Kushan H.F 5/1 55 5400 35 599,630 Middle-class heavy fighter
Kiith Somtaaw H.F 6/1 70 9000 60 1,693,130 Maneuverable and powerful Heavy Fighter
Marauder 6/1 50 7400 46 1,798,300 Agile heavy fighter
Moldy Crow 6/1 60 8200 52 1,215,000 Agile pirate heavy fighter
Taiidan H.F 6/1 70 7500 47 1,000,300 Powerful heavy fighter
Talon 6/1 70 9200 60 1,958,130 Agile heavy fighter
Executioner 5/1 65 7500 48 945,000 Juni's 'Defender'

Very Heavy Fighters

Name Weapons Cargo Hull NB/SB Price Notes
Raven Claw 8/0 60 9500 62 1,855,000 Advanced very heavy fighter
Raven's Talon 6/1 75 10800 65 2,075,000 Elite very heavy fighter
Collector 2/3 120 12600 110 1,830,000 Junkers' very heavy fighter
Titan* 6/1 70 13500 73 1,825,000 Corsair very heavy fighter
Sabre* 6/1 70 11200 66 1,755,000 Outcast very heavy fighter
Eagle* 6/1 70 9900 63 1,795,000 Zoner very heavy fighter
Viper 6/1 65 8800 58 1,963,130 Fast and powerful heavy fighter
Viper Mk II 6/0 65 10000 64 2,175,000 Powerful very heavy fighter
Stinger 6/1 80 10400 64 1,935,000 Civilian very heavy fighter
Virage 6/0 60 8600 56 1,835,000 Agile very heavy fighter
Kushan 3/2 75 9800 66 1,318,000 Cheapest VHF-class ship
Somtaaw (SHF) 2/5 160 30000 340 3,540,000 Super heavy fighter
Nephthys 6/1 70 14500 78 1,910,000 Advanced Anubis
Wrath 5/1 70 11500 67 1,785,000 Advanced Valkyrie
Odin 6/1 65 9700 62 1,995,000 Red Hessian very heavy fighter
Werewolf 5/1 90 16000 86 2,155,000 Advanced Wolfhound
Templar 6/0 76 14000 76 1,895,000 Advanced Crusader
Chimaera 6/0 70 12400 70 1,760,000 Advanced Dragon
Nomad Assassin 6/0 60 12200 70 3,240,000 Nomad "Assassin" Very Heavy Fighter
Manta 6/1 80 10600 65 1,885,000 Advanced Hammerhead
Guardian 5/1 74 12000 68 1,750,000 Advanced Defender
Avenger 5/1 75 13200 72 1,845,000 Advanced Executioner
Blood Dragon 6/1 65 9600 62 1,620,000 Blood Dragons' ship
Spatial (SHF) 6/1 180 28000 300 4,180,000 Space exploration vessel
Marsflyer (SHF) 4/2 80 10000 64 Unknown Unknown

Unsorted List (to be removed)

Repair Ship 0/3 350 18800 4000 2,745,000 Repair vessel