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EFL Oil & Machinery (player faction)

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EFL Oil & Machinery
Origin Flag-gallia.png Gallia
Alignment Lawful
Recruitment Click to join
Date of founding 234 AGS A.S.
Founder(s) Jordane Francois
Current leader(s) Achille Baron, Karl Baron
Base of operations Chartres Space Colony
Secondary Base Francorchamps Production Facility
Primary ID EFL Oil & Machinery ID
Tag(s) EFL |
Primary role
The extraction and distribution of resources, maintaining of Gallic infrastructures.
Secondary role
Assisting Royal Navy war effort and Police integrity, corporate expansion through various projects solo/joint.


Unlike the other colonies in Sirius, the planets of Ille-de-France and other core systems of Gallia proved to have abundant supplies of oil. Utilizing nearly limitless oil deposits was more efficient for building up the new House than using other types of fuel and alternative means of generating energy. In 234 AGS, a giant corporation named EFL Oil, of which the Crown owned a majority share, was formed to control all extraction, transportation, and processing of oil throughout Gallia. In 440 AGS, when space colonization was on the rise, EFL absorbed several large shipbuilding and engineering companies, becoming EFL Oil & Machinery. In its new state, the corporation was responsible for building many of the currently operating Gallic space station, including several shipyards and space colonies. EFL, in cooperation with Ile-de-France Shipping, had also built the entire rapid space transportation system of Gallia that includes numerous jump gates and trade lanes. When the invasion of Sirius by Gallic forces began, further manufacturing of EFL’s jump gate and trade lane component technology was licensed to Solar Engineering, so that EFL could focus on supporting the invasion forces. This decision remains highly controversial within EFL’s management, but the Crown’s involvement in EFL serves as a guarantee against Solar being able to supplant EFL’s ownership of the technology.

Nowadays, EFL is the largest corporation in Gallia, with the total value of its enterprises estimated to be five hundred billion credits, and the number of employees counting as high as six million. It is operating in virtually every field of the Gallic economy, both planet side and in space. In addition to building stations, the corporation is also one of the largest station operators in Gallic space. Despite the enormous damage caused by the Second Gallic War, EFL had sizeable reserves that were used to compensate the losses. Yet, reserves are easily depleted, and the war is not yet over. Moreover, the Sirius invasion is now underway, which also puts the company under considerable strain due to its contracts with defense agencies and with the Royal Navy in particular. Other corporations operating in Gallic space are either smaller, like IDF or Solar, or are less dependent on the government, like GMS. EFL is often considered the symbol of the excessive involvement by the Crown in Gallia’s economy, which makes the corporation favored target for terrorist groups like the Maquis. All these factors combined are expected to cause serious problems for the corporations long term finances unless it undertakes significant restructuring. The space headquarters of EFL are located at Chartres Space Colony where board officials manage EFL assets, and projects using a docking bay sized holodeck often used in ads to display the company’s long standing progression. Planet side headquarters, as with most other Gallic corporations, are located on New Paris where new employees are often sent to the Beauvais Production Facility to study various methods for extracting petrochemicals.


Upon the EFL Oil’s absorption of smaller Gallic corporations during the year 440 AGS it was decided intervention by the Crown’s influence was needed. After much debate, determining the corporation’s future management became clear. EFL could no longer be managed under the CEO’s single authority. The Northern, Southern, and Central operational territories were divided into divisions each individually managed by board members. With the establishment of the Corporate Board, many EFL assets were reorganized eliminating speculation of collapse due to an inability to properly maintain.


Since turning a blind eye to resource extracting developments to assist the Royal Navy, EFL has become an even greater target during hostilities between the Crown and Bretonia. Aside from criminal behavior such as piracy, transports shipping supplies to naval forces near the border often falls victim to Bretonian raiding parties. It was determined by military officials to authorize civilian fighters escorting vessels into a war zone to be outfitted with military weaponry. Training was also provided to security pilots for counteracting tactics such as diversions to draw fighters from their transports. Civilian involvement outside Gallic space within a war zone kept many citizens on unrest. However EFL continued its plans to reinforce naval bases in Lewis and Edinburgh as well as map out possible locations for system wide transit systems. Security officers are authorized to acquire additional resources from transports affiliated with a House at war with Gallia. Security personnel are not authorized to follow engagement orders not issued by senior EFL , GRP, or GRN personnel.

Authorized Ships


Ga freight.png
Gallic Freighter
Gal trooper.png
Assault Transport
Gallic train.png
Gallic Train
Gallic train adv.png
Advanced Train
Gal liner.png
Gallic Liner


Ga civ lf.png
UX-256 Light Fighter
Ga civ hf.png
UY-258 Heavy Fighter
Ga civ bomber.png
UZ-300 Bomber
Ga repair.png
Gallic Supply Ship

Military assets must be authorized before using.


Escorts are authorized to use equipment sold on Gallic stations.


Faction Relationship
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
IDF Shipping
Gallic Metal Service
Solar Engineering
All Others
The Council
Unione Corse