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Liberty Police Incorporated (player faction)

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This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Liberty Police Incorporated

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Liberty Police Incorporated (LPI) is a private company that handles the policing of Liberty space to interdict the transportation of contraband and to prevent attacks on civilian and commercial traffic. As with any Government-endorsed company, the LPI are the best in their field. Many other corporations bid for the position but the LPI brutally crushed such opposition by clandestine means. As such, the Liberty Police Incorporated have a reputation for being ruthless and efficient.

While there are rumours of corruption and bribery being rampant within the ranks of the LPI, they are normally silenced quickly. The LPI is renowned for its ability to strike with deadly force at any threat from within Liberty's borders.

Summary of Duties:

  • Interdiction of smugglers
  • Upholding the peace, by deadly force if necessary
  • Destruction of any pirates, including Rogues, Hackers, Xenos, Outcasts, and any other rabble-rousers
  • Filling of the prison stations Huntsville and Sugarland for the rehabilitation of criminal elements and the riff-raff
  • Rescue and Assistance of distressed ships and personnel


1 A.S. The Liberty Peacekeepers are formed to help maintain the peace and provide assistance those in need. The Liberty Peacekeepers were a combination of police, and rescue and assistance squads.

10 A.S. Liberty Police Department founded.

16 A.S. Liberty Police Department's space arm is founded.

653 A.S. Liberty Police Inc. takes over control of the old government-funded Liberty Police Department.

800 to 801 A.S. Liberty Police Inc. participates in Nomad war.

815 A.S. "The Great Shake Out", as it was known, rids the LPI of dozens of incompetent and corrupt officers. This is after a year of investigations led and supervised by Chief of Police Matt Myers.

815 A.S. Chief Of Police Matt Myers retires and moves to Curacao.

816 A.S. Chief Of Police Roger Williams dies in an Assassination Plot.

816 A.S. Matt Myers is brought back as Chief of Police.

816 A.S. Terrorist attack on Fort Bush kills 150 LPI officers. Leads to the largest manhunt in all of the LPI's history. It was discovered that the bomb parts used in the bombing were Rheinlandic in origin. Liberties President Powell lays blame for the bombing at Rheinland's feet.

817 A.S. War is declared on Rheinland. The LPI distinguishes itself by assisting the Liberty Navy and Liberty Security Forces in several battles in the opening of the war that turn out to be complete losses for Rheinland.


LPI Officers Roster

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Chief of Police
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Matt Myers (Zapp)
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Deputy Chief of Police
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Jim Markey (Boss) Hull O'Brian(Hack) Riza Williams (Heavy Metal Queen) Karl Agathon (mb52)
File:CaptianLPI.gif Captain File:CaptianLPI.gif
Kent Markey (Boss) Jack Bauer (JBauer) Fred Hamilton (JakeSG) Open Slot 1 Open Slot 2 Open slot 3
File:LieutenantLPI.gif Lieutenant File:LieutenantLPI.gif
Joe Smith (Donutman) Open Slot 2 Open Slot 3 Open Slot 4 Open Slot 5 Open Slot 6
File:SergeantLPI.gif Sergeant File:SergeantLPI.gif
Andrea Berkeley (pieguy259) Alexi Burgess (Dab) Open Slot 1 Larry Morrison (Sovereign) Aiden Maggard (Stygian) Alfred De Beckon (Alfred De Beckon)
Jerry Shaw(Sonny) James Kurios (Kurios) Open 1 open 2 open 3 open 4
open 5
File:Officer.gif Officer File:Officer.gif
Jack Sawyer (Zapp) Steven Taylor (dark177) Lisa Hunter (Jim.Hunter) Bigsby Smith (Alex.Stone) Wright Woody (Hribek) J.D.Masket (Maskage)
Flint Westwood(Tic) Joseph Truman (Sky Jocky) Jason McDonald (Ghostface) Scott Mitchell (Varon Vanderpeck) Colin Sinclair (Error) Bradley "Edge" Marsh (Tavarez)
Christine Dallas (Zasalamel) Glenn Lakewood (middy) Amy McTavish (Akka) Chris Briggs (Chopper 91) Oliver Shaw (Dejavu) Jake Monroe (Zig)
Rodrick O'Rielly (fzyhd) Vito Graziano (Rudo) Andy Crooks (aznremix416) Jarjaxle Entrie (Jarjaxle23) Norman Radclyffe (Nitram) James McNulty (DrBo42)
Sentinel 101 (Fletcher) Sentinel 201A (Fletcher) Anthony Jefferson (Ogris) Hank Goodman (Captain.Stunner) Deveron Kerry (The Master Elite) Marcus Lindberg (Marcus Lindberg)
Yaaliz Shesath (FallOfIsis) Robert Jenson (Canadianguy) Lauren Myers (Gourgia)
Recruit Officer
Ron Davis (Varthog) Leslie Power (Eyvind) Vick "V" Mackey (SKR.Romeo) Gabriel Reazin (Sekra) Carol Ann Suthers (Adamantine Fist) Robert Edward Lee (Lost)
Eliot Bell (Recoil9000) Jasper Newton "Jack" Daniel (Jaicek) Mace Killian (Alexander Draconis) Adrian Richards (Adrian Richards) Ryan Cooper (Oldum) Torro Trait(Death.RunningVerminator)
Steven Le (Steven Le) Collin Davidson (Grim Reaper) Milton Daniels (ryeguy146) Ben Racket (Resolute) Forreiter Szabolcs (Fori) John Parker (Cruben)
SWAT member
Hull O'Brian (Hack) Jack Bauer (JBauer) Andrea Berkeley (pieguy259) Steven Taylor (dark177) Fred Hamilton (JakeSG) Jeff Markey (Boss)
Andy Crooks (aznremix416) Joe Smith (donutman) Aiden Maggard (Stygian) Jerry Shaw(Sonny) Riza Williams (Heavy Metal Queen) J.D.Masket (Maskage)
Bradley "Edge" Marsh (Tavarez) Robert Jenson (Canadianguy) Oliver Shaw (Dejavu) Deveron Kerry (The Master Elite) Alfred De Beckon (Alfred De Beckon) Marcus Lindberg (Marcus Lindberg)
Norman Radclyffe (Nitram) James McNulty (DrBo42) Amy McTavish (Akka) Yaaliz Shesath (FallOfIsis)

Notable LPI officers

  • Chief of Police Matt Myers, the current Chief of Police. Rumour has it that he has his own goon squad to help him enforce his policies over the LPI. Has in his possession a tazer shot gun. Officers report that if his eye Twitches, you should run.
  • Officer Cesar Fezini, Officer that flies his patrol craft while naked. Not a pretty sight. Think overweight Sasquatch.
  • Deputy Chief of Police Sean Toronto, Recently retired, was hell on wheels in a bomber. Would charge off into the Badlands with a war cry with no regard to his own safety.
  • SWAT Officer L.Jenkins, a "some what" off balanced SWAT officer. Calling him by his full name has been the bane of more than one pilot, lawful or unlawful. LPI pilots know not to say his full name. Occasionally slips his Anti Psych meds into other officers coffee.
  • Officer James Kurios, A suspected Machoist, refuses to fly anything bigger than a Patriot. Claims someone needs to show the new kids the ropes. Head Patriot Flight Instructor.
  • Deputy Chief of Police Riza Williams, Fastest Tazer draw in all of the LPI. Has a custom made brick launcher (?) for office use.
  • Officer Oliver Shaw, is also known as Riza's Secretary. Willing to do anything and everything for her, no matter how suicidal. Also makes the best cup of coffee in all of Sirius, because of this rare gift he is know as "The Phantom Coffee Maker". He can also make a very delightful doughnut.
  • Deputy Chief Hull O'Brian, Fiercely loyal to the LPI and his fellow officers in it. No nonsense type of guy, will tell ya to get lost in a heart beat. Has a penchant for Tequila and Redheaded women. Rumor is that if Matt Myers ever leaves, this guy is in trouble. He was captured by a Harvester and lived to tell the tale. Once ordered the destruction of any traffic that got in the way of an ambulance that was on its way to save the life of a LPI officer.
  • Deputy Chief Jim Markey, Longest-serving (consecutive) officer on the force. Possesses the button to the office laser cannon. Rumored to have the ear of the Chief. This disproven by the fact that the Chief yet has both ears. Known to make intelligent decisions from time to time, but prefers talking to fighting.


  • Chief of Police (1); The leader of all LPI officers. The Chief of Police is authorized to fly any ship permitted within the LPI. Any orders from the Chief of Police must be followed. LPI-Name.Surname[C]

  • Deputy Chief of Police (4); The Four Deputies of the Chief of Police, who speak for the Chief when he is not present and may overrule the Captains. They are authorized to fly any faction allowed ship. LPI-Name.Surname[D]

  • Captain (6); The head of a single LPI precinct. Has authority over all lower ranking officers, though will generally only operate in their own system. Captains are authorized to fly any ship below a Riot Van. LPI-Name.Surname[Ca]

  • Lieutenant (6); Assistants to the authority over all lower ranking officers, though will generally only operate in their own system. Lieutenants are authorized to fly any ship below a Riot Van. LPI-Name.Surname[L]

  • Sergeant (13); Low ranking officers who supervise the Officers. Has authority over all lower ranking officers, though they will generally only operate in their own system. Sergeants are authorized to fly anything below a Riot Van. LPI-Name.Surname[S]

  • Officer (Unlimited); The regular ranks of the LPI, with no supervisory authority or power. They will generally operate only in their own system. Officers may fly a Patriot or Liberator. LPI-Name.Surname[O]

  • Recruit Officer (Unlimited); The lowest of the low, these flatfoots are required to prove themselves by completing certain menial tasks, logging time in space, and other things as well as passing a written exam. LPI-Name.Surname[O]

  • SWAT (Unlimited); These officers have joined the elite SWAT squadron and as such are permitted to fly the heavy-hitting ships of the LPI. They are permitted to fly the Havoc bomber, Upholder bomber, Civilian "Roc" bomber, and Eagle Very Heavy Fighter. Callsign is: LPI-SWAT-Initial.Surname[#] with [#] signifying shiptype (H for Havoc, U for Upholder, R for Roc, and E for Eagle).

Shoulder patches of the LPI

Libertybadge.jpg LibertyshoulderpatchAI.jpg

Ships and their recommended Load outs

LZF-6364 "Patriot" LF Permitted for use by all officers of Liberty Police Inc.
Standard setup:
1x Adv. Stunpulse
3x Justice III
1x Imp CM
1x Hornet CD
1x Tadpole/Razor Mine

LZF-9805 "Liberator" LF Permitted for use by all officers of Liberty Police Inc. of Officer rank and above.
Standard setup:
2x Adv Debilitator
2x Vengeance V
1x Train/Mosquito CD
1x Screamer/Nuclear Mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM

CLI-11000 “Arrow” LF Permitted for use by Sergeants or above as a more agile alternative to the Liberator.
Standard setup:
2x Adv Debilitator or 2x Vengeance V
1x Train/Mosquito CD
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM

CTE-HF "Kingfisher" HF Permitted for use by Sergeants or above.
2x Imp Debilitator or 2x Adv Debilatators
4x Vengeance V
1x Train/Mosquito CD or Mini Razor or Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM

BDR-804 "Guardian" VHF Permitted for any SWAT members per agreement with Navy authorization. **NOTE** Retired, no more are being issued.
Standard setup:
2x Imp Debilitator or 2x Adv Debilitator
2x Vengeance Vor 2x Magma Hammer
1x Firestalker/Cannonball/Sidewinder missile
1x Adv Debilitator turret
1x Train/Mosquito CD or 1x Mini Razor or 1x Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM

CTE -6000 "Eagle" VHF Permitted for use by the SWAT team.
Note Those Sergeants who previously had Eagles are allowed to keep them, they have been grandfathered.
Standard setup:
2x Imp Debilitator or 2x Adv Debilatators
4x Vengeance V
1x Vengeance/Debilitator turret
1x Train/Mosquito CD or Mini Razor or Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM

CTE-19000 "Roc" bomber Permitted for use only for members of the SWAT teams and officers of Captain rank and above.
Standard setup:
4x Imp Debilitator or 4x Magma Hammer
1x Supernova Antimatter Cannon
1x Train/Mosquito CD or 1x Mini Razor or 1x Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM

XB-2 "Havok II" bomber Permitted for use only for members of the SWAT and officers of Captain rank and above.
Standard setup:
4x Imp Debilitator or 4x Magma Hammer
1x Supernova Antimatter Cannon
1x Train/Mosquito CD or 1x Mini Razor or 1x Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM

Li-117 Liberty "Upholder" Bomber Permitted for use only for members of the SWAT teams and officers of Captain rank and above.
Standard setup:
4x Imp Debilitator or 4x Magma Hammer
1x Adv Debilitator turret or 1x Magma Hammer turret
1x Supernova Antimatter Cannon
1x Train/Mosquito CD or 1x Mini Razor or 1x Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM

DL-Hai Liberty "Grizzly" Class Freighter Permitted for Cargo Interdiction.
Standard setup:
4x TR9-D "Vengeance" Liberty Laser Turret Mk V or 4x TN26 "Magma Hammer" Liberty Plasma Turret Mk V
4x Imp Debilitator
1x Train/Mosquito CD
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
2x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM

Armored Transport Permitted for use by the Sergeant and above. These transports act as riot vans will be used to handle the larger pirate attacks.
Standard setup: N/A

CT-49X "Gull" Transport Permitted for use as a storage ship and for transport only; LPI-Rikers.
Standard setup: N/A

Prison Liner Permitted for use only as bursar and prison ships.
Standard setup: N/A

Liberty Gunboat Permitted for use by the Chief of Police & each Deputy.
Standard setup: N/A

All other ships as allowed by the LPI ID and LPI Guard ID.

Note on all standard setups: minor variations are allowed, including adding one or two missile launchers to your ship, or substituting Vengeances for Flashpoints if you have the prerequisite rank.

Shipboard Weapons

Justice/Vengeance Liberty laser cannons - allowed for all officers
Stunpulse/Debilitator Civilian pulse cannons - allowed for all officers
Lavablade/Magma Hammer Liberty plasma cannons - allowed for SWAT officers only
Starbeam/Flashpoint Civilian laser cannons - allowed for Captains and up
All explosive ordinance allowed
All cruise disruptors allowed

Officer Handheld Weapons

Agiera’s Detroit Munitions turns out several new models of sidearms a year. Some of the weapons used by the LPI are listed below:
The DM-9 “Peacekeeper” - 9 millimeter hand weapon. Good for pilots to have, fits into a lifepod easily. Good for escape and evasion scenarios.
The DM-50 “Giant killer” - 50 cal. Riot gun. Guaranteed to take down the biggest Perp that is out of his mind on drugs.
The AG-BS “Back shot” – Automatic sawed off shotgun. When a criminal absolutely positively needs a load of buckshot in his arse. Good for debilitating perps that run.
The AG-FF “Flechette Flinger”– Metal/Ceramic Flechette launcher. Used to take out large groups of foes at once.
The DB-IKY2 "Door Buster"- Man-portable grenade launcher used by the LPI SWAT teams for boarding smuggler craft on the surface of a planet.
The TT-90 "Little Shocker"- Hand held Tazer with enough stopping power to jump start a Patriot fighter. Has 3 settings: stun, lights out, and crispy.
The Glock 18C- Select Fire: Ammo Per clip: 20 Maximum reserved ammo: 120 Modes: Semi-Automatic, Burst Fire. Used by local police on planets, very basic.
The Five-Seven-Ammo per clip: 20, Maximum reserved ammo: 100 rounds, Modes: none. Used by LPI pilots, more accurate than the Glock 18.
The M3 Super 90 Shotgun- Ammo per clip: 8, Maximum reserved ammo: 32 rounds, Modes: None. (Pump-Action) Used by Officers to subdue criminals.
MP5-Navy-Ammo per clip: 30, Max reserved ammo: 120, Modes: None. Used by basic SWAT officers to assault buildings and take down perps.
The Foreign Legions' FAMAS- Ammo per clip: 25, Max reserved ammo: 90, Modes: Automatic, Burst Fire. Pretty reliable, used by Regular officers to take down supernatural specimens, or armored vehicles.
SG-550 Automatic Sniper- Ammo per clip: 30, Max reserved ammo: 90, Modes: None.Used by regular officers or SWAT as a basic sniper rifle. (Watching windows from different buildings during an assault.)
M4A1 Carbine-Ammo per clip: 30, Max reserved ammo: 90, Modes: Automatic. Used by SWAT and Regular officers (for taking down big things, in case of regular officers).
Pepper-ball gun-Ammo: 90 pepper balls. The same model as a paintball gun, and used by LPI SWAT as a non-lethal perp-subduer.
Grenade Launcher-Ammo: 6. Able to shoot different sorts of non-lethal grenades, such as smoke grenades or CS Gas grenades. Used by SWAT to subdue perps

Divisions, Precincts, And Guard System

Due to a restructuring that took place early 817 A.S, The Liberty Police Inc is now broken up into four subdivisions:
1. Law Enforcement Division
2. Consumer Products Division
3. Prison Management Division
4. Management Division

All three sub divisions report to Corporate Management on Planet Manhattan. The Law Enforcement Sub-Division has no control over the other 3 sub-divisions, and vice versa, except Corporate management, which has control of the other three sub-divisions.

Law Enforcement Division Breakdown

Division 1: New York

The main Bases are Planet Manhattan and Fort Bush. This sector is the by far the most patrolled. Fort Bush is home of Precincts 111, 112, and 113.

Division 2: California

The main bases are California Minor, Planet Los Angeles, Riverside Station, and San Diego Border Station. Riverside Station is home to the 204th and 205th Precincts. San Diego Border Station is home to the 206th Precinct. Planet Los Angeles has the 201st and the 202nd Precincts, while California Minor has the 203rd Precinct. The 207th Precinct used to be a halfway station between California system and the Magellan system, but was lost sometime in 699AS.

Division 3: Texas

The main base here is Houston. The LPI prisons Huntsville and Sugarland are in this system. Precincts 301, 302 and 303 are based on Houston, with minor presences aboard the Sugarland and Huntsville. Houston is also home to Cryer’s Houston Heavy Technologies subsidiary.

Division 4: Colorado

The main base is Denver. Denver is home to the Denver Research Institute, whose defense systems will be coming online shortly. Until then, however, the LPI is charged with defending it. Precincts 411 and 412 are here.

Division 5: Pennsylvania

The main base is Planet Erie, with precincts aboard Philadelphia and Harrisburg Stations. Planet Erie has the 501st Precinct, Philadelphia Station has the 502nd, and Harrisburg has the 503rd Precinct.

Division 6: Ontario, Alberta, and Yukon

The Main base in Ontario is Toronto Station, the main base in Alberta is Red Deer Station, and there is no LPI base in Yukon. 601st Precinct is on Toronto, 602nd is stationed at Red Deer. The 602nd occasionally makes forays into Yukon and Freeport 14.

Division 7: Minnesota, Quebec, and New Hampshire

New Hampshire and Quebec have no habitable planets or stations aside from Liberty Navy battleships, so the LPI almost never visits these systems. That may change in the future as the systems are developed. Minnesota has Moorhead Station, where the 701st Precinct is stationed.

Division 8: Illinois (Guard system)

This system plays host to the new Police Plaza, an expanded Springfield Station, an old Liberty Navy Battleship (the McNeil Island), Galesburg Station (home of the LPI's elite fighter training facilities), and a new Supermax prison, Attica. The LPI's new R&D laboratory makes it home on the new Police Plaza. Rumor is Seth-Konstruction Company did the upgrade work to all facilities in Illinois.

LPI R&D Subdivision

The Sentinel Project

LASP - Liberty Autonomous Sentinel Project

Accessing LASP Background File...

The Liberty Government were looking for ways to improve the security within its borders without having to invest vast amount of money to train new recruits since once in a while, the good ones get killed in action, or injured and unable to return to duty.

The Liberty government begun research to create an automated fighter wing that obeyed the police and navy without question or compromise. However, initial AI tests using orthodox methods proved inadequate, as most AI's were prone to corrupt and remote hacking.

One day the undercover section of the LSF branch carried out a sting on an artifact smuggling ring. A Junker transport vessel from the Omicron systems was carrying a most unusual machine, an automated defense drone of some kind. However it wasn't of human origin, some researchers believe its a Taiidan drone, since it bears resemblance to their ship's hull design. But this is pure speculation and theory, and any research into this proved fruitless.

The Navy took the machine apart and accessed the programming, it was astonishing, it was very efficient in carrying out its orders. The programmers re-programmed the AI and copied it into a test Patriot fighter's computer in Willard station area. The AI was given full control of the ship, but had fail-safes just in-case, not to mention Gunboat patrols were stepped up to maintain secrecy.

The initial combat and order tests were exemplary, until its advanced cargo scanners were activated to test its scanning capability. The 'Sentinel' as it is now codenamed, detected Nomad organic material on an incoming transport from Zone 21, the Sentinel's communication systems went down and it targeted the transport, then the Sentinel's weapons fired upon the ship carrying the Nomad materials. The transport was destroyed, the Sentinel would not respond to any of our commands and all fail safes failed. Just as the Gunboats closed to nullify the situation, the Sentinel went back to normal status once the Nomad was eliminated. We resent the shut down codes and the Sentinel complied and shut down.

Its been 5 months since the incident, Willard researchers believe they have worked out he bugs within the Sentinel, and began placing them into Liberator craft. All tests were exemplary, the project staff and police officials believe testing the Sentinel in live combat and patrols are in order.

Orders are being placed for the Sentinel units. As of now, two have been officially declared safe to fly in Liberty. More are on order.

The Sentinel is programmed with the following guidelines:

A. Obey Liberty Navy and LPI without question or compromise.
B. Let no harm come to Liberty Navy, LPI or Lawful civilians and traders.
C. Perform duties of LPI unless ordered not to by LPI or Navy officials.
D. Engage criminals at will if deemed hostile.
E. Intercept and halt smugglers and destroy illegal cargo.
F. When faced with enemy capital craft, send distress beacon and call for assistance.
G. If captured, unit is ordered to self destruct and format memory and optical drives.

Sentinel 100 series - Liberator class ships
Sentinel 200 series - 'Anvil' Gunboat class ships (limited)
Sentinel 300 series - Upholder class ships

Rescue and Assistance Subdivision

This Sub Division is headed up Deputy Chief Riza Williams. It is tasked with rescue and assistance of ships and personnel in distress. Towing, Fire fighting, Salvage, and ambulatory services are offered.



X represents:

Ambulance = A Repair Ship = RS Heavy Lifter = HL "Gull" Freighter = GF

Ships used:

Ambulance / Medevac units- 2 Rhinos or Grizzlys Firefighting / Towing - 1 Repair ship Towing / Salvage - 1 Heavy Lifter Salvage - 1 CT-49X "Gull" Freighter

Combat Training Sub Division

Rumor has it that the LPI has been towing in wrecked and abandoned unlawful ships lately and having them fixed up into a flyable condition.
Rumor also has it that this is happening so the LPI can establish it's own Aggressor squadron for Combat training exercises.

Hang outs and rumors

Most LPI officers like to hang out at the Sunbucks on Fort Bush Station. This establishment is similiar to an old Earth coffee house,with the exception that it is also a full fledged bar and grill. This Sunbucks is notable because it has a brass plaque hanging up with all 150 Names of the fallen when Fort Bush was bombed. Other equipment includes a jukebox, pool table, and big screen for watching sporting events.

Here are some rumors one might encounter in a LPI Bar like Sunbucks.

  • Many people look at Matt Myers and think he is a fat lazy slob. Rumor is that he is a member MENSA.
  • Deputy Chief Riza Williams, it is rumored, has a "Thing" for Fiarmen.
  • Officer James Kurios is Secretly a Fiarman. (Dont tell Riza)
  • Officer James Kurios is also incurably insane.
  • Someone gave Officer James Kurios rights to edit this rumor board. (They really shouldn't of!)
  • Deputy Chief Riza Willians Some LPI Officers are communists.
  • The Xenos are really just disgruntled LPI.
  • Rumor has it, that a decent portion of the LPI are sympathetic to the cause of The Xenos.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the LPI is NOT donut powered
  • Reading a LPI rumor board makes you want to apply for the LPI.
  • Don't ever go to the HR department... you wont come back.... **Shudder**
  • If you ever want coffee and doughnuts whilst in the LPI, contact Officer Oliver Shaw at any time.
  • That there is a dead Sergeant from the Lost Precinct, wanders the Sirius sector, routing out evil and sending those that are to Hell.
  • Some say he works for The Order, and that he owns his own BattleCruiser, all we know is he's called Radclyffe.


Faction Relationship
Rheinland Military
At War
Rheinland Federal Police
At War
The Phantom Empire
At War
Nomads/Das Wilde
At War
At War
At War
Hellfire Legion
At War
The Order
At War
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Red Hessians
Republican Shipping
Farmers Alliance
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces

Faction Relationship
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Ageira Technologies
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
Border World Exports
Bounty Hunters Guild
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Police
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Deep Space Engineering
Gateway Shipping
Interspace Commerce
Orbital Spa and Cruise
Planetform, Inc.
Synth Foods, Inc.
Universal Shipping
All others not listed
ALG Waste Disposal
Daumann Heavy Construction
Golden Chrysanthemums
Kruger Minerals

See also