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Michael Valen
Michael Valen | |
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Profile | |
Origin | ![]() |
Occupation | A quest of Love and Vengeance |
Affiliation | Independent Terrorist |
Born | Presumably 792 A.S. |
"Michael is a living mystery, a myth, that few ever see and even fewer live to talk about it. There is a thin line between sanity and madness, and Michael often travels back and forth between the two. He is a sane madness, the harbinger of terror, which in his eyes is the only way to force humanity to redeem ourselves for the sins we have committed against him. We must reap what we have sown."
"Michael is emotionally unstable, suffering from sever depression as well as a delusional state of mind. His childhood was a hard one, and him being neglected duplicated emotional suffering, causing him to be hurt, and seek vengeance in the way he deems correct. He fails to differ right from wrong, or refuses to, and maintains to live in his own world, where he is his own master. There are, however, subjects on which Michael reacts differently, with mixed hatred and love, but we were unable to determine what they are. "
A Harsh Life
Michael was born on Planet New London in the "Angel's Wing" Hospital by mother Caroline and father Lewis Valen in the year 792 A.S. Not much time needed to pass for Michael to taste the bitterness of reality as his father left him and Caroline when he was 4 years old, depriving him of the father figure in his life and of a normal playful childhood.
Soon after his father's departure, Caroline and Michael entered serious financial problems that caused Caroline's mental illness and turned her to seek comfort and absolution in alcohol and narcotic substances, as well as prostitution. Even though Michael was only 6 years old at the time, being in a situation he was in, Michael was forced to grow up and condone his childhood, for which he never forgave Caroline, even blamed her for that his entire life.
Caroline's prostitution ensured Michael attended the Winston Private School in New London, and concerning material things a happy and fulfilling life, as he never missed anything in that matter. However, his soul and heart were shut from the outside world, forcing him to grow up without any friends, and even though none knew it, he preferred it that way.
Michael was a great student, smart and cunning, always preferring to use his wit and mind instead of his physical attributes. He excelled in school subjects such as mathematics, politics, psychology, social studies and logistics, and was known to hide his intelligence from the outside world. And as an opposition to other children his age, was never fond of school subjects such as physical education.
Over the years Caroline neglected Michael and his needs while mainly focusing on her own satisfaction, resolving to frequent use of narcotics, and the constant visits of her "clients". Michael's life was unbearable as his own mother cared more about her work and the daily pill then him, so he turned to violence and causing problems to draw her attention, in which he did succeed, but in a wrong way. Instead of making Caroline realize that he exists in this world, she now saw him as a burden that needs to go away, and enlisted Michael to the "Hand of Mercy" Psychiatry for treatment and brain washing.
Tortured Mind
With the age of 18 Michael was brought to the "Hand of Mercy" Psychiatry, where he was diagnosed with sever depression and mental trauma. Even though Michael was trying to reason with the Doctors at the Psychiatry, and explain what was really going on with Caroline, none believe him, as he was considered mentally ill. Lack of trust, and ignorance from the Doctors cause Michael to experience uncontrollable anger issues, and occasionally assault the Doctors.
Michael's mind was weak, as he was given tablets to ease the pain, and quicken the recovery. Little did the Doctor know that no recovery was needed for Michael, and that he speaks the truth of Caroline's prostitution, drug and alcohol problems, and complete denial of a child's existence. Psychiatrist at the Hospital subdued Michael to brain shocks, in hopes to restore his mind mental activity, which seemed to be ignoring the outside world, and creating its own little world with Michael his own master.
The same Doctors that are supposed to help those who need it, and listen those who need listening, were doing Caroline's work in her name, and Michael was at the brink of collapsing into the darkness of his mind. Nevertheless, Michael was still very fond of his mother, and defended her in front of anyone, clearly a sign of a disturbed mind the Doctors thought, but only a sign of a child's love for his mother.
Seeing no hope in staying in a world no one cares for him, Michael broke out of the Psychiatry, stealing all records of his existence in the Facility. The plan was to escape as far as possible, away from the torture of the world, even more, the torture that is Caroline. While roaming the streets on New London Michael runs into trouble, and a young girl saves his life, showing true human care for him, and for the first time in his life, Michael was in someone's heart, even for a short while. The young girl was Georgia Brown, with whom Michael fell in love at first sight, and who convinced him to go back home to his mother.
He stayed with Caroline for a short while after that, until finally he couldn't take it no more. Michael ran away from home and with a help of an old friend of his mother's, Michael managed to locate his father on Planet Curacao, in the Cortez System, on a mountain where he lived alone. Michael calls his father The Old Man, never by his name.
At first, the two got along well, until The Old Man showed his true face to Michael. He exposed his drinking problem to Michael, and the love for machines and research, who he loved more then his own son. Michael endured the constant threats and insults, but in time, but the last straw was when The Old Man hit Michael as he tried to touch one of The Old Man's experiments, a body armor, that increases the wearer's physical abilities, but with a terrible cost, the degrading of the mind and all that makes one human, his feelings.
The one fatal night when Michael decided to put on the body armor, it connected to him on a mental and physical level, only worsening his already twisted view of reality, Michael killed The Old Man in a state of rage and fury, mutilating his body.
Into Oblivion
The body armor's power drew Michael, and weak minded as he was at that time, he was unable to resist the urge to wear it, what only cause his mind to degrade even more, and his feelings to be multiplied. Hatred rose, love vanished. Due to this, Michael felt threatened by all that ever knew him, and could betray him. The Old Man was dead, and Michael became a wanted man. Caroline, and his only childhood friend, Arthur, needed to die in his eyes, and he made sure of it.
Michael knew Caroline was locked up in a Psychiatry Institute on New London, and with the help of the body armor, he knew he could easily break in and find her there, helpless, mentally and physically destroyed. So he did. Michael breached the Institute, and slaughtering Caroline in her room, writing letters "Shhhh" with her blood on the wall, and all that was once human in him, began disappearing.
He used Arthur, played with his mind, and practically reported himself to the Bretonian Police Authority. Michael needed to create fear amongst the people of Bretonia, for them to see and ask themselves why should Michael be the only one suffering. In Michael's mind, he wanted to share the pain, for them to see, how it was to live a life like his. The Bretonian Police Authority sent a patrol to Planet Gaia where Michael awaited them, and killed them in cold blood. In the end he visited Arthur on Barrier Gate Station in the Coronado System, and killed him to confine all loose ends, and to ensure none can follow his tracks, or even worse, threat him with no respect again.
The Angel
The body armor Michael was getting addicted too, was powered by special Crystals, that are created by solidifying Liquid Cardamine. He managed to find who might supply the LiCad Crystals, but was unable to determine where he might find him. So Michael went to the last known location of Kurtis Driscoll. Freeport 4 was the first destination, to board the Luxury Liner "Leavenworth". Michael needed the Crystals to power the armor, but as the armor was without power, Michael slowly began losing the need to wear it, he became less addicted to it. His mind was getting stronger, and his body growing weaker.
Michael boarded the "Leavenworth" and began asking the shady people around the Luxury Liner if they know where Kurtis is. No one knew, except for a large man, that looked like a pimp. Michael defeated him in a Poker game, and offered him to earn his money back, just to tell him where Kurtis is. The pimp pointed Michael in the direction of Liberty, and the Liberty Rogues.
Luck had it, that Kurtis boarder the "Leavenworth" with his crew of thugs, killing all in their path, except for a selected number of crew, amongst whom was Georgia Brown and Michael. Soon Michael found out that it was indeed Driscoll that boarded the Luxury Liner, and he wanted to make a deal with him. Kurtis ordered his thugs to keep Michael confined in his room, Room 313, but Michael, in fear for his life, killed the two thugs, and escaped to find Kurtis on his own.
As he was approaching Kurtis, gunshots were heard, and when Michael got near him, there was only Kurtis standing, and several dead bodies lying on the floor. As Kurtis was bragging about his kills, and threatening Michael, he turned one of the bodies over, and Michael saw it was his Angel, Georgia Brown, that Kurtis kept calling Luxuria. Michael's mind burned with flame, and his feelings exploded, anger consumed him, hate, for Kurtis, and love for his Angel. He assaulted Kurtis, but he overpowered Michael, nearly killing him, but Georgia saved Michael's life once again by killing Driscoll. He wanted to say so much to her, but there was no time, as Navy Soldiers were coming to storm the Liner back. Georgia kissed Michael on the cheek, giving him her butterfly knife to remember her by, and Michael was forced to leave. But now he had a name, Luxuria, and her knife, hope kindled in his heart, love suppressed anger, hate, and fear. Michael had but one wish, to find Georgia, and protect her from the horrors that he had gone through in life.