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Lancelot Bank

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This is an unofficial player group.

Lancelot Bank
Lancelot Bank.jpg
Alignment Lawful
Date of founding 47 A.S.
Founder(s) Charles Lancelot, Jennifer Lancelot
Current leader(s) Humphrey Lancelot
Base of operations unknown
Primary role
Pioneering a more secure financial future for the citizens and corporations of Sirius.

Lancelot Bank has had a long and illustrious history of serving the financial needs of Sirius through innovative product offerings for citizens, businesses, and governments alike.


Founded in 47AS by Charles Lancelot, Lancelot Bank has become a leading provider of financial services in Sirius. Lancelot Bank was originally formed to provide access to the capital markets for the government and corporations of Bretonia. In 63AS Charles and Jennifer Lancelot sent his sons William, Humphrey (distinguish from Humphrey Lancelot born 795AS), and Jonathan to Rheinland, Liberty, and Kusari respectively in order to establish bases of operations in the other major houses. Though little known, Jonathan Lancelot subsequently co-sponsored Von Rohe's 50 year expedition to discover new systems in Sirius. In the following years FTL buoys were laid across Sirius and Lancelot Bank began to offer access to exchanges from other houses as part of their brokerage service product.

An unintended result of their early founding before these advances in communication were made, Lancelot Bank has up to this day remained a legally seperated entity divided amongst the four major houses. Although this was perceived as undesirable for a considerable period of time, the administrative costs proved prohibitive and the four branches were never united. This turned out to be a most fortunate consequence when numerous wars broke out between the houses, allowing the Lancelot Bank branches to maintain loose affiliation with each other whilst maintaining strong business ties in their respective houses.

Products and Innovations

Lancelot Bank Credit Database


The Lancelot Bank Credit Database (LBCD) was created by Humphrey Lancelot in 817AS in an effort to create a safer lending environment for the credit providers of Sirius. Using pioneering tracking technology the LBCD facilitates transparent information access on previously troublesome borrowers.

Prior to the LBCD's introduction many citizens were able to obtain loans from trusting creditors and subsequently defaulted as they realised the hefty burden of their obligations and felt compelled to declare bankruptcy, or worse still, escape to the criminal underworld where they could not be followed. Whilst fraud still poses a problem, the LBCD has made this significantly more difficult by engaging sophisticated identification technology to ensure that offenders are unable to escape detection by use of multiple accounts.

Tracked Breaches

  • A1: Complete failure to repay.
  • A2: Failure to fully repay principle.
  • B1: Failure to fully repay interest having fully repaid principle.
  • B2: Failure to repay on time, though ultimately repaying in full.
  • C1: Failure to maintain reasonable contact.

High Security Vaults

The invention of trade lanes in 280AS allowed long distance travel that previously took weeks to be taken in less than a day in many cases. However, these lanes were difficult to protect and piracy became a feasible way to survive for the disechanted citizens of Sirius. With pirates becoming a growing problem in Sirius, Alfred Lancelot introduced personal vaults to the clients of Lancelot Bank in 311AS. Located in high security underground facilities on Planet Manhattan, Planet New Berlin, Planet New London, and Planet New Tokyo, Lancelot Bank's clients could store their most precious items and cargo with peace of mind. Of late these services are provided off-world to clients willing to pay the price.

Interest Bearing Accounts

Despite the complex economic models implemented by the governments of Sirius, creeping inflation persists. Whilst this has been argued to have broad economic benefit, it poses an issue for the families and corporations who have amassed their resources in credits. For those fortunate enough to have accumilated wealth, Lancelot Bank provides interest bearing fixed term deposit accounts. Although such products are illiquid in nature, few alternatives are available for maintaining the real value of spare capital.


For those who don't have enough credits but a reliable repayment proposal, Lancelot Bank provides loans at attractive interest rates. One of the original products provided by Charles and Jennifer Lancelot beginning in 48AS, this forms a major core of Lancelot Bank's activities.

Brokerage Services

Clients who wish to invest their capital in more risky assets have been attracted by Lancelot Bank's brokerage services. Operating in this sector since it's inception in 47AS, Lancelot Bank has become dominant in the market for the discerning trader. Lancelot Bank offers extremely competitive margins and a wide variety of exchange traded products.

General Information

IFF: Unaffiliated

ID: Civilian and Freelancer

Naming Conventions

Branches: LB|<House Name>

Vaults: LB|<House Initial><Vault Number>

Others: LB|<First.Last>

Known Representatives

CEO: Humphrey Lancelot

Bretonia: Jack Wakefield

Kusari: Takayuki Maeda

Libery: Mike Adams

Rheinland: Wilhelm Schmidt

Known Bases of Operations