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Java Station

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Java Station
Chesterton class Station
Java Station.jpg
3D/3E, Tau-23
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 175

The IMG recently established Java Station in order to lay claim to the rich mineral resorces present here, despite stiff compettion from Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, a company that had hoped to exploit the system itself once the Tau-31 jump gate was completed.

Need new picture!


The bar at Java is mainly visited by miners of the IMG, but it also sees patrons from DSE. A visiting pilot can pick up jobs for the IMG, and for a price raise their reputation with DSE.



  • -"Lots of people who come here think we are a pretty strange breed. Its true we are loners, but if you want to meet some strange ones you should check out the wackos in Tau-37. Those guys get a rush from knowing the Outcast might kill them all at any time."
  • -"More than anything else, this is Outcast space. You have to respect that or else they will bury you. Don't underestimate the Outcasts. Generally they leave us alone, but that is because we are smart enough to stay out of their way."
  • -"This is dangerous space out here, and the other guys you see here in the Border Worlds are veterans. Anyone who comes here before they are ready doesn't last very long. If you are a Zoner or IMG, it's a little different, but then the miners you see out here are a different breed, too."
  • -"We operate this base here because of the rich Niobium deposits. Once it is mined, our pilots ship it to Holman. From there we don't really care what happens."
  • -"The IMG has gone deep into the riskiest areas of Sirius space looking for valuable minerals. The most dangerous post you can man for the IMG is Falkland, which is hidden among the asteroids of Tau-37. the Outcasts do not know its location, or they would have destroyed it for certain!"
  • -"Sure, the Outcasts attack this base every once in a while. What they really focus on is the BMM site. Still, it's kind of a rush knowing that an Outcast might be sitting in the Niobium fields waiting to smoke you. I always get goose bumps when I set my mining skiff down out there, so I guess I like it.

Missions Offered

  • IMG: $45,000 to $65,000 range

Bribes Offered

