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Red Hessian Operational Manual

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This document has been compiled by the Red Hessian Army Spezialoperationabteilung to help all pilots flying under the flag of das Volkrevolution accustom themselves to guerilla warfare within Rheinland, as well as our other operations, contacts and agreements within and beyond the boundaries of our great Vaterland. It is advisable that all Red Hessian pilots accustom themselves with the information within, and always keep a copy on hand in case of unforeseen emergencies.

Take note however that this guide is in no way a completely exhaustive source of information, and while helpful as an introduction, it is without a doubt that most situations you will encounter will require your own personal wit, common sense and a good grasp on guerilla tactics in order for you and your comrades to survive and prevail against the overwhelming and well trained forces that our great movement does and will face.

Updates and addendums will be carried out on a semi-regular basis, depending on new developments on the front or new information becoming available.

Operational Overview

State of the movement

The Red Hessian movement has come a long way from when it was originally founded to the present day, from the depressing times of rampant corruption in the aftermath of the Popular Revolution through the beginnings of Omega-5's Trench War and the Great Wilde Occupation, right into today's Rheinland and its reality: a reality of a government collapsing under its own weight. A reality of greedy neighbours who seek to dismantle our Vaterland like vultures, knowing full well its present weaknesses. A reality of internal corruption and fixed elections in favour of the National Party, of forcing officials into joining this party and submitting to the will of the Kanzler.

In the midst of all this is our beacon of hope. The shining flag of the Volkrevolution, which brings together all the oppressed people of Rheinland for the purpose of a common goal: to fulfill the Bundesrepublik's namesake and become a true People's Republic. To establish a government free from the corporate greed of Daumann and Republican, free from the hateful influence of the National Party. A government that will return Rheinland to its status of an economic giant, without the machinations of Imperial rule or the fascism of Maurer's RNP.

Today the Red Hessians are a movement of hope. Fighting a war against a foreign invader that will not give up until his forces are totally obliterated, we are the ones who are holding the Corsair advance away from Rheinland. Our allies are free to strike the invading Libertonians in the mean time, just as all of us are able to stand our ground against the enforcers of fascism in Rheinland itself, as they try in futility to break our will. Regardless of the circumstances, the movement is still growing, finding new allies within and outside of Rheinland. We are no longer bound with the Outcasts, as the truth about their motivation is revealed. Instead we find people in other Houses who think like us, have the same goals as us, and who are set to help us achieve all our goals. As the times change, so do our methods and alliances, but there is one thing that will never change: our motivation. The will to lead the Vaterland to a better path. A path of virtue and strength, of order and justice. The path to final victory.
- Brigadegeneral Kaspar Meisnerr
Public address following the declaration of combined arms treaty with the Coalition forces in Sirius in 817 A.S.

Diplomacy and agreements


Faction Relationship
ALG Waste Disposal
Kruger Minerals
Republican Shipping
Daumann Heavy Construction
Rheinland Federal Police
Rheinland Military

Revolutionaries within Rheinland have long since agreed that their goals are common, and close cooperation will serve well to achieve them in a timely fashion. The Bundschuh, LWB and Unioner forces fighting any foreign invaders, corporate cronies or militaristic fascists are to be assisted and helped. Make no mistake, it is a top priority for us all to stand as one, and destroy the morale of the enemy with our unity.

Junkers in Rheinland can be useful, but are politically insignificant. In general, they should be disregarded unless clearly needed for any purpose. They will help us in all sorts of menial activities if asked, such as the quiet movement of supplies or resupply of our forces in the field, but do not rely on them for combat support.

The Rheinland Military on the other hand, will shoot on sight. These zealots of the Kanzler's government, brainwashed by the machinations of the Nationalpartei, truly do believe that we are Rheinland's greatest enemy. While their fanaticism knows no bounds, so doesn't their treachery, and they will engage in banter and even lead you to believe that they are sympathetic to your plight, up until you face them. Always be prepared for ambush when dealing with these crack death squads of the Kanzler. They will shoot to kill.

The Rheinland Federal Police however are a different case. Distraught and underfunded, these enforcers of fascism are more conscious than their fat and spoiled Military leaders. They will listen and take to heart what you say, regardless of what they shout at you over the comms. You will try to sway them to our cause, and attack only if you are attacked.

Rheinland corporations are the most complicated of all these. We, the Red Hessians, fight for the people of Rheinland. The corporates control fascist Rheinland, and hence must be destroyed to restore order. To do that we must hit their bank accounts, which means putting their workers in peril by asking them to rid themselves of their cargo or a sum of credits. This is unfortunately unavoidable, and while painful, must be carried out regardless. Be polite, but be demanding. Many of these corporate bees sympathise with our cause, so we must further prove that we take their cargo to hurt the corporate swine that paid for it. Do not shoot unless absolutely necessary, but be as subversive as possible. If you can make just one of these people defect with their cargo and ships, then you hit the corporations on a scale unimaginable, though they will be quick to brush it off.

For further information on how to deal with corporate ships, see section 3.1.3.

Foreign organisations

Faction Relationship
Foreign corporations
Foreign militaries
Bounty Hunters

Although our revolutionary operations do not reach beyond Rheinland and the Omega systems, our support extends far beyond those borders. Rheinland itself is the revolutionary centre of Sirius, and thus gives us a certain responsibility to provide support to any foreign movements that are compatible with our goals and require our aid. Given the size of our operations, this ranges from funding and supplies to outright military aid against common enemies.

SCRA - Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Our biggest inter-house supporters by far are the Coalition revolutionaries in Sirius, also known as the SCRA. Their history brought them from standing side in side with the Corsairs against Rheinland domination, all the way to being exiled for their political views and systematically hunted down. Our common views and relative proximity to each other quickly brought a sense of comradery, further cemented by their exposure of the Outcast plans in regards to helping the Wilde take over the larger Omega systems. Nowadays the Red Hessian and SCRA forces stand side by side against both the Corsair barbarians and the Wilde usurpers.

The Independent Miners Guild
The miners of the IMG can seem distant to our movement, preferring a non-radical option for a situation that doesn't have one. Regardless of the "feeling", they are closer than most might think. We do not attack them, for they support us from their own will. They are our civilian brothers, and their organisation grew out of the Popular Revolution, out of those who were unable to fight for our cause against the Rheinland corporate giants. They are both Bretonian and Rheinlander, and are frequent targets for Daumann and BMM privateers. Thus, they are the people that we defend openly, and those that thank us for our actions. We land on their stations for supplies, and they land on ours albeit infrequently. They are not to be touched.

The Mollys
The miners of Dublin, many of which are known to us through our brethren in the IMG, have also rebelled against the oppression of their own government's flagship corporations, long before we ourselves did in fact. While we grew quickly they carried on as stable as always, keeping the BMM corporation on edge for their crimes against their own people. These days the Mollys are on the edge of a massed Corsair offensive into Dublin, and are well glad to secure help wherever they can get it. We, the Red Hessians, share a common ancestry with the Mollys and as such are obliged to help them in any way possible, especially against the Corsair menace.

Territorial control and points of interest

The Red Hessian movement is extensive, as expected, due to its large size. We are the third largest non-house military force in Sirius, occupying a majority of the Omega border worlds and southern Rheinland. Owing to our many allies, we are able to spread across and strike at any targets within our fatherland without too many problems, while the Omega border worlds are thoroughly dotted with our bases and forces.

Our main systems are the ones with our most prominent bases: Dresden (Vogtland Base), Omega-11 (Freital Base), Omega-5 (Ronneburg Base) and Omega-47 (Viernheim Base). Systems such as Omega-3 and Omega-7 are declared as under the protection of the Volkrevolution, and are to be considered as our space, and under no circumstances as house or pirate space.

Rank structure within the movement

A revolutionary's guide to victory

Operational flexibility

Rheinland - Guerilla resistance

Omega systems - Total war

Das Rheinvolk - Gaining popular support

Other circumstances

Resource acquisition

Capture and redistribution of resources

Resource trade and exchange with friendly organisations

Training excersizes


Fleet engagements

Special operations

Armed and covert reconnaisance

Officer's Handbook - Tactics

Small scale engagements - Fighter tactics

Fleet engagements - Capital ship support

Capital ship warfare

Extraordinary engagements - How to counter the Wilde threat