Planet New Tokyo

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Planet New Tokyo
Planet New Tokyo.jpg

Owner Kusari State Police
Location 6D, New Tokyo
Flag-kusari.png Kusari
Technical information
Population 11,000,000,000
Docking Yes
Terrain Oceanic
Diameter 14,802 km
Mass 6.01 x 10e24 kg
Temperature -35°C to 39°C
Escape velocity 12.01 km/sec

Settled in 5 A.S., New Tokyo is the capitol of the Kusari Empire and, with nearly 11 billion people spread across various island groups, its most populous planet. Despite (or perhaps because of) this crowding, New Tokyo is a vibrant world with centuries of history and some of the most advanced technology in the colonies. Due to the lack of available land on which to farm and build, the Kusari have economised land use, and much of their technological advances have been geared towards constructing huge glittering skyscrapers and even entire "tower cities", packing as much as possible into as small a space as possible. To foreigners, Kusari architecture often feels cramped.

It is a vibrant world with centuries of history and some of the most advanced technology in Sirius, but it is not without conflict. Kusari culture is in a transitional state, with a relatively small feudal-style aristocracy leading an increasing number of citizens who are developing a stronger sense of individuality. Bureaucrats and corporations wrestle with the popular media and the younger generations over how best to handle the rapidly increasing changes in Kusari society.

Missions Offered

Bribes Offered




Ku freighter.png
Kusari Transport
Kusari Luxury Yacht