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Z-6150 "Bactrian" Pirate Freighter
Ship Class
Built by
Liberty Rogues
Technical information
4 / 4
Opt. weapon class
Max. weapon class
Other equipment
Hull strength
Max. shield class
Cargo space
530 units
Max. impulse speed
80 m/s
Max. thrust speed
199 m/s
Max. cruise speed
400 m/s
Power output
38,400 u
Power recharge
1,650 u/s
Additional information
Ship price
Package price
DSCore: Bactrian
On the edge of legality, the demands for the most basic fruits of commerce become incredibly pressing. Basic Foodstuffs, recycled Water, new clothing, fresh materials for station-side equipment... All of these are things that every station needs, and when you cant simply have it delivered, you have to find an alternative method. The Bactrian is the solution to the problem of supporting the needs of the thousands of people who cannot simply tap into the legitimate trade networks in each system. It is seen hauling stolen goods in its sizable and well armored cargo hold just as often as it is seen buying goods, bringing every sort of product to the markets that line the underbelly, and indeed the pockets of the underbelly, of the Sirius trade network.
[show]Outdated Review (4.86)
Review (4.86)
The Bactrian is where cargo pirating first started. The Rogues coughed this thing up from the depths of Cassini and handed it to the guys who found themselves up to the task and my oh my. This ship was what brought variety and roleplay to your average pirate. Soon every pirate had to have one, the Corsairs felt left out so they made one of their own. This thing can be seen shipping anything from ganja to Black Market Munitions to Slaves all over Sirius. Now, enough with the ass kissing, stats time. 530 Cargo, Four Class 9 Guns, Four Class 2 Turrets, Mine mount, Countermeasure, Cruise Disruptor, An 110 Nano/Batt Capacity and enough armor to make a Nomad soil itself. It turns slightly slower than any other ship with a 500 (average) cargo hold capacity but not too much that it would make much of an impact on its performance.
Any person who considers themselves pirates ready to raid the booty outta' some unsuspecting innocent hard working bloke better to get one of these things because pickings could be easier than when your behind the stick of the Bactrian. But! There is one teensy weensy little problemo with this jolly roger. Pray that your target doesn't disappear down out of the bottom of your 3rd person autoview screen because the chances are you’ll be looking for a while before you find them again. The Bactrian’s ass does get in the way a little bit creating a rather irritating and unique blind spot in the bottom center of the screen. But other than that, it's shiver me timbers me harties there’s plunder to be had! Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by Chad Jones
Purchase Includes
[show]Spoiler: Buying Locations