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Revision as of 08:45, 26 March 2015

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Erika Keller
Erika Keller.png
Erika Keller (Planet New Berlin 803 A.S.)
Origin Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
Occupation Intelligence officer
Gender Female
Affiliation Das Wilde
Rank Hauptkommissar
Status Presumed dead (819 A.S.)
Born 17th April, 781 A.S. Planet Holstein
Table of contents

Wild Logo.png Erika Keller - MND Intelligence Officer

Erika Keller became famous for her practical skills in matters of assassination tasks. She proved her reliability after the Nomad War when she was tasked by the MND with the detection of possible nomad infested persons and their elimination. After she began to focus on MND assets, her doings become questionable soon. Her brutality was feared especially after she eliminated her superior officer inside of the MND after he showed first indications of nomad infection. Many people inside of the Marinenachrichtendienst began to dissociate and encounter her with caution.

Her career ended deep inside of the Walker nebula in Omega-9 while chasing multiple unknown targets. The U-177 have been destroyed, together with its crew, in the late 819 A.S.

Some people still claim to have seen the U-177 and its captain in Rheinland. But none of these sightings could ever be confirmed today.

Childhood and Youth

Terraforming platform on Planet Holstein, 799 A.S.

She grew up in a tough and non-child-friendly environment at a terraforming platform on Planet Holstein in Frankfurt. Both of her parents were Daumann employees, worked and lived at such a platform. Life on Holstein was hard, most notably for children but also for small Daumann employees like Erika's parents. Neither had they the opportunity, nor the sufficient credits to leave their place and start a new life somewhere else. It was like a prison. Only rich people like managers or engineers could spend credits on good food and comfortable rooms.

After Erika became 8 years old, one of her aunts on Planet Hamburg adopted and took care of her. Erika could finally visit the school on Hamburg and find some friends too. Slowly she began to develop a hatred for her biological parents until she breaks up the contact to them.


Nothing is known about her family. It is even unknown if "Erika Keller" is a real name or just a fake name. Many details of her life have been removed from her files. It is assumed that the Marinenachrichtendienst destroyed any relevant data.


Career as Police Officer (798 - 800 A.S.)

After Erika completed her studies in Hamburg, she started to work for the Rheinland Federal Police. During the Nomad War, many people in Rheinland became infected by nomads, inclusive of some police officers. After some time, a few police departments reached almost incredible infection rates. Erika worked in one of these affected areas for about two years, luckily without to be infected. The nomads where able to infiltrate the half department, since nobody was aware of the threat and suitable security measures, to prevent further infections, did not exist. They began to infiltrate section for section, mainly focused on high ranked officers. What looked like a meeting was in truth a trap with the goal to infect several officers at once.

Like her colleagues, Erika didn't realised the constantly growing threat in the office, at the beginning. Anything began with Kommissar Hans Steinbach (Erika's former superior officer) who startet to observe his own people inside of his office, on unfriendly wise. But after her desk neighbor also began to behave weird, she started to suspect a conspiracy. Erika began to investigate. Soon she attracted the attention of the Marinenachrichtendienst with her investigations... and Kommissar Steinbach's as well, who wasn't delighted.

Career as Intelligence Officer (800 - 819 A.S.)

U-177 Dresden, 819 A.S.
Erika Keller assassinating Polizei Kommissar Hans Steinbach, in the dark. Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin, 803 A.S.
Contact with an Unterseeflotte vessel, shortly before it disappeares inside the Walker nebula again. Its identification: U-177. Weird is, that its engines are still intact. Omega-9, 821 A.S.

After Erika realized that she was being hunted by her police colleagues, she tries to hide and resist in underground. The Marinenachrichtendienst helped her to get a new identity and offered her a job as agent. Since the MND knew about the nomad threat inside of Rheinland, they began to form teams and perform large scale operations against the threat. Erika became part of such a team after her training.

In the year 803 A.S. she finishes her training on Planet New Berlin which includes a survival training and several martial arts. She learned to observe people and identify nomads as well as to fight them. Erika underestimated the nomad threat somehow, but her first task should change her views quickly.

In the same year, she began to focus on Kommissar Hans Steinbach and his police department. She observed Steinbach for weeks, each step from his home to his department, and she knew he wasn't human anymore. But her emotions forced her to hesitate until one day. It was a misty night at the "Nibelung Polizei Plaza" as Kommissar Steinbach came out of the department. This time with a new victim. Erika jumped out of the shrubs and opened the fire on Steinbach, before he could harm the police officer. It was Erika's first encounter with a living nomad and shouldn't be her last one.

Within 15 years, the MND were able to eliminate the threat almost completely and reduced the infection rates at a minimum. Erika became promoted in the year 816 A.S. and obtained acces to an "Oder-" class vessel, later known as the U-177, which disappeared, together with its crew, three years later.

Personal logbook - Hauptkommissar Keller

The personal logbook of Hauptkommissar Erika Keller, discovered by a group of civilians in Omega-9, 01.01.820 A.S.

We are hit - 21:03 / 12.20.819

"After we chased our contacts through the Von Rohe Belt in Omega-11, where our little trip took a surprising turn, once we jumped to Omega-9. Immediately after we arrived Omega-9, an heavy object collided with the U-177. Maybe an asteroid. Odd is, our scanners couldn't find anything before and the Walker nebula prevents further scans. The resulting coolant leak forced us to shut down the reactors."

Our engine does not react - 21:12 / 12.20.819

"We failed to start the engine. Primary systems are still online but our engine seems to be dead. We drifting slowly, deeper and deeper into the nebula. Since our scanners are also affected, i can only guess where we are... somewhere at grid G6.

Inspektor Menzel and crewman Weigel reported voluntarily to inspect the damage from outside."

We are paralyzed - 22:50 / 12.20.819

"It looks like we will sit here for a longer time. Inspektor Menzel reported heavy damage. The collision riped off large engine parts and we are unable to repair the damage since these parts are missing. Our landing bay is also affected which prevents us to start our wraith. Whatever hit us, wasn't an asteroid.

I decided to set out an emergency signal in hope, someone will find and help us."

The crew seems to be stressed - 04:11 / 12.21.819

"It's late, my crew looks tired and overworked. I don't want to lie, i could also use some sleep. But i can't. Have to wait for a reply on our emergency signal. And important repairs need to be made. I don't plan to spend more time in here. Many of my crew want to celebrate christmas at home. I've never understood this old tradition. I just don't get it.

Anyway, i ordered Inspektor Menzel to increase the signal strength of the transponder. This should improve our chances to be found."

Merry Christmas everyone - 20:48 / 12.24.819

"To be honest, i'm not realy in the mood to celebrate, i'm worried about my crew. Four days have passed now since our emergency signal is active. Still no reply. And our supplies are running low, slowly. I'm losing my patience. Our current position is somewhere between E/F7. My crew is worried and some of us are even scared. They want back to their families."

Some start to hallucinate - 00:29 / 12.25.819

"The time has come. My crew becomes crazy. Many of us can hear strange noises. Some claim to hear voices, others claim to hear metal impacts, some kind of knocking. It's odd, i don't hear anything. If our situation wouldn't be so serious, i'd say it's Santa Claus who knocks on our doors. I try anything to calm my crew.

Our doctor reportet 6 cases of schizophrenia. Medicaments seem to help. But our stocks are not unlimited available."

Weigel and Menzel are ill - 10:10 / 12.26.819

"Inspektor Menzel and crewman Weigel are seriously ill and lie on our infirmary. The doctor diagnosed a simple viral infection. I've ordered him to put both of them in quarantine, just for the case. The last thing we need is an epidemic aboard."

Menzel is dead - 12:47 / 12.28.819

"Inspektor Heinz Menzel, broke through the quarantine and entered the air lock which he decompressed afterwards. He told the doctor, he can't withstand the pain, even with painkillers. Menzel showed symptoms of schizophrenia.

I feel so sorry because i failed to protect him. I'm the captain and i'm responsible for his death. There is no excuse for this. I just don't know how to explain it his family."

Strange noises - 23:57 / 12.28.819

"It's midnight and something doesn't let me sleep. I can also hear these noises now, just like my crew. It sounds like somebody knocks on the ship hull. I can also hear Menzel's voice in my head! It makes me crazy! Now i'm scared too!"

Day nine - 11:30 / 12.29.819

"Time passes slowly. One hour feels like one day. Still no reply on our emergency signal. Our current position is: D/E 8. Crewman Weigel's condition has deteriorated. It was a good decision to set up the quarantine. Nobody else seems to be affected at the moment, even after Menzel's quarantine breach."

Help is on its way! - 12:12 / 12.29.819

"Good news! A Zoner vessel has replied on our signal! They will arrive with a freighter full of supplies tomorrow!"

Weigel's abrupt recovery - 15:35 / 12.29.819

"From one moment to another, Weigel stands up and claims to feel good. He was about to die. How can that be? He also refuses further medical check-ups for some reasons. That's realy weird. Weigel will stay in quarantine until we find out what exactly happened to him. Two guards will secure the infirmary."

Another quarantine breach! - 21:08 / 12.29.819

"Weigel was able to break through the quarantine. The guards were unable to stop him. He is probably armed and moves through the ship. Deck 7 and 8 are sealed, so he can't escape. The Doctor was about to tell me something before Weigel went crazy and started to attack him. Sadly i couldn't understand his message. Three Teams have been formed to find Weigel and catch him, dead or alive. Team one is on the way to the infirmary to find the medical scanner. Hopefully we will find out what is wrong with him now. The crew is ordered to stay in their cabins until further instructions. Crewman Hoffmann and i are the only persons on the bridge now. The only thing we can do is to sit down and wait."

Nomad infection aboard the U-177 - 21:22 / 12.29.819

"Now we know the reason for Weigel's behavior and a confirmation for Doctor Brandt's theory. Weigel showed indications of nomad infection in the final stage. The Doctor wanted to warn us and paid with his life. Weigel is a potential Security risk, for all of us. The crew is informed and our teams are ready to kill him.

Weigel is useing the ventilation shafts to move around the decks. It's hard to locate him. With some help of crewman Hoffmann, i was able to modify the internal ship sensors with data from the medical scanner. Now we can monitor his movement. Unfortunately we noticed six further cases of nomad infection on several decks. Some of our team members are also affected. It's out of control."

Day ten - 01:00 / 12.30.819

"The air is getting thick. My headache becomes worse. I can't sleep, not in this condition and not with this cruelly things in my mind. Everybody could be infected now, me including. We have also lost contact with our teams. They are probably dead."

The Zoner vessel has arrived - 22:12 / 12.30.819

"Somebody destroyed our communication relays. We were unable to warn the Zoner freighter about our little infection problem. I'm sure, after their freighter docked with the U-177, they had to deal with a nasty surprise. It is unlikely that some of them could survive. Looks like i have to leave the bridge and find a way to the Zoner freighter. It is our chance to get out of here. Crewman Hoffmann at the bridge, will help me to avoid infectees via internal sensors."

Day eleven - 00:36 / 12.31.819

"I'm back on the bridge. Crewman Hoffmann disappeared. He doesn't react on my radio signal. I don't know what happened to him. From now on, i must fight my way through the ship alone, without Hoffmann's help.

It took me some time to realise that... escape is not an option anymore. The Zoner vessel, our one and only ticket away from this hell hole, has been destroyed. Somebody sabotaged the docking bay.

The whole ship looks like a slaughterhouse. Half of my crew is dead. Many doors of quarters have been broken. At least i could find some rations and medicaments. I have given up my hope to be rescued and disabled the emergency signal in order to not harm more innocent people. Our position... i don't know where we are. It dosn't matter anymore. There is no way out, this time. I will go down with my ship!"

I am infected - 07:59 / 12.31.819

"Something is wrong with me. I feel very bad. Have nausea and pass out sometimes. My headache is getting stronger and i'm eating the double amount of rations. I know, i don't expect a child. Inspektor Menzel and crewman Weigel showed the same symptoms, before they lost the control over themselves. So it can only mean that i'm infected too. I assume the air or the food rations are poisoned."

Slowly losing the control over myself - 20:48 / 12.31.819

"I pass out more often and noticed that i start to walk around while i sleep, followed by weird dreams. I must stay awake and fight against it! Coffee and medicaments help. Will try to enable the self-destruct sequence and put an quick end to this before i lose the control entirely.

Oh god! I can't withstand this pain anymore! It is hard to resi..."

(Deleted entry) - 20:50 / 12.31.819
End of the line - 23:50 / 12.31.819

"If somebody will read this, i'm probably dead already. I hope my misery finally took an end. An collision destroyed your engine and we were unable to repair the damage. Furthermore my crew had direct contact with nomads. Within one week, more than the half of the crew became infected. I triggered the self-destruction sequence to hinder my infected crew to harm more people. Don't try to search for us. The only thing you will find is dust and some wrecks. Don't touch them, or you will face the same fate!

I will use the rest of my time to write my final report, addressed to the MND Oberkommando, and attach all important data we could collect about the nomads in the past few days. Hopefully someone will receive this logbook and forward it to the Rheinland military.

I'm glad to had the pleasure to work with the crew of the U-177. It was a good crew. Their families can be proud. My bad decisions led to the destruction of my ship and killed over 50 people. I wished i could undo what happened. But i can't. I feel so sorry.

Keller over and out."

(Deleted entry) - 23:56 / 12.31.819
(Deleted entry) - 00:21 / 01.01.820 (Last entry)


- Her colleagues at the MND described her as a heartless, arrogant and dangerous person. She used to not be like that. It was mainly the missions she was assigned to which changed her personality.

- She never talked about her familiy, youth or her freetime at all. Many people think she tries to hide her dramatic childhood.

- Her observation skills are remarkable.

- She's an ice cold killer.


Rh gunship.png
Oder Class
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Personal Relations

Faction Erika's Personal View
Das Wilde
Slomon K'Hara
Aoi Iseijin
Artificial Intelligence
Everyone Else
At War
At War
The Order
At War

Individual Erika's Personal View


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