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This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see The Order


The Order Primary Fleet is dedicated to the defense of Order territories, the destruction of all alien factions (Das Wilde, Slomon K'Hara, The Phantom Empire) and the protection of Liberty from aliens.

Historical Information

In 800 A.S. the leader of the Order was an ex LSF agent named Casper Orillion. Once he saw the problems rising within Liberty, he and a group of loyal followers stole Liberty’s new prototype warship, dubbed it The Osiris and escaped into the depths of the Omicron systems, from where they launched their campaigns against the Nomads. During Orillion's rule the Order, a small wing of elite pilots led by Jonathan Pryde arose to fly high-risk and dangerous missions. When Orillion passed away Pryde came into control and became Grand Admiral of the Order. Pryde’s group of elite fighters came into control of the Order and for ~15+ standard years, Black Squadron ruled the Order, with only a few Order members flying independently for specialized missions. Pryde passed down leaderships to a young man named Dustin Hoff, who commanded the Order for the most time of any other leader. After his retirement, a rather quiet man, known only as “Helljumper” became leader. Helljumper however, ruled for the shortest amount of time, as he himself retired, leaving Adrian McKinley in command of the Order in 816 A.S.

By this time the Order was no longer a small fleet controllable by one man. Members from all reaches of Sirius had joined, and the fleet expanded into the main body and various smaller forces. The Order had also discovered a new system within the Omicrons and declared it their home. Having established friendly relations with the Corsair and Zoner factions, as well as hostilities with the Liberty and Bounty Hunter factions, the Order became a larger body. Naturally, a power struggle began, as many believed no one man should be supreme leader of the Order. Seeing these tensions rising, Adrian McKinley resigned as leader of the Order, temporarily leaving the Order without a leader. Sius Malacos, McKinley’s second in command, took action, and along with 4 other highly qualified members of the Order, created the Order High Command. The High Command was compromised of 5 members. It took the role of the Order’s leadership, as a more democratic form of government.

The first initiative of this newly founded was the creation of the primary fleet. This fleet would is now hte largest among the Order, and is compromised of what was Black Squadron, as well as new members who decided to join the fleet to do greater good. While smaller groups still exist, the primary fleet makes up the bulk of the Order force, being the largest and most powerful fleet the Order has yet seen. The group operates out of Omicron 100, and is led by non other than Sius Malacos, the man who perhaps most helped in creating the Order High Command.



  • The Brotherhood - [+]
  • The Benitez Family - -Benitez



  • Everyone else




  • The Keepers - Keepers.
  • Das Wilde - Wilde.

Ranking Structure

Ranks are divided into 4 tiers. There are additional promotion requirements that need to be met in order to advance to a higher tier.

Tier 1

Crewman: This rank is provided to any person that wishes to join the Order| but does not have a properly tagged and ID’d fighter and bomber.

Ensign: Upon having met the basic requirements, a pilot becomes an Ensign, at which stage they will be required to show their commitment to the Order and worth to move on in its ranks.

Lieutenant: Having come this far, a Lieutenant has gained more authority. Knowing the Order like their ship, a more active role play presence is required and their characters should be somewhat well known in space.

Major: Congratulations. As a major you may equip yourself with a gunboat class vessel in addition to your mandatory fighter class vessels. Responsibilities will increase, and your actions will now have a more definitive influence as a person reaches their last position in the 1st tier.

Tier 2

Commander: Welcome to the 2nd tier. Your passing the requirements to come this far has shown your true worth in the Order. Less in number than any 1st tier rank, a Commander has special privileges such as permission to commission a large vessel. From here on out, requirements will rise, as will your expectations. Do not let the Order down.

Colonel: The rank of Colonel. This is the last rank before an Admiralty position and will be the hardest to achieve. Less in numbers than any other rank available, expectations will be quite high as will their active duty. However all of it does pay off as a Colonel has essentially full access to the Order’s arsenal. Their name should be well known among the Admirals, as any vacancy will be surely filled in with a Colonel. Captain: Well into the ranks of the Order| a Captain is expected to stick to their rank and have a definitive presence in their capital ship if they choose to have one. Requirements to move on will be hard, but it will be all the worth.

Tier 3

Rear Admiral: The Rear Admiral is the first Admiralty rank available to one person. Only one person may hold this rank at once, and expectations will rise above any in a previous rank. Chosen by the Fleet Admiral with confirmation of the fleet, the Rear Admiral is expected to be a person the fleet may go to for issues, and will have important duties to perform. However this responsibility will be aided with the commissioning of a Carrier ship if this person chooses to do so. Welcome to the Admiralty.

Mid Admiral: The Mid Admiral is also the right hand man of the Fleet Admiral. Only one person may hold this rank at once. In case of vacancy, the Rear Admiral will step up to occupy this position. High expectations, it all does pay off with the title of being an Order Admiral. This person should work close with the Rear Admiral to work on things in case the Fleet Admiral is on absence.

Tier 4

Fleet Admiral: The Fleet Admiral is the leader of the Order|. Only one person may hold this rank at once and has full authority over the rest of the fleet.

Tactical Information

The Order's Zone of Influence
  • Tactical movements are on a need to know basis.
  • Acceptable crafts range from Heavy Fighters to Battleships depending on rank.
  • Capital ships and gunboats are confined to command personnel only; Special circumstances excluded.

Vessel Conventions

Naming conventions for Order craft are as follows;

  • Order|Firstname.Lastname (Fighter & Bomber designation)
  • Order|Codename (Fighter & Bomber designation)
  • Order|Shipname (Capital Ship designation)


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