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{{Faction Diplomacy begin}}
{{Faction Diplomacy begin}}
{{FD | [[Interspace Commerce]] | +0.9}}
{{FD | [[Interspace Commerce]] | +0.9}}
{{FD | Liberty's Corporations | +0.8}}
{{FD | [[Gas Miners Guild]] | +0.7}}
{{FD | Liberty's Forces |  +0.8}}
{{FD | Liberty's Companies | +0.6}}
{{FD | Bretonia's Corporations | +0.6}}
{{FD | Liberty's Forces |  +0.6}}
{{FD | Bretonia's Forces | +0.6}}
{{FD | Bretonia's Companies | +0.4}}
{{FD | [[Gas Miners Guild]] | +0.5}}
{{FD | Bretonia's Forces | +0.4}}
{{FD | [[Golden Chrysanthemums]] | +0.2}}
{{FD | [[Red Hessians]] | +0.2}}
{{FD | [[Red Hessians]] | +0.2}}
{{FD | [[Golden Chrysanthemums]] | +0.2}}
{{FD | [[Junkers]] | +0.0}}
{{FD | [[Zoners]] | +0.0}}
{{FD | [[Zoners]] | +0.0}}
{{FD | Kusari's Corporations | -0.2}}
{{FD | [[Bundschuh]] | -0.2}}
{{FD | Kusari's Forces |  -0.2}}
{{FD | [[Landwirtrechtbewegung]] | -0.2}}
{{FD | Rheinland's Corporations | -0.3}}
{{FD | Kusari's Forces |  -0.4}}
{{FD | Rheinland's Forces |  -0.3}}
{{FD | Kusari's Companies | -0.4}}
{{FD | Rheinland's Forces |  -0.6}}
{{FD | Rheinland's Companies | -0.6}}
{{FD | Other Criminals | -0.7}}
{{FD | Other Criminals | -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Lane Hackers]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Lane Hackers]] | -0.9}}

Revision as of 17:20, 30 July 2011

This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Interspace Commerce

Template:TOC Faction Infobox


  • NPC alignment: Interspace Commerce
  • ID: Interspace Commerce
  • IFF: Interspace Commerce
  • Faction tag: IC|


Interspace Commerce is one of the few corporations that has ability to deal in all four Sirius houses. Started as a banking company, Interspace understood that gaining profit and influence is faster by entering the shipping business. Advantage of having a station for each house in their capital system and one very strategical station in Okinawa led to one of the best infrastructures for reaching their aims - becomming #1 in shipping business. At this moment Interspace Commerce is by far one of the richest corporations in Sirius, trying to keep its neutrality towards all houses, however having Libertonian roots, it is met with quite unfriendly manner in Rheinland that led to various restrictions while visiting Rheinland.


Founded during 218 A.S in partnership between Deep Space Engineering and Ageria Technologys it quickly became the leading financial company within the Sirius. Its planned purpose was for the constructions of jump gates and trade lanes outside of liberty.

Interspace Commerce expanded into Kusari and had set up Roppongi station in the New Tokyo system. Up until this point the Kusari goverment had banned all foreign immigration as well as the construction of foreign stations and businesses. It was a risky move and angered many Kusarian citizens, however Interspace Commerce stayed in Kusari. Groups of terrorism such as the Blood Dragons sprouted to stop foreign corruption into Kusari and became hostile to Interspace Commerce.

In 350 A.S, Interspace Commcerce became the primary financier of trade lanes for the other houses. In Rheinland, it constructed Bonn station in New Berlin to oversee its interests in 521 A.S. Later in 525 A.S Interspace Commerce agreed to forgive all debts to foreign houses, and turned control of the trade lanes and jump gates in those houses over to their governments. With this, Interspace Commerce collected tolls for using its jump gates and trade lanes for the next 200 years. The company has never been satisfied with the two hundred years of tolls it got in exchange, and it is for this chief reason that a good deal of animosity towards Rheinland and Kusari exists even today. As a result, Interspace Commerce often allows ships from the Bundschuh, Red Hessians and even the Unioners to dock and purchase supplies on Bonn station. In respone, the Rheinland military placed the Battleship Strausberg outside the station to keep an eye on Interspace's activities.

Interspace Commerce conducted the same dealings with the Golden Chrysanthemum terrorist movement and began to fund them as well. Rumors of this sprouted up but Interspace Commerce has called off these allegations as "slander".

In 700 A.S., Agiera and Interspace developed a project called the Universal Ship Identification system (USI) which gave Interspace Commerce the ability to track ships and lay tariffs appropriately. Some of the Houses expect this gives Interspace Commerce an edge in competition, however so far nothing has been proven. Piracy organisations such as the Lane Hackers broke into the system and kept track of shipments and raided them accordingly. It also gave shipping locations to other pirate groups like the Rogues and Outcasts.

When the Okinawa System was discovered at the Border Worlds in 812 A.S., both the GMG and Kishiro were eager to move in as fast as possible. In a deal with Interspace Commerce to invest and finance the development of the system, the GMG resentfully signed the deal with Interspace Commerce, who would get 5% of all H-fuel profits. Most piracy and raids in the system are suspected to have originated or sponsored by the Hogosha due to Interspace Commerce's dealings and influence with the Golden Chrysanthemum movement, which has prevented any Golden Chrysanthemum attacks in the system. Kishiro and the Gas Mining Guild ignored whenever a Golden Chrysanthemum vessel has been seen docking with Furyoku Station.


Interspace Commerce has two public divisions that perform the tasks of their respective names. Pilots assigned to one of them cannot be at the same on the other for the legal procedures reasons. Some papers suggest that Interspace Commerce has third division, however no evidence of its existance can be found or any rumours heard. The only


Transportation Division employs one of the best crews out there. Shippers are chosen from all corners across the Sirius once they submit an application to offices and after review they might be asked for interview. While Interspace Commerce is rather new in shipping business, the broad expansion it made already sets quite nice business for fulfilling market's demands all across the Sirius. That is the main factor why Interspace Commerce's Transportation Division is so successful in these times. One should always remember that Interspace Commerce will rather not get involved into wars due to weak relationship with Kusari and Rheinland. However some individuals simply has no moral for such orders and goes rogue while still hiding behind IC's banner, thus making a lot of trouble for Board of Directors to resolve.

Dsy trainx4.png
Dsy trainx3.png
Dsy trainx2.png
Transport small.png


Security Division was gathered for main reason of escort Transportation Division or scout ahead to make sure lanes and open space is clear. While it is certainly risky work spot, some pilots simply work for the thrill of a danger. And because of that Interspace Commerce allows to openly hunt all Lane Hacker for the crimes they did, are doing and will do. Sometimes pilots will pursue Hackers instead of continuing escorting convoy, just to show their dedication to annihilating such threat. There are rumours, that the most successful and experienced pilots are being employed for another, elite division that no one knows of, but that is once again only rumours.

Light Fighter
Cv fighter.png
Light Fighter
Hw p2 hf.png
Heavy Fighter
Cv vheavy fighter.png
Very Heavy Fighter
Very Heavy Fighter
Raven's Talon
Very Heavy Fighter


Transportation Division

  • Intern

An intern is just a fresh applicant, who just got accepted into Interspace Commerce. He can fly any ships allowed for Trasportation Division but he may not venture into Rheinland space to avoid any misunderstanding and hardly understandable restrictions for Interspace Commerce vessels. It was proven that many incidents occur when inexperienced member is trading within Rheinland.

  • Shipper

The most numerious rank in Interspace Commerce. These employees have aquired enough knowledge and experience to be performing shippments in Rheinland. They have acces to perform shipping contracts and assigment for a bonus salary.

  • Senior

Employees with the large experience base capable of dealing with almost every situation that might happen. Pilots of this rank will be assigned with the hardest, the most dangerous contracts that mostly will be provided by the terrorism movement in Kusari and Rheinland.

Security Division

Board of Directors

  • Head of Security

Person in charge of security protocols, equipment regulations, hiring pilots for the Security Division. Head of Security is responsible for aquiring weapons as well as selling some of the unused equipment.

  • Head of Transportation

Person responsible for the weath of Transportation Division, finding best shipping contracts, inspection of equipment and such.

  • Chief Financial Officer

Person responsible for financial side of Interspace Commerce. This includes Bounty Board's payments, salaries for shipping assigment, calculating needed finances for equiping ships or constructing them as well as making sure loan, investment and insurance business is going in the profitable side for Interspace Commerce.

  • Chief Operative Officer

Person in charge of daily operations. Both heads of division answer directly to him, thus he is partly responsible for most of Interspace Commerce's activities.

  • Chief Executive Officer

The mastermind behind everything of Interspace Commerce. Rumours suggest, that he is the richest person without any binds to government.

  • Shareholders

Currently 100% of stocks (shares) are held by David Mahone. No plans whether to open some shares for sale is known. However, it is speculated that those would be very expensive as Interspace Commerce is still


Interspace Commerce has only few goals in mind, yet those few are grand and ambitious ones.

  • To become the premier shipping entity.
  • To become the premier insurancing entity.
  • To become the premier loans offering entity.
  • To become shipping entity with the most rights.
  • To monopolise more marketss possible within Sirius.
  • To provide best services among all Sirius' corporations.

Owned Stations

Newark Station

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Newark Station

Type: Chasins class station

Location: 4C, New York

Gravity: Complete

Docking: Yes

Amenities: Yes

Population: 5000

Interspace Corporate was founded in 204 A.S. by Ageira and Deep Space Engineering, since they could pool the necessary capital in insurance and finance. Built in the same year, Newark Station is the local headquarters for the now renamed "Interspace Commerce" (IC), one of the largest financial concerns in the Sirius Sector. While Interspace was initially responsible for financing the construction of the vast Jump Gate and Trade Lane network that connects the various colonies, it was forced to divest itself of these holdings as a result of the Rheinland-Kusari Trade Embargo in 521 A.S.

The corporation changed its name to Interspace Commerce and has since transitioned to insuring cargo shipments within and between the various colonies. The remainder of the Newark Station population is a constantly shifting crowd of traders, technocrats, executives, and Bounty Hunters, all cutting deals and arranging for the transport or protection of their goods.

Newark is also ideally located in central New York to act as a Headquarters for the Angels. It has been rumored that the Angels garnered one of the best offices on Newark by gathering potential employees for Interspace. As a place where bounty hunters, traders and many other types of pilots live and work from, the Angels have an ear to the ground on Newark, able to read more out of financial and insurance records than most accountants. Occasional maintenance drones can be seen cleaning the outside of Newark, when an unfortunate trading vessel tries to enter the docking pattern at high speeds.

Bonn Station

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Bonn Station

Type: Cathedral class station

Location: 5C, New Berlin

Gravity: Complete

Docking: Yes

Amenities: Yes

Population: 3000

Originally constructed in 521 A.S., to oversee the transition of trade lanes and jump gates to Rheinland ownership after Interspace Commerce was all but forced to sign agreements to nationalise them, Bonn Station has since become the headquarters of Interspace within Rheinland, and is the station where all cargo being shipped out of Rheinland is insured for the journey.

Thoroughly angry with having to wipe countless billions of credits of debt away almost overnight, after Kusari and Rheinland both nationalised their trade lanes and jump gates, Interspace Commerce has never been satisfied with the two hundred years of tolls it got in exchange, and it is for this chief reason that a good deal of animosity towards Rheinland and Kusari exists even today. As a result, Interspace Commerce often allows ships from the Bundschuh, Red Hessians and even the Unioners to dock and purchase supplies, and even going so far as to donate money to their causes or share information of cargo shipments with them.

This has angered the Rheinland government considerably, although as yet it has been completely impossible to prove. However, the Rheinland Military has recently stationed the Battleship Strausberg outside the station to keep an eye on Interspace's activities.

Waterloo Station

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Waterloo Station

Type: Zeus class station

Location: 6D, New London

Gravity: Complete

Docking: Yes

Amenities: Yes

Population: 5000

Waterloo Station acts as headquarters for the local branch of Interspace Commerce (IC) as well as foreign shippers such as Republican Shipping and Universal Shipping. It is a busy, bustling place, constantly humming with activity as business transactions are conducted around the clock.

Roppongi Station

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Roppongi Station

Type: Akebono class station

Location: 6D, New Tokyo

Gravity: Complete

Docking: Yes

Amenities: Yes

Population: 4000

In the early years of the Kusari Empire, foreign immigration was strictly controlled and permanent foreign settlements on New Tokyo were strictly forbidden. While the Kusari Shogunate was unwilling to bend these rules, it still accommodated foreign business interests by allowing Interspace Commerce to construct Roppongi Station in 318 A.S. Despite the restrictions placed on permanent residencies elsewhere in Kusari, and the outrage expressed by conservative Kusari politicians at the Hideyoshi controlled Shogunate for allowing foreigners into the New Tokyo system, Roppongi Station's business flourished, with many corporations opening offices onboard.

When the Hideyoshi Emperor was deposed in 321 A.S., Roppongi's future was plunged into doubt. Thankfully, even the conservatives had recognised the financial benefits of leaving it alone, and in any case they had no desire at the time to upset Interspace Commerce, which at that time owned the rights to all the jump gates and trade lanes within Kusari. The conservatives were still reluctant to have too many foreigners in New Tokyo, however, and Deshima Station in Shikoku was eventually constructed in 350 A.S. with the aim of reducing the "outsider" population.

The Kusari-Rheinland embargo in 521 A.S. resulted in both those Houses nationalising their trade lanes and jump gates, causing Interspace Commerce to lose countless billions of credits almost overnight, as Kusari and Rheinland wiped away their debts to the Liberty corporation. Thoroughly angry with their losses, and the paltry two hundred years worth of tolls they extracted in exchange for their losses, Interspace began covertly funding independent pirates to raid Kusari shipping. After the formation of the Golden Chrysanthemum terrorist organisation, it is widely believed that Interspace has been funding them, just as they later began funding the Red Hessian pirates, and that the pirates in return sell stolen goods cheaply to Interspace. It is likely that these practices continue to this day, although Interspace's involvement has never been substantiated, and always sues any such allegations as "slander".

Furyoku Station

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Furyoku Station

Type: Akebono class station

Location: 5D/5E, Okinawa

Gravity: Complete

Docking: Yes

Amenities: Yes

Population: 3000

After the discovery of the Okinawa system, Kishiro and the GMG required a considerable amount of money to quickly begin the construction of the system's infrastructure. Unfortunately, the only corporation both willing and able to underwrite the project was Interspace Commerce, who agreed to insure and finance it in exchange for 5% of the H-Fuel profits and also being permitted to construct a base in Okinawa. The GMG grudgingly agreed, and construction started on Furyoku Station at the same time as Fujisawa Mining Facility was assembled. The station was eventually completed in early 816 A.S., despite a number of sabotage incidences that were believed to be the work of Hogosha agents.

The base handles a large portion of the traffic moving in and out of Okinawa, and the GMG often stores a large amount of H-Fuel reserves at Furyoku. Attacks in the system against GMG and Kishiro facilities, as well as the Interspace base, have been more or less non-existent, save for the occasional raiding parties that are almost certainly Hogosha in origin. Part of the reason for this is almost certainly due to the influence and dealings that Interspace are known to have with the Golden Chrysanthemums. In exchange for the lack of piracy and attacks on their facilities and transports within Okinawa, it appears that both the Kishiro and GMG authorities within the system have taken to turning a blind eye whenever a Golden Chrysanthemum vessel has been seen docking with Furyoku Station.


Faction Relationship
Interspace Commerce
Gas Miners Guild
Liberty's Companies
Liberty's Forces
Bretonia's Companies
Bretonia's Forces
Golden Chrysanthemums
Red Hessians
Kusari's Forces
Kusari's Companies
Rheinland's Forces
Rheinland's Companies
Other Criminals
Lane Hackers
At War


Interspace Commerce Subforum

Interspace Commerce Recruitment

Interspace Commerce Bounty Board

Interspace Commerce Message Dump

Interspace Commerce Loaning Services