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*[[Leduc Station]]

Revision as of 15:56, 12 December 2013

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Alberta System

Alberta is one of the systems in the chain leading up behind Liberty from California to Kepler and Galileo. Little is known about this system and lawfuls understand that pirates have taken a liking to these systems. Factions such as the Liberty officials have taken action to tread carefully when exploring into these systems as they are mostly unknown. Attempts to probe the system are usually foiled by local Liberty Rogues that populate the area. A jump hole has been discovered to another system in this chain that has been designated Yukon until official surveys can be conducted.

System Navmaps

System Overview

Local factions

None known

Planet Calgary
Planet Edmonton

Areas of Interest

Cold Lake Nebula

Cold Lake Nebula is a medium sized emission nebula located in the eastern side of Alberta. The coloration initially suggested the presence of harvestable gases, but Deep Space Engineering probes determined that the concentrations are too diffused for economical collection. The nebula has not been extensively mapped, but no threats to spacecraft such as radiation have been observed.

Dark Matter Storm


This dark matter anomaly, dubbed by Libertonian Researchers a virtual "Dark Matter Storm", is a huge cloud of dark matter and charged particles which is about to enter the Alberta system at high velocity. Conditions within the cloud are violent and potentially lethal.

Asteroid Fields

Athabasca Asteroid Field

A large field of rock asteroids. The Liberty Rogues have built a base inside one of the larger asteroids in the central part of the field.

Peace River Asteroid Field

A remote asteroid field in the Alberta system. Liberty Corporations, most notably Deep Space Engineering, have begun exploiting the field for it's large reserves of platinum.

Jump Gates/Holes

See Also