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Aelita Stone

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Aelita Sierra Stone
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Origin Deep Omicron's
Occupation Freelancer
Gender Female
Hair color Coal Black
Eye color Golden Yellow
Affiliation Quasilawful Fugitive
Born unknown

"The Birth" & "The Fall" & "The Sunrise"

-The Birth- Born on her parents Zoner ship; the Winters Last Stand, Aelita was the only child of her family, born to her mother Milly K, Stone and her father Jeremy R, Stone. While during her time on this ship, Aelita was taught by her mother on subjects about the Omicron's, Omega's, Sigma's and other system's besides core space. Whenever Aelita brought up the subject about core space to her mother or father, both would refuse to tell her anything about the subject other then the great untrust they had for the houses, mainly against the two houses called Kusari and Rheinland. When she was nine years old, Aelita's father bought his daughter a light fighter ship. However the vessel was not worthy of flying in space, rather he bought a fully sealed hanger bay and taught her how to fly the craft.

-The Fall- Upon her twelfth birthday, Aelita was awoken from her by an amass of gunfire pounding the ship apart from the outside. Listening to the ship comm's, Corsairs had found the vessel they were on and attempted to pirate it for all its cargo and younger population. Her father refused clearly from the yelling and the Corsairs had begun to attack the ship. Before even making it to the door, Aelita's room shook and the floor fell apart under her, forcing the twelve year old girl to fall a max of five floors before impacting a pile of burning derbies below her; blacking out soon after. The following moments were all a blur to the girl, the people finding her and taking her to the Freeport of Omicron Delta where she laid in a comatose state for close to two years before awakening.

-The Sunrise- Upon waking up, Aelita had found several parts of her body replaced with replica robotic parts for her body. Remaining bedridden for close to a month later, the girl was released into the station, orphaned and alone, she wonder the station; attempting to seek anyone who would dare help her in this cause. Several day's later, a man in a black armored body approached the starved and tired girl, offering a new safe and protective home here in the Omicrons. Accepting gratefully, Aelita was taken to Omicron Minor, to Planet Toledo where she was trained by other agents to become one herself.

"One of the march"

Completing her ground training, Aelita had saved enough money for the shipyard workers of Evora to construct her a Hathor gunship she called Lyoko. This vessel was Aelita's main ship for a long while that she upgraded over, and over, and over again, making the Lyoko much more then just the standard Hathor that she started out as. The ship was now upgraded enough that Aelita only had to fit a helmet on and give the ship commands and it would listen, using a single joystick to aim the ships weapons and other minor controls for the ship itself. During her time in the Order secondary fleet, Aelita meet a lot of people she never heard up but heard their stories before; such as Jeremy Hunter; the captain of the Oath Keeper and cell leader of Liberty, James Patterson; a expert secondary fleet member who was involved with defending the Order any many other people before and even Golanski, the admiral himself time to time on his flagship, the Inquisitor. Aelita was a drifter time to time but always protected her home whenever danger was present.

She would take on the Core bounty hunters when they tried to attack their home with the Lyoko in hand along side the many other agents that existed at the time, she kept this up for about two more years until the "F.A.L.L" happened.


-F: Failure- Around Christmas time for the Order, the Order suddenly got an emergency message from Freeport 11 in Omicron Delta. In a rush of action, Aelita prepped her ship to support the Order against the attack the opposing enemy force...what the fleet didn't realize before it was to late what they were up against. When they arrived are the scene, over fifty nomadic contacts appeared on scanners attacking the station. The Order, enemies of the nomads, attacked with full force, including Aelita acting as support for the Geb carrier's. The Order fought with what they could, managing to only 'scare' away the nomads from the Freeport. Crippled and broken, the Order evacuated Freeport 11 and sent all their civilians and Zoner helpers to Omicron 74 in a mass exodus...However soon after this, the Core arrived on the Orders door step and surrounded the planet, attacking the already weak Order forces. Forming their last line of defense, Aelita and the Order protected their home as the civilian transports fled away as fast as they could.

-A: All or nothing- Both fleets battled for what felt like hours on end, perhaps even days as both sides had heavy losses and neither were on the point of winning the battle. Battered, beaten and scattered, the Core and Order stalemated around Omicron Minor, their friends and allies yelling and begging for help in crippled ships. The Core, even with their hatred for the Order, fell back, Aelita that moment knew that even their hated enemies...had a heart in some form or another. This did not last long...the nomads, watching the battle the whole time used the battered and broken fleets as a moment to attack.

-L: Last Moments- As the Core attempted to fall back, Aelita could only see heaven come crashing down on both the Order and the Core...the nomads had attacked as the Core fell back. weakened, the nomads seemed to endlessly pour into Omicron Minor by the masses, the more the Order shot down, the more that kept showing up. Both fleets stood their ground. The Core; having seen the reaper now standing at the door way to escape, refused to stand down. As the Order and nomads began to battle, the Core watched for a moment...and finally agreeing, attacking with their remaining forces to support the Order against the nomads. It was a losing fight, but if the Core were going down, they would not go down without a fight. Both fleets were cornered around Toledo, and by now the nomads had begun surface bombing the planet from orbit, many people stood and watched as their home..or their enemies home..was torn inside out...and the civilians still planetside..died as the massive storms of lava from the planets core, rushed from the new found holes and craters in the planet. Aelita watched, her ship crippled from a Core battlecruiser at her old home...the girl, injured and missing several parts of her body, managed to get to a cryopod and freeze herself before dying

-L: Limping Away- The Order, using a last ditch effort to flee, used the experimental jump drive on the Battleship Thebes to get away, pulling away several ships with people on them, moments before the end of their home. Those still there saw the end as a massive ship, unknown, unclass and larger then a guardian arrived...and killed those around them. By now, Aelita was asleep..and only heard the screams and the mercy begging around her. Due to this, Aelita's mind was shattered listening to all of them..however there was nothing she could do..but just listen..and hope their end was her own as well.

"I'm coming home"

A year and a half later of waiting..Aelita was deep inside of her crippled Lyoko. She though she would be there forever, just waiting till her time was done living. However something happened, during a day of summer, something had moved her ship, something large. She feared the worse of what it was. However as her pod opened, blinded, deaf and mute due to the freeze, Aelita felt one thing that made her overjoyed. The gloved hands of Order soldiers helping her from the pod and to a medical room. For a while she did not leave the room due to her medical state, reinforcing her bionics and just healing. She was ok'd to rejoin the Order fleet, and for a while she just relaxed on their new home, Planet Akabat.

After her relaxation period, Aelita applied to join the Order primary fleet and was even more happy when she was accepted, running missions alongside her fellow agents for a while before something happened that she would of never though.


During a recon mission of Omicron Zeta, Aelita had ran into a nomadic class guardian ship...however it did not attack her, it spoke to her, and she spoke back, feeling oddly a peace near the nomadic vessel. It showed her images of the humans old homes, what happened and much more. During this time something happened, the nomad invaded her mind and changed things around that she didn't realize till later. After this both returned home and Aelita though upon what she was shown by the guardian.

The next morning she found it again, this time they spoke more and other stuff happened as well. however she was trapped in a vision..and saw the guardian in pain suddenly. Being throwing from the vision, Commander Grey of the Order had found her and begun to attack the guardian. Not finding any power to attack, Aelita fled home were upon she was found later by Grey who told her the dangers of what happened.

Grey, who wanted to keep Aelita safe, sent her into Core space for the first time in her life to monitor nomadic activity within the houses. Aelita did this, however still found herself attracted to the 'songs' the guardian spoke of...and she waited to hear them again.

"Playing Dangerous"

After a long while away, Stone was found to have fallen in line with an Outcast group known only as the Crimson Cross, from what other agents were able to gather, Stone remained in their ranks and attempted to steal information. While successful for only about a month, she found herself in great error after one of the members of the Contra Lance found her speaking with another agent about what was going on. Forced to flee to Kusari, Stone was followed by several parties who wanted to capture her and get the information she had out of her. However once in Kusari, the now Admiral Grey took Stone and a few of her friends and went back to Omicron Mu, where she remained for a long time.

"Down But Not Out"

ERROR - This file seems to be corrupted, all information pertaining to Stone's time in the Hellfire Legion and her mission seem to have been removed or deleted - Please see server file administrator for help

"Hell Has No Mercy"

Having been found out about her work with the nomads, Stone's return to home was short lived as she was attacked by her own allies and friends, medically injuring her and sending her away to the Bell once more. However, being saved by the legendary Doc Holliday himself, Stone was returned to the Bell, where she laid in wait for something to do. Having little money left and no where to go, Stone took her mother's old Roc and set out into space, soon finding herself at a Freeport where a ship dealer was selling a BWT transport. Using her sparing cash, she bought the transport and set off into Sirius to begin again.


Grand Rose Petal Mk I
Sold to a Friend
Grand Rose Petal Mk II
Sold to a Friend
Bw fighter.png
Trainer I
Self Destructed
Or elite.png
Command Transfered
Still in Hanger
Scraped for parts
Scraped for parts
Bw elite.png
Scraped for parts

Personal people list

Faction Relationship
Kelly Stone
Jessica Snow
Angel Antioch
Tara Snow
The Snow's
Rika Hunter
Liara Grey
Matilda Antioch
Carolatte Champagne
Rose Chartermen
Adrienne Perry
John Major
George Antioch
Noelle Chevalier

Reputation list

Faction Relationship
Unaligned Freelancer's
Everyone else
Bounty Hunters
At War
BHG Core
At War
At War
At War