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Ile-de-France Shipping (player faction)

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This is an unofficial player group. For the affiliated NPC faction, see IDF Shipping.

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Île-de-France Shipping S.A. (IDF Shipping) was founded in 501 AGS (585 A.S.) by Francois Pomeroy, who thought Gallia needed a shipping company that was absolutely loyal to the Crown, instead of just another money hungry company like many others at that time. It started as a one man business, Francois, and his Aurochs freighter, the “Île-de-France”. He had some small private contracts within the Core Worlds, enough to feed his family.

The company really started after Francois received an urgent charter into the active war zone of the First Gallic War. Most of the companies active at that time did not want to risk operating in such an environment. Being one of the few people available to operate there, Francois took his chance and accepted the assignment. The Crown was very pleased with his performance, so he got a permanent contract, in exchange for a significant stock share. This allowed him to expand his business giving him a huge head start with support from the Crown.

Only several months after his first assignment, he raised enough funds for the first large transport, the ME-UH “Vache” Gallic Train named “Parisienne”. After the war, IDF started purchasing assets of competing companies and was able to organize several aggressive takeovers. Starting with the smaller companies, slowly gaining market share, but quickly expanding the fleet.

Second Gallic War

The government prefers not to interfere in IDF operations unless it's absolutely necessary, but the situation has been changing since the start of the Second Gallic War when government representatives on the board of IDF started to lobby for increased participation of IDF with supplying the Navy. The Board quickly decided that if the Crown needed their help, IDF would be more then willing to provide it. That lead to a big increase in Border World activity, providing supplies for the rear outposts of the Sirius invasion fleet.

IDF was able to stay out of the conflict between the Council and the Royal Navy. Because employees of IDF are civilians, they are not targeted by Council attacks. Both sides are far from friendly, but encounters seldom lead to an engagement.

After the King opened the borders for trade, IDF immediately organized small scale scouting missions for potential new markets. Richard Pinault was made Director of External Commerce, managing everything that had to do with Sirius. He established trade relations with Kusari, the first House they visited.


IDF Shipping is currently the leading shipping company in the Gallic space, occupying over 55 percent of the civilian space transportation market. The Crown has a significant stake in IDF operations with a stock share of over 40 percent.

IDF Shipping is known to be one of the closest partners of EFL Oil and Machinery. IDF extensively participated in building the system of Gallic jump gates and trade lanes and continues to do so to ensure a good infrastructure. Constructing the rapid space transportation systems was undertaken by EFL using technology “borrowed” from Sirius nations by the Junkers. IDF participated in the construction works and provided transport for huge lane and gate parts that EFL developed and built in its shipyards. IDF doesn’t own any bases in the Border Worlds, which is why they have a number of offices on almost all EFL stations.

The land headquarters of IDF are located at New Paris, and Sarcelles Shipping Facility is considered the space headquarters of the company. Because communication with the Core Worlds isn’t always possible, and because it is impossible to travel between the core and border, IDF purchased a big office on Planet Nevers, functioning as a Border Worlds Headquarters.

Ile-de-France Shipping's loyalty will never be questioned. Because of this, IDF is working on systematic development and increasing the company's market value to ensure the financial security of its shareholders and employees, instead of blindly hunting for the best profit. "Loyalty over Profit" as Joseph Pomeroy said in his speech when he took over IDF Shipping from his father.

Important Persons

Francois Pomeroy and Marcus Pomeroy

Francois Pomeroy, son of Guy Pomeroy and Margot Monet, was born on Planet New Paris in 570AS. Shipping was in his blood, his father was a freelance trader delivering goods wherever people needed them. Francois finished high school with a one year delay caused by an illness, which knocked him out the better part of 6 months. After High School, he finished his Economics study without much problems. Francois’ father retired early, leaving his ship to Francois. He followed his father’s footsteps, taking over the ship and flying all across Gallia hauling various goods. His extensive knowledge of economics gave him an edge over a lot of competition, which allowed him to take care of his family.

After IDF was founded, Francois’ job mainly consisted leading his company. He was actively involved in the many take-overs IDF did. This is where he met his wife, Bernadette Harnon, Director of Harnon Shipping. They spent many hours negotiating the terms of the take-over, which eventually led to their relationship.

Joseph Pomeroy
Joseph Pomeroy.jpg
Origin Flag-gallia.png Gallia
Occupation President of Île-de-France Shipping
Affiliation IDF Shipping
Born June 23, 781 A.S.

Their son, Marcus Pomeroy, had a very similar life as his father. He decided he want to take over his fathers’ business at a young age, so he chose his education accordingly. Francois taught him how to run the company, involving his son into many of his activities. When Francois died at the age of 63, Marcus was ready to take up the reigns. Francois’ only last wish was that his family name would carry the Presidency of the Ile-de-France shipping coming henceforth - A wish Marcus gladly accepted.

Joseph Pomeroy

Fast-forwarding to the Second Gallic War, the seditionists raged against the Crown as they tore Planet Marne from the Crown's control in a bloody uphill battle eventually pushing all royalists off the planet in 801 (A.S). Joseph Pomeroy, just a young boy at the time happened to be in one of the cities when the workers first started riots in the streets in 794 A.S. He was quickly sent into hiding, unable to reach a space faring vessel to escape the planet. His chance came, however, in 798 A.S when the Council broke through the blockade of the planet and caught the Gallic Naval Forces completely off guard. Pomeroy's ship escaped back to Île-de-France on a small transport vessel, witnessing first-hand the battle that would change the face of Gallia forever.

Not only did it change the face of Gallia, it also changed Joseph. Witnessing the bloody battles caused by the Council, made him even more motivated to support the Crown in any way possible. This meant IDF was more loyal to the crown then ever. Currently, Joseph is President of IDF, but trapped in the Core Worlds.

Île-de-France Shipping roster

Joseph Pomeroy (Phoenix)
Vice President Chief Operating Officer
Andre Bernard (Error) Gregoire Pierpoint (TheOrangeButterfly)
Director of Defence Director of External Commerce
MSgt. Jean Arceneau (Ryummel) Richard Pinault (Phoenix)
Transport Captain
Pierre Graves (Boatsmurdered)


Claude Guyon (Wolfs Ghost)|IDF

Louis Moreau (Pirx/Robert)


MSgt. Jean Arceneau (Ryummel)


Yves Pinault (Phoenix)


Serge Métisse (Error)


Henri Brigesceau (Montezuma)


Gregoire Pierpoint (TheOrangeButterfly)


Mathieu Dubois (Ex_Astra)|IDF

Veronique Lachance (Jack_Henderson)


Francis LaCroix (sikotik)
Escort Pilot
Edmon More (Clavius) Gilbert Bourgeaud (Phoenix) Tour-de-Guet (Boatsmurdered) Robert Martin (Pirx/Robert)
Frederic Brueyere (Bloodl1ke)

Usable Ships

Escort Ships

Ga civ lf.png
Civilian Light Fighter
Ga civ hf.png
Civilian Heavy Fighter
Sirian Heavy Escort

Ships under contract

These ships remain property of the Gallic Royal Navy, and thus are only to be used within the borders of Gallia.

Ga lf.png
Royal Navy Light Fighter
Ga hf.png
Royal Navy Heavy Fighter
Ga bomber.png
Royal Navy Bomber (3x)

Trade Ships

Ga freight.png
Gallic train.png


Faction Relationship
EFL Oil & Machinery
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Gallic Metal Service
Sirian Factions
Unione Corse
The Council
Gallic Brigands
The Maquis