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Sir Firmus Piett

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Sir Firmus Piett
Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Occupation Commander of the West Fleets
Gender Male
Affiliation Bretonia Armed Forces
Service Time 13 months
Rank Admiral
Status Active (819A.S.)
Born June 6, 782 A.S., Planet New London

Firmus Piett, born on June 6th, 782 A.S. on Planet New London, is Admiral of the Bretonia Armed Forces. He joined the royal navy at the rank of Lieutenant and quickly reached the rank of Commodore after 10 months of service. He was placed as Commander of the 2nd Fleet, with Headquarters Planet Leeds, and 7th Fleet, with HQ Battleship Derby. Currently is Commander of the 12th West Fleet with HQ Battleship Stirling and is in charge of Dundee and Edinburgh systems.

I. Background

Early Independent career

Piett began his naval career, serving with the antipirate fleet. Piett was forced to work in the native sector of Dublin system on board of his Bretonia Gunboat. That was and continue to be one of the most dangerous sectors, and any attempts to bring an order is associated with heavy opposition. The enemies in this sector are many, from independent pirates and mollies to dangerous corsairs and wilders. Despite this, Piett soon was given command of the antipirate fleet. It was then renamed in to Bretonia Royal Fleet, consisted of several fighters and bombers, four gunboats, tree destroyers and two battleships. Piett's record with the fleet was flawless, and he made a tremendous amount of "arrests and suppressions." The Bretonia Royal Fleet numbers continue to increase. It had seven battleships, five destroyers as well as other small escort crafts. In time the fleet was spread all over Bretonia space in order to secure the safty of its sovereign. Soon enough, Piett's reputation reached the Admiralty board of the Bretonia Armed Forces, as he received various commendations.

Late Independent career

Firmus Piett on board of HMS Royal Sovereign with part of the Leeds Defense Fleet near Planet Leeds.

Firmus Piett continue to serve with the Independent Bretonia Royal Fleet, on board of their flagship HMS Royal Sovereign. With an extraordinary number of arrests and suppressions to his name, as well as what appeared to be a perfectly clean record, Piett earned the attention of the high-ranked officers from the Admiralty board. In the late stages of his career, Piett proved himself an excellent captain of the bretonian dunkirks as well as good tactician. After many battles, where he increased his abilities to command, he received the permission to join the Bretonia Armed Forces with the rank of Lieutenant. Nevertheless the Piett's flagship continue to be part of the Bretonian Royal Fleet while it's captain slowly but progressively was building his reputation in the ranks of the Bretonia Armed Forces.

Officer of the Armed Forces

In his first months, as Lieutenant from the armed forces, Firmus Piett took part of multiple missions and operations. He continue to work in Dublin sector which was the Hell Hole of Bretonia. The molly and gaian attacks were something normal that happened every day. The corsair fleets were moving in to Dublin too and shooting everything which is not on their side. The Dublin Campaign was dangerous but it helped the young Lieutenant to create a cease of the situation and to impact with the problems, in this remote world, in person. Slowly the campaign of the antipirate fleet in Dublin reached its end. All ships were spread across Bretonia space and Dublin was let in the hands of the primary fleet of the Bretonia Armed Forces. Nevertheless few ships from BRF can still be noticed in some sectors of Bretonia doing their best to secure the peace.

Firmus Piett took part at the signing of the Omega Treaty between Rheinland and Bretonia, which happened in Cambridge system. He was in charge of the capital ships, protecting the sector, commanding them from HMS Royal Sovereign. The operation was threatened by a small corsair bomber squad and several fighters. With the combined powers of the Rheinland Military and Bretonia Armed Forces, the corsairs were easily dealt with. Later in Omega-3 system, more corsairs arrived but this time with some capital escort vessels, trying desperately to reach Cambridge system and to bring chaos in the diplomatic event. Capital ships and escort vessels separated from the primary fleet and moved to Omega-3. Several minutes later the corsair plague come to an end. The Treaty was signed and our guests were escorted back to their borders.

Commander Firmus Piett on board of HMS Royal Sovereign in defense formation around Bowex)The White Cliffs.

Months after these encounters Firmus Piett reached the rank of Commander and took part in to an Economic event. The Bowex company ordered a massive mining operation in Cambridge system, where Bretonia Armed Forces had to take part as heavy escort support. Several battleships as well as two destroyers and multiple fighters were sent to accompany one of the largest ships in Sirius, the Barge. The mission was simple, five Hegemon class ships and several small mining drones had to mine over 40 000 cargo of the precious Beryllium Ore. Due to the increased security of the system, as well as the traps that were placed to counter possible corsair attacks, the event ended as planned and Bretonia received hundreds millions of credits.

Knight of Bretonia

Captain Firmus Piett assaulting Yukawa Shipyard with several bombers and fighters in Honshu.

One of the most dangerous operation of the armed forces was the attack on Yukawa Shipyard. Bretonia Armed Forces had information of possible transfer of more than 20 000 prisoners of war deep in to Kusari space. These men had to be saved at all cost and returned back to Bretonia. The main operation was separated in tree parts to reduce the chances of Kusari Naval Forces to notice the true meaning of the attack. Captain Piett was the squad leader of the assault on the Yukawa Shipyard. This station was the only one that could produce the deadly Kusari Destroyer class vessels. It had to be at least damaged enough to reduce the production of these ships for weeks and hopefully for months. A small squad of Templar fighters were escorted from members of the Queen Carina's Privateers through secret holes in to the unknown space. Hours later all tree squads were in right positions and the operation started. The Kusari Naval Forces defense consisted of destroyer and gunboat patrols. Later they were reinforced by unknown enemy, an experimental kusari destroyer armed with unknown weapons. Admiral Fraser, the leader of the entire operation, sacrificed it's flagship, the HMS-Degobaz, to help the remaining forces to finish the experimental ship. Members from the Convoy had contacted the armed forces pilots, informing them that the prisoners of war are back home. Later the remaining fighters had to retreat back to Bretonia and celebrate the victory they had achived. With minor losses and several hours later, the strike team was in orbit of Planet Leeds.

In this day, admiral Fraser awarded captain Firmus Piett with the title to become a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bretonian Empire, the highest of them titles, for his operation that helped the 20 000 prisoners of war sent to dead, to be saved and returned home.

Member of the Admiralty Board

Commodore Sir Firmus Piett receives the promotion message on board of HMS-Royal Sovereign.

At 3th september, 819 A.S. , Sir Piett received a message from the fleet admiral of the armed forces, Sir James Ralston, that his hardworking service led to his promotion as an admiral and member of the honored admiralty board of Bretonia. Later this days, during the ceremony on board of Battleship Stirling, the fleet admiral himself arrived to appoint his new collegue and untrust him with his new responsible position. Sir Piett was moved from his old position as Commander of the Leeds Defense fleet in to charge of Edinburgh and Dundee systems with Headquarters, Battleship Stirling. His flagship, HMS-Royal Sovereign, was then moved to support Stirling's fleet at Dundee. It can be seen today, fighting neverending waves of kusari invaders, trying desperately to breach the Bretonia West borders.

- Months later Piett found himself buried with work. His job was to keep the peace in the west borders of Bretonia but the reports about corsair problematic encounters in the east borders as well as never ending Kusari invaders from north - Leeds, placed Piett on a crossroad. He double checked the west borders defense plans, which he created, and they proved to keep the level of security on high alert. His presence on board of Battleship Stirling was not daily required that is why he appointed an assistant. Her name was Natasi Daala a bretonian officer, semi scientist. Her job was to stay on Stirling and receive the incoming transmissions from both enemies and friendlies. Her skills about the medicine and the ways to heal the wounded crew members and pilots were more than welcome, considering that Dunblane Station was far away from Battleship Stirling. In some critical situations where medical interference was necessary Daala was there to help as quickly as possible.

- In time Natasi Daala increased her knowledge in the medicine and wanted to begin a research on the nanotechnology. All she wanted was to work in a high tech secured laboratory from where she could keep researching the unknown misteries of the nano world. Admiral Piett found a suitable place for her needs on a small island in Planet New London where an old medical center was working to save the lifes of many critical injured people.

- Admiral Piett was working for a month in the Southampton Shipyard finishing his project "Reincarnation". The project consisted of two tasks. First one was to support the BMM workers which salvaged metal parts from the debris field near the shipyard. The second task was to order the building of the two new ships for the armed forces, the prison liner HMP-Glasshause and the royal liner HMRS-Britannia. These ships had to replace their older predecessors for the next five decades. Once the project was finished, fleet admiral Sir James Ralston awarded Piett with the National Service Medal for his substantial financial donations to the war effort.

II. The Charger of the Knight

Captain Sir Firmus Piett overlooking a space battle.

When Piett first joined the Bretonia Armed Forces, he couldnt hide his discontent from the Templar ship. It was too heavy for him and yet not as powerful as the rumors said. It's hull was created from the strongest of all alloys and that high bonus to the ship, was it's main weakness, reducing its maneverability at the level of a small but fast freighter. After many training sessions with the best members of the armed forces, observing multiple fighter battles even while on board of HMS Royal Sovereign, Piett started to test the abilities of this, from first look bad fighter, at max. He ordered the engineers of Southampton Shipyard to modify his own fighter and make it more maneverable than other Templar ships. After many days of hardwork, the engineers had menaged to give what the captain wanted.

The next improvment was to upgrade the guns of the ship, by making them fire at slow rate but providing more damage than the normal bretonia splitters, which had quick fire rate but doing moderate ammout of damage. The experimental Mini Razor guns that many jumped to use as primary gun, were not the kind of a weapon he wanted. His tactical thought pointed at the Disruptors. To control the battlefield by activating the mines whenever he wanted, to stop the fleeing and possibly cruising capital ships were stratigically superior from his point of view, than using a gun that requires patience and time to land a proper hit. The Mini Razor can't stop a battleship to cruise to a base or friendly ship. Mini Razor may do damge and win a duel but that was not the way to win a battle where a single Cruise Disruptor may decide the end of the encounter. Many tests were made and Piett was finaly in one with his ship, just like the Knight is one with his battle charger.

III. Trainer in the renewed Queen Carina's Academy

The Mark of the Queen Carina's Royal Academy.

After many months doing his duty, serving Bretonia with all his pation, Sir Piett was promoted to the rank of Commodore and appointed as recruiting officer. That is why his first act was to increase the value of the recruiting programs, by re-open the Queen Carina's Academy. These actions led to the inviting of new wave of pilots. Three cadets signed in the first day and weeks later, over nineteen. Tree of them stoped their education for their own reasons, but approximately of fourteen cadets that left, did their best to finish their combat training and join the ranks of the Bretonia Armed Forces.

The academy was let by Sir Firmus Piett and commodore O'Dukes aka Lord Hamilton. They both were leading two different classes. Sir Piett took part in teaching the new cadets the ways of the templar, combat hours, while commodore O'Dukes took part in diplomatic hours. To ensure the classes are understandable to the cadets, Lord Hamilton writed a book of his own "QCA Diplomatic Manual".

Queen Carina's Academy is open even now and is working hard to ensure the recruits, or formally the cadets, are ready for the dangerous missions in the future of their career as military pilots and knights of Her Royal Majesty Queen Carina I.

IV. Medical Scientist from SRC

The Decision

The Surgical Reconstruction Center on planet New London.

On board of Battleship Stirling the daily job of admiral Piett was to secure the system by sending multiple squadrons to scout the area until enemies were found. When the job was done well Piett left the deck and moved straight to the medical laboratory of the dunkirk. There his assistent Natasi Daala was working to save the lifes of the damaged pilots. The admiral was watching her every move and quickly started to be fasinated from the medicine. He requested from Daala to present in every surgery made on board of the ship so he can observe and learn. Days later he made Daala the primary medical officer of the west fleets.

When Daala requested to be transfered to more secured place from where she could concentrate on her work and research, Piett felt a burst of feelings -confusion and understanding. He was attracted from Daala and the science, that is why he had to do a move. He decided to keep doing his admiral's duty well and when he had free time, the Surgical Reconstruction Center on planet New London was the best place for him to rest in Natasi's presence.


"The Sage Tower"

The Surgical Reconstruction Center, aka SRC, is located on a small island in planet New London. It consist of five structures: Scientist Quarters, Intensive Treatment, Surgery Wing, Research Wing and "The Sage Tower". Together they form the surgical center.

-The Scientist Quarters consist of multiple skyscrapers-like buildings where the scientists can live a normal and healthy life. The Quarters were build close to the main building in order to increase the scientist's speed of work and to help them act quickly in critical and emergency situations.

-The Intensive Treatment is one building consisting of many cells and small laboratories for high level of treatment. Usually in this wing are sent people with mental illness, mental disorder, nervous attacks or critically injured. The last reports from SRC proves that by using the newest methods of treatment as well as nano cell fixing proceedures, there is 80% chance that people send to the Intensive Wing will be restored to normal for a moderate ammout of time.

-The Surgery Wing is the building next to the Intensive Treatment. It consist of more than hundred surgery rooms as well as thousands of Healing Pods. The Healing pods were glass globe-like objects 2 metres wide and high. Together they form "The Hive", a place where thousands can be healed at the same time. The last reports of SRC proves that the new nano serums, used by The Hive healing pods, can restore a medium damaged crew of a Dunkirk for less than 2 days. The Critical injured, depending on the level of damage, may be healed for less than week. If there is a huge risk for their lifes the people were sent directly to the intensive wing, where the period necessary for recovery is unknown.

-The Research Wing is the primary building of the medical complex. It have a castle-like structure and is located in the middle of the complex. It is linked with the Intensive, Surgery and Scientist's Wings. It consist of multiple research laboratories equiped with the best and most expensive technology available. The primary goal of this Wing is to increase the healing proceedures by reducing the time necessary for a person to be restored completely. That can be achieved by researching new serums and knowledge about the nano world.

-"The Sage Tower" is hid in plain sight with large windows that seemed to show that there was nothing to hide. It featured four landing pads for emergency cases near the top of the structure. The interior was lined with ultra-dense walls of neuranium shielding to conceal any radiation leak from the building's reactor. Surrounding this shielding was an exterior shell of durasteel built with armor of a lanthanide and dual super alloy. Any further information about this structure is considered as Classified.

Nano Engineering

Updated progress of the medical nano parts, from cell level to multi-purpose nanobots.

Nano engineerng provides education of the nanoworld as well as creation of many multi-purpose nano robots. Cell repair is using the same tasks that living systems already prove possible. Access to cells is possible because scientists can insert needles into cells without killing them. Thus, molecular machines are capable of entering the cell. Also, all specific biochemical interactions show that molecular systems can recognize other molecules by touch, build or rebuild every molecule in a cell, and can disassemble damaged molecules. Finally, cells that replicate prove that molecular systems can assemble every system found in a cell. The SRC scinetists worked hard to build nanomachines based systems that are able to enter cells, sense differences from healthy ones and make modifications to the structure. These nano machines are general part of the healing serums used by "The Hive's" healing pods. The nano serums "evolved" from molecular-cell level to multi-purpose nano robots.

-Experimental Nano-Cell (Manual Control) The first nano-cells were specialized. They open and close cell membranes or travel through tissue and enter cells and viruses. These machines are only able to correct a single molecular disorder like DNA damage or enzyme deficiency.

-Experimental Nano-Bot (Manual Control) The medical Nano-bots can perform a variety of similarly miraculous functions, from eating away dead flesh at a wound site to actually re-growing tissue so that it heals cleanly and quickly without leaving a nasty scar. Some patients even have difficulties with festering wounds, which could be easily cleared up by an efficient medical nano-bots. These robots are guided manually by the scientist and are not yet fully upgraded.

-Experimental Nano-Bot (AI Control) These cell repair machines are programmed with more abilities with the help of advanced AI systems. They are direct machines to examine, take apart, and rebuild damaged molecular structures. Repair machines are able to repair whole cells by working structure by structure. Then by working cell by cell and tissue by tissue, whole organs can be repaired. Finally, by working organ by organ, health is restored to the body. Cells damaged to the point of inactivity can be repaired because of the ability of molecular machines to build cells from scratch.

Nano Protection Technologies

Example of the first NanoSuit NPT-V1.


V. Awards and Titles

1.Distinguished Service Cross

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  • Awarded to Armed Forces personnel for extraordinary service in non-combat roles.

2.Knight Commander of the Order of the Bretonian Empire

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  • Highest National Honor, awarded by the Queen for extraordinary personal service to Bretonia. Confers upon the holder the honorific "Sir" to be recognized by all Bretonian citizens.

3.National Service Medal

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  • Awarded to Armed Forces or Bretonian Police personnel or Bretonian citizens who make substantial financial donations to the war effort.