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Rian Cowan
Rian Cowan | |
Profile | |
Origin | ![]() |
Occupation | Civil Servant |
Gender | Male |
Height | 5'8 |
Hair color | Dark Brown |
Eye color | Blue |
Affiliation | Bretonia Government |
Rank | Assistant Manager |
Status | Active (819 A.S.) |
Born | September 5 , 797 A.S., Luxury Liner Shetland |
Early Life
Born prematurely at the Luxury Liner Shetland, in the year 797 A.S., Rian was one of two twins. An unexpected birth Rian and his twin sister were both born while their parents were on holiday on-board the Luxury Liner Shetland. To the couples luck however help was on hand to get them through the birthing process. Both twins survived the birth.
His father was an assistant supervisor at Perth Station, at that time owned by Planetform Inc. While his mother was a stay at home mother and self employed financial advisor.
Primary Life
Most of Rian's early life was spent in the family's home on the Planet Leeds. A planet rich in industrial labour, Rian was enrolled in the Stalesbourgh primary on the planets surface at the age of five. Along with his twin sister, Shae, Rian attended this primary for seven years before leaving in order to move onto secondary. The current primary school lacking the equipment to hold secondary education Rian and his sister were required to relocate to Meston secondary, about fifteen or so miles from their original primary.
Secondary Life
While in his secondary years Rian continued his education with the quiet and dismissive attitude of any teenager. His sister however was making a name for herself as an 'animal enthusiast'. Making news headlines with some of her outcry's to the public against the damage to agriculture and animal life on Leeds, due to it's heavily industrial usage. It was an outcry which Rian did, on some level, sympathise with although even with this Rian held some reservations about her acts - believing she was to rash and aggressive. Even with this however he continue to show his love and enthusiasm, if somewhat forced, towards his sister and her acts.
University Life
By the age of seventeen, after completing his higher grades, Rian decided to conclude his years of secondary, this set him at an impasse. Having achieved a variety of notable grades was pondering over the option of the university choice of Cambridge and New London. Both were highly revered and both offered his chosen field, Politics and Economics. In the end however Rian found himself going to Cambridge to further his studies, following a course of Politics and Economics. During his years on Leeds, due to the heavily polluted air, Rian had found his health slowly diminish and what little strength he did retain he found to be of little use since the area of which he lived offered little but manual labour. So when offered the possibility to rent an apartment on the Planet Cambridge he jumped at the chance. On his leaving date he said farewell to his family, most especially his twin sister, Shae, who was still pushing forward her 'holy crusade' against the industrial process of Leeds.
With this decision made he began the three year course of Politics and Economics. These three year's were quite definitely the most important of his life, not only academically but also as finding himself as a person. A man with the mind that 'words can wound much deeper than any blade' Rian did what he could to further his ability in that field. By the end of these three years Rian had succeeded in his chosen field - ranking fifth top in his Politics mark and third in his economic mark. With these grades now under his belt he returned to Leeds in the hope of having some form of celebration with his close family. To his shock however on his return to his home he discovered that in his absence his twin sister had left. Supposedly to 'follow her dream' his mother told him, and with nothing else to go on Rian simply had to assume that she was safe somewhere in the known universe.
Later Life
At the age of twenty Rian applied for the position of Senior Administrative Officer as a civil servant in a Derlshire, one of the large cities on New London - aside of the capital. After an intense few weeks of interviews and documentation Rian was given a counter offer regarding an offer in the capital city to work in the government at a lower administrative level, an Administrative Assistant. Although the position itself was reduced the status of working in the government, even at a low level, appealed to him. So with this in mind Rian was quick to accept the offer and began his work in the civil service. The next year and a quarter of his life was spent running around from end to end working as the lackey for his numerous bosses. Eventually though Rian caught his break when he was promoted to Administrative supervisor. This new step up in the corporate ladder gave Rian the opportunity to show his true abilities with the new freedom offer with it. This opportunity was most notable presented with employee's under him that he could have some control over. The next two year's were a blur, with the war ever progressing the strain put on himself and the whole of his team increased substantially.
Gaian Terrorist Assaults

By the year 819 A.S. another Gaian vigilante group, or more notably the individual, was making the head lines, having made several terrorist attacks on Leeds and some nearby storage platforms. It was partly due to this that Rian was given another promotion to Administrative Assistant Manager, on the 5th of February 819 A.S. His main purpose to deal with this new vigilante, more importantly the flood of bad press she had been causing and if needed battling with propaganda. This was only the beginning of a fierce rivalry between Rian and the mysterious Gaian vigilante. There was a similarity to her action which pushed him on and her urged his boss more and more to give him more authority on the matter. A portion of his requests were answered and Rian was able to put these new resources forward to fund his campaign.
On the 23rd of December 819 as Rian was leaving his offices, and making his way to his car, for his lunch break he was confronted by three figures. Two women and man, although he does not remember much about the incident he does remember one of the figure very viably. Shae. The assault was one which varies from the person who tells it but the known facts are that Rian was attacked by a hand-held T3-Stuncharge - a small grenade like item which latches onto it's victim and sends large electric currents through their body - and some form of acidic compound. The T3-Stuncharge is normally used by the police for crowed control which made it all the worse. Rian spent three days in hospital recovering from the electric damage and the severe burns caused by the acid. When he finally did get out a second assault occurred, one by the paparazzi, eager to leach a good story off him they hounded him until he managed to find sanctuary in the main office building.
Ship Collision
During the 9th of January 820 A.S. as Rian was flying home on his civilian fighter he came into a collision with another pilot. It is unknown who was at fault and so the case was not put before a court, nor was a fine issued, although it was an event which made the journalists turn their head. Worst of all the injury's due to the collision had resulted in much of the stitching and recovery, from the initial assault the previous month, had been damaged by the collision and so became undone resulting in a much greater cause of harm to Rian, which resulted in surgery.
The thing that burnt the most fierce with Rian was how helpless he was, he could not get back at the thugs.. all he could do in his current position would be to write them a strongly worded letter. Which, while useful in some scenarios, he felt would be ineffective in this case. He spent the next three months pondering over his choice, where or not to make a requisition for transfer to the Bretonia Intelligence Service.
Known Medical Conditions
Fume Poisoning
Due to the pollution caused by the Leeds factories, around his home at a young age, Rian's skin has ended up adapting in a form that makes his skin a much lighter colour, often causing him appear pale, as well as this colour variation due to this his condition his skin is less able to absorb light as standard skin.
Known Relations
Dylan Cowan
Relation: Father
Status: Alive, age 47
Employment: Planetform, Project Manager
Elizabeth Cowan
Relation: Mother
Status: Alive, age 44
Employment: Financial advisor (Self Employed)
Shae Cowan
Relation: Sister (Twin)
Status: (Presumed) Alive, age 23
Employment: Gaian Activist
Rian's views on diplomacy:
“Diplomacy is like a pack of domino's, if you push one the wrong way you'll disrupt the whole set.”
Rian, while an Assistant Manager, explaining the importance of procedure to a new intern:
“Trust me, one form organised in the wrong way, at the wrong time, can do more damage than any gun ever will.”