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Adrienne Perry

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Adrienne Perry
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Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Occupation Intelligence Officer
Affiliation =LSF=
Period of Service 817 A.S. - 818 A.S., 819 A.S. - Current
Rank Director of Tactical Operations, Colonel
Born August 22nd, 783 A.S., Planet Los Angeles (36 years old)
Colonel Adrienne Perry is the Director of Tactical Operations in the =LSF=. She went missing in 818 A.S. amidst rumours that she was about to become a whistleblower and release sensitive files to the public. These rumours were denounced by the Liberty Security Force who maintained they were actively investigating her disappearance. She eventually managed to escape from a Gallic prison and contact the LSF for an extraction. Upon returning to Liberty, she spent two months sharing intelligence and going through psychological, trauma and physical examinations before being reinstated for active service. She is currently the LSF's foremost expert on Gallia.


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Perry being approached by the LSF for her recruitment.
Adrienne Perry was born on Planet Los Angeles in August 22nd, 783 A.S.. She was born into a wealthy and conservative family and her father maintained shares in "The big Three' Liberty companies as well as LPI. Once she graduated from high school, she obtained a B.A. majoring in political science and economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Afterwards, she went on to acquire a Masters Degree in Interstellar Relations/Strategic Studies from SAIS, John Hopkins University on Planet Manhattan.

After she completed her education, she began working for the Brookings Institution, a think tank specialising in interstellar affairs. She worked there for 9 years and married her colleague Gordon Carrington on February 27th, 808 A.S.. They had one child together, a son, named Logan, born on November 23rd, 809 A.S.. They divorced in May 17th, 817 A.S., citing irreconcilable differences. Gordon retained custody of their child Logan after the divorce as Perry felt her workaholic nature and future ambitions would not fit well to raise her son. She then used connections to enter the Liberty Security Force and received field agent training afterwards.

Mid way through 818 A.S., Adrienne Perry suddenly disappeared. The =LSF= launched an investigation but her whereabouts but she was never found. Norman O'Connor took over her position as the new Adviser of Special Operations.

Operation Century

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Maquis forces breaking Perry out of the prison.

In late 819, Adrienne Perry was able to escape a prison facility from Planet Le Mans in the Maine System (inside Gallia) after several bombs went off inside the facility. The Maquis had placed those bombs and successfully staged a prison break. After escaping the facility, Perry immediately contacted the =LSF= to arrange her extraction from Gallia. Due to the psychological torture she went through, it was difficult for her to communicate or be aware of her surroundings for several weeks.

The =LSF= began planning Operation Century to rescue Adrienne Perry. One squadron of LSF pilots were to create a diversion by launching an attack at La Ferte-Bernard while another squadron would rendezvous with Perry at Evron Base and sneak her out of Gallia. Freelancers Carolatte Champagne and Rose Chartermen had been hired to to scout out La Ferte-Bernard and its defences so that the LSF can determine which assets were needed. Their information came in useful though Carol Champagne was shot down and imprisoned by Gallic forces.

The operation was a success as Alpha Squadron managed to destroy all resistance before enemy reinforcements could show up at La Ferte-Bernard. Meanwhile Bravo Squadron was separated during the flight to Gallia as they have to evade several enemy patrols, though they were able to regroup at Evron Base. The two squadrons were able to regroup in the Anjou system and continued on, with a third squadron at the Orkney system acting as a reinforcement. Two GRN battleships attempted to block the route at the orkney system but the =LSF= units were able to evade them. The rest of the journey went by uneventfully. When Perry reached back to Manhattan, Director Welch of the RDA division arranged for her to meet her son, Logan, before asking her to continue on with debriefing and intelligence sharing.

Aftermath and Information Sharing

After reaching back to Liberty, Adrienne Perry was discovered to have had an addiction to the gallic drug known as Nox. Over the next 2 months, Perry, with the help of the LSF, was able to control and get rid of her addiction to nox although it took a severe toll on her. She also received further medical attention upon arrival at Liberty due to having undergone interrogation and torture by Gallic forces for almost 2 years. She claimed the Gallic intelligence had employed Chinese water torture, water-boarding and other psychological and physical torture techniques in order to get her to speak. She remained quiet for two years. She mentioned that whenever she thought of suicide, thinking of her son stopped her from doing so. Although she was in prison for almost 2 years, Perry still managed to collect some information regarding the GRN. This information was shared with the Liberty Security Force and has been classified at the Top Secret level and is being shared on a need-to-know basis.

Director of Tactical Operations

After Executive Director Joseph Dawson stepped down as the head of the =LSF= in late 819, Major Elijah Brand was promoted to the rank of Colonel and was selected by the President to become the new Director of the =LSF=. Congress approved his nomination for the head of the Liberty Security Force a few days later. This left the position of of Director of Tactical Operations open and Director Brand appointed Colonel Perry to become the new Director of TacOps. Like her predecessor, she pledged to take active part in operations alongside her agents while balancing the bureaucratic responsibilities that came along with the position.


Adrienne Perry is known to be very mature and considers former Associate Director Julia Wolfe as her role model in the =LSF=. She is inspired by her, but does not share the same hostile qualities Miss Wolfe employs. She rarely displays any negative emotions, often replacing them with indifferent ones. She is also known to be difficult to please, and is also a chronic workaholic. She does not view her workaholism as a problem stating that she enjoys what she does and has no regrets (despite her family's disapproval). She still sees her former husbands and maintains a healthy friendship with him. Rather than regretting marrying him, she feels she has cherished the time spent with him, although she has no more feelings for him. He does however criticise her from time to time for not spending enough time with their son. She mostly ignores his comments though privately she knows he is telling the truth. Since her rescue from Gallia, she has begun to spend more time with her son, Logan, as the thought of him kept her from suicide while she was imprisoned there. Her attitude has changed, she has become less trustful unless she knows those she works with. She visits a psychologist regularly, a secret she keeps from the =LSF= and her friends and family.

Characters of Stolt.