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ME-UH "Vache" Gallic Train
Ship Class
Built by
Technical information
0 / 7
Opt. weapon class
Max. weapon class
Other equipment
Hull strength
Max. shield class
Cargo space
4,250 units
Max. impulse speed
90 m/s
Max. thrust speed
150 m/s
Max. cruise speed
350 m/s
Power output
60,000 u
Power recharge
5,000 u/s
Additional information
Ship price
Package price
DSCore: Vache
As the territories of Gallia, even when aided by the usurped gate technologies of her sister colonies, continued to sprawl the need to move vast stores of precious resources from crop world to industrial, from smeltery to shipyard, grew ever more pressing. The simple core vessel, transporting a series of modular pods easily configured for the task at hand, quickly became the core staple of insterstellar house commerce.
While the divide has strained the easy acquisition of this vessel for some captains working to support Council efforts, the time honored pre-launch cry of "Fetchez La Vache" remains common in every port of Gallia.
- This ship is too large to use docking bays, it must use mooring points.
[show]Outdated Review (4.86)
Review (4.86)
Date: 24th of Jan, 2012.
The Vache is probably one of the best transports I have ever used. Why? For several reasons. I bought it for 80 mill, an exceptional price for a big train. Compared to the other transports around, its about 50 mill cheaper. Because its a train, its resistant to small cruise disrupters, but not only that, it also has a Countermeasure dropper AND a cruise disrupter. Granted, the cruiser disrupter doesn't sound very useful for a ship like the Vache, but its another cool extra. It has a nice amount of cargo capacity in it, great for making big profits. However, nothing is perfect.
The Vache has some drawbacks that can be a little to very annoying. It's armour is weaker compared to the more expensive transports. The Vache can't fire many weapons behind its fat @$$, so that can become a bit of a problem if fighters are all over you, and it doesn't have as many weapons as other transports around its cargo capacity, which seems to balances out the Vache's lower powercore. Although it isn't very wide or tall, its a very long ship, making for a nice big target. Like most transports around it's size, the Vache is far from agile. (If you're looking for agility in a Gallic transport get the L'Ane) Its cruise (like other transports it's size) is slow to charge. One last annoyce about this ship is the location to get it. Getting into Gallia can be annoying, and getting out of Gallia in this ship can be a downright pain. However, compared to other transports, this seems to be one of the best choices for the low budget trader. In the end, you'll still probably like this ship, while at the same time hating it. Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by Silverleaf81
Purchase Includes
[show]Spoiler: Buying Locations