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This is a rough first attempt.
Class 5 turrets are a vital part of the progression from a Starflier ship up to Transport class ships, the latter of which all tend to use Class 7 turrets. There are no Class 6 guns or turrets in the game.
Class 5 turrets are a vital part of the progression from a Starflier ship up to Transport class ships, the latter of which all tend to use Class 7 turrets.
There are no Class 6 guns or turrets in the game.
The biggest user of Class 5 weapons are freighters. They are especially needed on ships like the Camara, which is a very popular and capable freighter.
The biggest user of Class 5 weapons are freighters. They are especially needed on ships like the Camara, which is a very popular and capable freighter.
In order of most desirable, the following are the Class 5 turrets available in the game :-
'''*To be removed once they are actually IN the list'''
*Skyblast B (Sigma 13)
Three top :-
*Tizona Del Cid (Omega 5)
*Salamanca (Omicron Gamma)
Skyblast B (available from Gas Miner Naha base in Sigma 13)
*Vengeance (generally available in Liberty and Breton space somewhere)
Tizona Del Cid (available from Cadiz base in Omega 5)
*Disinfector (generally available in Breton and Rheinland space somewhere)
Salamanca (available fom Planet Crete in Omicron Gamma)
*Hornviper (Stuttgart system)
Vengeance (generally available in Liberty and Breton space somewhere)
*Advanced Dissolver (Cambridge system)
Disinfector (generally available in Breton and Rheinland space somewhere)
*Firekiss (Stuttgart system)
*Skyblast A (Honshu system)
Note that the three top ones above are hard to obtain because they tend to be in bases whose interests are hostile to most of Liberty, Breton and Rheinland. However, unless you shoot indiscriminately, Gas Miner Naha should be moderately within a new players reach. Of course, another way is to shoot all the police craft and go straight to Crete or Cadiz, assuming you survive the journey and have enough cash.
*Wildfire Class 3 ()
*Fury Class 3 ()
If you do not find the three above, you can try for these turrets which are less than Class 5 but are quite capable substitutes :-
*Vengeance Class 3 (Texas)
Hornviper (Ulm Border Station, Stuttgart system)
Advanced Dissolver (Planet Cambridge, Cambridge system)
Firekiss (Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart system)
Skyblast A (Aomori Station, Honshu system)
Wildfire Class 3 (Freeport 4)
Fury Class 3 (Freeport 4)
Vengeance Class 3 (Planet Houston in Texas)
==List of Class 5 Turrets==
==List of Class 5 Turrets==

Revision as of 23:05, 29 September 2008

Class 5 turrets are a vital part of the progression from a Starflier ship up to Transport class ships, the latter of which all tend to use Class 7 turrets. There are no Class 6 guns or turrets in the game.

The biggest user of Class 5 weapons are freighters. They are especially needed on ships like the Camara, which is a very popular and capable freighter.

*To be removed once they are actually IN the list

  • Skyblast B (Sigma 13)
  • Tizona Del Cid (Omega 5)
  • Salamanca (Omicron Gamma)
  • Vengeance (generally available in Liberty and Breton space somewhere)
  • Disinfector (generally available in Breton and Rheinland space somewhere)
  • Hornviper (Stuttgart system)
  • Advanced Dissolver (Cambridge system)
  • Firekiss (Stuttgart system)
  • Skyblast A (Honshu system)
  • Wildfire Class 3 ()
  • Fury Class 3 ()
  • Vengeance Class 3 (Texas)

List of Class 5 Turrets

Name Faction Type Hull Shield Refire Range Speed Energy Shield +Dmg Shield -Dmg Price